Saturday, December 10, 2011

Daily Nugget: 10-Dec-2011

Sometimes we all have to go Out On A Limb to prove a point. Just like a tree, that doesn't mean we should ever uproot our self. But, at times it is necessary to stretch yourself as far as you can to do things that you feel compelled to do. I am a huge proponent of helping others, but just like that Limb, it has an end. You don't want to find yourself reaching the very end point and risking falling off, just to do certain things. Now, don't get me wrong. Some instances and people require you taking a risk for. But, make sure the risk and the reward are equal. There is nothing worse than feeling like you put your neck on the line and you got nothing in return. Thus, I write today to encourage you all to take chances, take risks and do things that make you uncomfortable. As long as you aren't hurting yourself or others, you may be surprised with the end result. 

~Take care of yourself and others~

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