Saturday, April 30, 2011

That's My Joint: Rej3ctz - Cat Daddy Ft. Chris Brown


Hate If You Like; The Kid Got Talent & Swag


Casualties=300(+): Get Your Life Right!


Ms. Pollen, It's Just Not Working Out


Dear Ms. Pollen:

I don't know how to tell you this, so I'm just going to say it. I mean, I have the utmost respect for you Ms. Pollen, but you and I can no longer occupy the same space. We are too different. It's Just Not Working Out. I am not trying to hurt you, but when we are around each other you make me un-comfy. No, it's not nervousness or anything, but I can't control my sneezing, sniffling, and you drive my sinuses haywire. I know it's not personal, but It's Just Not Working Out.

Ms. Pollen, I do appreciate you and I wish you all the best life has to offer. But, I can no longer subject myself to this punishment. It's not just fair for either of us. When you are around you make my mouth dry & eyes water---I am a boy Damon! That's not suppose to happen. No one should be making me cry, itch and need to pop a pill every time I am near them. Does that make sense to you? Do you think you deserve that? I know I don't. Someone, somewhere, would love to embrace the things you do to me. Thus, I believe you are better off without me. Ms. Pollen, this hurts me more than it will hurt you but---It's Just Not Working Out. From henceforth, I will be avoiding you at all cost. Don't be offended, it's not you, it's me.

Well Wishes,

Mr. Pollen-Less

Friday, April 29, 2011

FlashBack: D.J. Jubilee - Get Ready, Ready


SpotLight: Sissy Nobbie - Gitty Up

Sissy Nobbie America, America Meet Sissy Nobbie

SpotLight: Fly Boy Keno - Lay It Down (remix)

New Orleans Bounce, Meet America, America Meet N.O. Bounce



When I mention the word Drive, I am not referring to the gear in your car that makes it go forward, nor am I referring to the action that your car takes once you put it in Drive. I am talking about a special type of Drive. The Drive I am speaking of is that thing inside of you that motivates you to leap tall buildings, weather major storms/catastrophes, and/or keep going when everyone else quits hours ago. That type of Drive is something that moves us to pursue those things we feel to be important or obtain our goals and aspirations.

It is my belief that everyone has a level of Drive. Rather it's just enough to make you do things you wouldn't do under any other circumstances just to meet ends meet or it gets you to preserver when quitting would be an easier option; it's Drive nonetheless. I am most excited to be in the presence of Driven people, because they make you step your game up. Individuals with Drive has a way of inspiring others to do more and not only just do more, but do things you may not have ever considered. If you haven't met your Drive or you haven't seen your Drive lately, I encourage you to find it quickly. If you have no Drive, just like the car you will be stuck not moving anywhere at all. And you all know, stagnation---that's just not the business.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Speechless: Look At Me Now Cover - Karmin Music


Wow!!!! 6 Foot 7 Foot Cover - Karmin Music


SpotLight: Jay Park- Abandoned


I Have No Idea What He Is Saying, But It's Cool

Ignorance Is Bliss....Not!


I am so tired of people making all types of excuses for Ignorance. People do things to make others look bad or say stuff out loud that should only be said in one's mind. And they get a pass in the s0-called spirit of Ignorance. Sadly, people see others doing Ignorant things and give them a pass or don't speak a word of corrective action to them. Worse, Ignorance has become an acceptable behavior. Rappers, not to be mistaken for Real Hip Hop artists, are the most famous culprits of bringing Ignorance to the world, were kids can package it, view it, practice it, purchase it, and/or pretend to live it.

But it's okay right? Its not that big of a deal is it? I mean it's not really hurting anyone is it? Because, as the saying goes, Ignorance Is Bliss Right?...Not! I couldn't disagree more. Even uneducated people are smart enough to know when they are being Ignorant. The media has exploited coonery, buffoonery and plain ol'e Ignorance for their benefit. To no one's surprise, the idiots who pose in front of the camera, embarrassing their family and setting their race back another 40 years aren't Ignorant at all. Actually, most of them are well educated and very articulate; even if they didn't complete high school. Ignorance Is Bliss is often misused. Ignorance Is Not Bliss, because there are so many outlets in this world to assist so-called Ignorant people with gaining an education and knowledge. Ignorance may be a lot of things, but Bliss Is Not one of them.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

K Hart Is Crrraazzyyyy; LOL!


That's My Joint: Jeffery Lewis's -"Cause I love you"


Progressive People Move Progressively


So, I have been having the most interesting conversations with the people around me lately. I am on this new kick about Progression. It is my belief that People generally don't Progress in this life as they should because they don't Move Progressively. What I mean is this: if you are constantly dealing with issues of yesterday, then how can you say that you are Moving actively towards tomorrow, or even dealing with today for that matter. Progressive People Move Progressively.

These types of individuals only tend to involve themselves in activities or situations that speak to or bring about a certain level of Progression. Progressive People attempt to avoid stagnation or regression at all cost. Honestly, I don't blame them. Instead of spending so much time focusing on the things you don't have, you lost or wish you could get back---let it go. Focus on and be thankful for the things you do have. Be Progressive and Move forward, so you can assure you and your loved ones have a bigger, better and brighter future than the one we even expect for ourselves.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

At least The Guys Tried To Break It Up, Instead Of Laughing


Coming Home - Boyce Avenue & DeStorm Cover


Sir, Next Time Just Avoid The Rail


The Open Door Policy


Have you ever heard of The Open Door Policy? Just in case you haven't, I will let you know a little about it. The Open Door Policy is usually a practice that managers, supervisors and other leaders use that give their staff members and/or co-workers an opportunity to visit them or speak with them in their office at any time. As a follower and a leader at times, it is very important for individuals to have a place or forum to discuss any issues or problems they may have or add their suggestions/input. The Open Door Policy, if enacted correctly, can provide an opportunity to allow all individuals to feel a part of the collective.

I write today about The Open Door Policy because I have yet to understand how people say they have an Open Door Policy, but they always keep their Doors Closed. There is something uninviting about telling others they can visit you at any time, but not only is your Door Closed, but they have to successfully maneuver through 4 secretaries, 3 assistants, and several other staffers just to get to your area. Thus, I write to encourage all of you who state publicly or privately that you have An Open Door Policy, please be reminded that you must Open The Door and make yourself accessible to those who may need you. Thanks for your time and attention.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Ostrich - Kevin Hart


How Cute...


Human Ostriches


Leave it up to me to classify a whole group of people or coin a new term. Today, I am developing another name for a certain group of people. I shall call them Human Ostriches. Now I know that may sound weird, but let me explain. Human Ostriches are people who tend to bury their head in the sand to avoid interaction and/or conflict. These people choose not to be involved in anything at all. Instead of standing up for what's right or seeking social justice, Human Ostriches just lean over and bury that head deep in the ground.

No matter what the circumstances are, Human Ostriches don't want to be a part of it. While I understand they don't want to be involved in any drama or anyone else's business, these people go to the extreme. There is a point in all our lives where we have to speak up on someone else's behalf besides our own. Human Ostriches can see someone getting beat up, robbed, picked on, disrespected, abused, shot, jumped and/or misused and their response ---they rare back that head and shove it deep into the soil with the quickness. It's just crazy how Human Ostriches have perfected their craft of ignoring everything in their vicinity, but what they have going on. I am not hating on them. I am just saying, "sometimes you have to say/do something."

However, on today, I salute you my Human Ostriches. There is no other species out there like you. It is my hopes that one day you will get tired of your mouth tasting like dirt. At that point, you will prove to us all that you are more than just an awkward bird, that has no brain or opinion. I anxiously await that day.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Have I got a treat for you guys today. It's a quadruple FAIL!

Testosterone FAIL
Courage FAIL
Lip Sync FAIL
Style FAIL

SomeThing About That Name - Rance Allen ft. Kirk Franklin


An Easter Of Happyness


I am not too big on Easter bunnies and golden eggs, but I know like Santa its all for the babies. As an adult though, we all must learn to separate fact from fiction. Today, I write to wish you all An Easter Of Happyness. As I woke up this morning, I thought to myself, "How Blessed Are We." There are so many people suffering world-wide and while we may have our own personal trials and tribulations, there is someone, somewhere, who has it ten times worse. Life is usually put into perspective when we suffer a lost. It is my hope that on this Easter you will reflect on where you have been and focus on where you are going. HE died for our ungrateful souls. Thus, it is imperative that we at least act like it matters and try to do something with our life for the greater good. I pray for An Easter Of Happyness for you and yours and that both you and I are Blessed to see countless more.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

You Know What; They Need Their A$$ Whooped!!!


Bron Surprised Himself


FlashBack: Planet Rock - Afrika Bambaataa




OMG! One doesn't know how good something is until they have to go without it. I would rob a couple banks, maim a zoo full of wild animals, and decapitate a midget for a cool refreshing bottle of H2O right now. I have never understood how great I had it, until I went to grab a fresh bottle of H2O and nada, nothing, not even an empty one to stare at in envy. H2O is one of those important things in this life, and we all need it to survive. We know H2O has to be important, it was one of the first things THE MAN UPSTAIRS created.

I am exaggerating a bit regarding the things I will do to get a bottle of H2O. Don't judge me; you don't know my struggle. I would jump in my car and go and get a case of H2O right now, but I am so dehydrated, I can't move. Somebody help me! In a minute, I am going to hop in the shower and pretend like I am diving in a pool of Aquafina H2O. Pray for me, and my dry mouth please.

~Drama King

Friday, April 22, 2011

FlashBack: Hot Stepper - Ini Kamoze


Boredom Is Definitely A Form Of Cocaine; SMDH


PriceLess: Steve Nash Meets Nicki's A$$


On To The Next One - Jay-Z ft. Swizz Beats


On To The Next One


Some of us get too attached to persons, places and/or things too easily. Thus, when we lose someone, have to move and/or misplace things we are shattered emotionally and mentally. I too use to be just like you. But over time, I figured out that learning to detach from those things that you normally attach to, makes living this life a little easier. It's really a part of the circle of life. You win some, you lose some, but in the immortal words of Jay-Z just move, "On To The Next One."

Now, I know that is way easier said then done. Especially when you have given your love to someone for years, you have become a vital part of your community, and/or that item you own has helped you through the roughest of patches. But, you will make it; I promise. The GOOD BOOK says, "the LORD giveth, and the LORD taketh away." That person, place and/or thing, may have served its purpose in your life and now it is time for you to let go and move, On To The Next One. I don't know your specific situation, but we all have some people that we wish could live forever, places we wish we could stay forever, and/or things we hope we will never lose or will go out of style. But, the reality of the matter is, most of the afore will happen. So, I write to strongly suggest you began preparing yourself for what shall ultimately come anyway. In this life, nothing is promised but NO ONE WILL MAKE IT OUT ALIVE. Focus on the things you can do to make your world and the world at-large a better place. Know, when its time to let go, let go, and move---On To The Next One. Who knows, The Next One just might be The One.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cavity Alert!!!

(Click on pic for actual size)

Ninjas!!! McDonald's Hiring Day Ruined


See, All Cops Aren't Bad; Just Most Of Them


Sadly, This is Better Than Most Rap Today


Effective Communication Skills From The President




I cannot express to you all how important Communication is. I am not referring to someone talking and talking, and talking. I am referring to someone saying something of quality that adds to the knowledge base of a situation or conversation. Communication is the only way we can articulate our needs/wants. Rather it be verbal, written or in another form, it is imperative that we learn not only to Communicate, but Communicate effectively.

Communication makes the world go round and the days continue. We all need to constantly work to improve our Communication. Just because we think that people understand or hear us when we talk, doesn't mean they are listening. We have to be sure that our Communication is flowing effectively from the sender to the receiver. But it has to be in a manner in which the receiver can actually comprehend what you are trying to Communicate to them. I am diligently working on my Communication style and methods. I want to make sure, in every instance possible, that I am not talking at people, but my Communication is actually in the form where we are speaking together. Today, you should take some time to think about your Communication too. If you can't Communicate, you won't ever make your intended contribution to this world we all live in. That would make you a waste of flesh.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

That's Mr. President To You Sir!


What's In My Bag? - Mos Def




Your Perception Is Your Reality


What is do ya'll? It is my hopes that this post finds you in the very best of health and spirits. I write today to talk to you about Your Perception. Perception is one of those things we all have, like emotions and feelings. What we Perceive of situations is generally how we internalize the experiences we endure. But, I must remind you of something of mass importance: Your Perception Is Your Reality.....ONLY!

What you believe it may be, may not be the case at all. Thus, you need to seek clarity on situations, or something to support Your Perception. Oftentimes, how we see things to us is Our Reality, but that doesn't mean its true in every case. We all have to be careful not to jump to conclusions and/or ASS-umptions about situations we Perceive to be one thing, before we really take the time to find out if it is what it seemed to be. While Your Perception Is Your Reality, that doesn't ever mean that in all instances it is right or correct. I encourage each of you to be more diligent in your pursuit of the truth. If you truly Perceive someone is doing this, or something is like that, then take a little extra time to make sure that it's really happening, because Your Perception Is Your Reality, and nobody has access to Your Reality, but You.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011



PriceLess: Get Fouled, Punch Your Teammate


Questlove - What's In My Bag?


SpotLight: Tinie Tempah - Disturbing L.A.


FlashBack: Can't Tell Me Nothing -Kanye West


The Can't Tell Me Nothings


Today is one of those "Grinds My Gears" post. I am indeed aggravated by a certain sect/group of people. These individuals get on my nerves to no end. I without a shadow of a doubt am most annoyed by people who Know-It-All otherwise none as, The Can't Tell Me Nothings.

Yes, I have coined a term for this individuals. While they may be human or what not, as a collective I refer to them exclusively as, The Can't Tell Me Nothings. They are a special collective of people, who know Everything about Everything. No matter what the subject is they have vast experience/knowledge regarding it. No matter what they are doing, it is always the right way. We are so honored to have The Can't Tell Me Nothings on this earth. Some of them are you, your boss, your family members, and/or close friends. The Can't Tell Me Nothings can be found any and everywhere. They have a knack for contributing to every conversation or situation whether solicited or not. It is my hopes that you are not a part of The Can't Tell Me Nothings. If you are, get help and get help soon. Our association and your membership in the WoodWorkz Nation depends on it.

Let Me Tell You Something, Mr./Mrs. Can't Tell Me Nothing ---you really aren't that smart, because people who think they Know-It-All, really don't know 'ish! Learned people, never stop learning.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Please Keep NC In Your Prayers


Anything Is Possible


I want to let you in on one of my best kept secrets, Anything Is Possible. Anything Is Possible with hard work and persistence. Nothing is impossible when you put your mind, focus, and perseverance together. Anything Is Possible, and I do mean Anything. If you dream big and think bigger, Anything Is Possible. We all seem to have invisible limitations on our life, but Anything Is Possible. Most will tell you that some things just can't be done, but if you believe you can do it, then you should aim for it; Anything Is Possible. Don't let your doubts, fears, and/or naysayers keep you from obtaining your Possible Anything.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Nah, DJ, Nicki really handles KIm here.....


The Real Track slated to release this summer, but if she's off to this sort of start..... LIl kim (you the original) but guard ya grill!!!!

A Classik: Moving- Starring Richard Pryor




Whelp! Today is the beginning of another transitional period in the life and pursuit of the one and only Dr. FuQua'. I am again, relocating/Moving. Moving is both a sad and momentous occasion for me. Moving is sad for me because all the significant accomplishments and memories at Club 8446 will remain inside those walls. Moving is momentous to me because it signifies a shift/progression forward.

Moving represents another step toward my future/Destiny. I am not moved by Moving, in the sense that I am attached to the material home, but I do appreciate this place for keeping me safe during my tenor here. But, as in life, all good things must come to an end. Thus, your boy is Moving. I am not so sure what is next or where I will end up, but I walk By Faith & Not By Sight. Wish me luck. Scratch that, just keep me in your Prayers.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Poor Table


Rick Ross - Cocaine Muzik Ft. Yo Gotti & Jeezy


Weekend Warriors


This post today is strictly for my Weekend Warriors. Those of you who work hard as you can from Monday-Friday, but on theWeekends you have a plethora of activities: hanging out with your peoples, smoking the best, party like its 1999 and/or drink until you know it's going to hurt the next day. My Weekend Warriors literally appreciate the significance of the term T.G.I.F. (Thank God It's Friday.) As a matter of fact, their Weekend starts at the end of business on Thursday. Today, I offer up a toast to my Weekend Warriors. They live every moment of the Weekend like it was their last. If only all of us had the courage to do the same, the world would be a constant fiesta.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Gotta Love Wally World; SMDH!


Your World


Look around you at this very moment. Tell me what you see. The environment you find yourself in right now is the inner workings of what is Your World. Each person, place, and/or thing you experience is all a part of Your World. Experiences you go through and challenges you have to overcome, make Your World what is it is. The significance of it being Your World, means that you should determine what goes on in it and what set your priorities. This is Your World, don't just live in it, make it work living in. You only get one shot, make it count.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Boredom Is Definitely A Form Of Cocaine; SMDH


100k For Your Thoughts; WOW!!!


Why I Write

Today, I wanted to take a moment to tell you all a little bit about me. Everyday I Write these postings and I am unsure who reads them or if they get read at all. But in my mind, it is relevant that I continue to Write. Someone asked me most recently, why am I so passionate about this blog? Then they went on to compliment me on the fact that I am so persistent and dedicated to WoodWorkz. I am not sure if I truly answered their inquiry, but I will try to answer it now. I shall call it Why I Write.

Why I Write
I Write because when I talk, I am unsure if anyone listens
I Write because sometimes the things I mean to say, come out all wrong
I Write because my gift of oration, is also, my curse for language
I Write because I have been through a few things in this life, I would like to share
I Write because this world is built on words and actions
I Write because I meet other people along the road who have experiences you have to hear
I Write because I can't always verbally reach out to each of you
I Write because it's my hopes that someone gains from my topics
I Write because it is therapeutic and it helps relieve/avoid the stressors of life
I Write, not because I have to, but because I feel a need to
I Write because I hope my words will start a revolution of change
I Write because words are powerful and if used correctly, they can build others up
I Write so you all know, not matter what, I will give you words of encouragement
I Write because even when I'm gone, my words can live-on forever.....
(To Be Continued)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

That 1st Steps A Duzzy; LOL!!!


Positive Reinforcement


Every now and then some of us need a little Positive Reinforcement. We all need someone to let us know that we are doing a good job. Positive Reinforcement may come in the form of words of encouragement, items of appreciation or simple acts to let people know you think they are somebody.

Positive Reinforcement is one of those things that doesn't have to cost at all. But, it indeed can be invaluable to those who receive it. I know one of the best things that can happen to people is to know that they are appreciated, valued, or a part of something. I only learned, most recently, that due to the fact that I have a high level of self-esteen, self-efficacy, and I don't care what people think; I don't always take the necessary measures to Reinforce Positively. Thus, I want all of you to be more cognizant of those around you. If it seems like someone isn't having a good day or they may be on the verge of quitting, pull them to the side; draft a nice e-mail; take them out to lunch; or simply take a moment to let them know they matter and they are doing a great job. It won't hurt you; I promise. You can change/save a life in one instance.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Somethings You Should Never Wear 2; SMDH!


Somethings You Should Never Wear; SMDH!


Everybody Can't Wear Everything



This is a public service announcement, brought to you by your neighborhood Fashion Colonel. Now, I know that some of you won't agree with this piece, but that is perfectly fine and dandy. I write today to let you all know that as the sun begins to beam, the clothes for some people seem to find themselves shorter, invisible or just plain lost. In lamens terms, people Wear a lot less clothing when the heat is out. Now, that is fine, but some people take it way too far. Some people think the term "less is better" means show as much skin as possible. They push the limits, close enough to naked. Heck, it's considered naked in some places. But, there is one rule I want you all to remember: Everybody Can't Wear Everything.

I am all about people expressing themselves in any way they see fit. But I am no fan of people who go too far. Just because you like it or you can afford it, doesn't mean you can Wear it. Additionally, just because you can squeeze your hams into it, doesn't mean you should Wear it either. I know you think it looks fine, but sir/ma'am you look like a h.a.m. (hot azz mess.) Anyone who cared anything about you or for you would say so too. So that means, since they didn't someone needs too. Everybody Can't Wear Everything. I don't have be butt for skinnies, like you don't have the butt for spandex. Well actually, you don't have the butt, thighs, legs, nothing. The only thing you should put in spandex is perhaps your feet, if they make those type of shoes. Trust, I am in no way trying to hate. I 'm not saying you can't be big and beautiful or small and gorgeous; but you have to keep this one thing in mind---Everybody Can't Wear Everything.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Nicki Responds...Let's Get It!!!


Okay Kim, We See You!!!


That's My Joint: My Sacrifice - Creed




Sacrifice. "Do you have any idea what that means?" I know some of you know very well about this thing called Sacrifice. Others of you have no idea. According to the Dictionary, Sacrifice is defined as: An act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded more important or worthy. Self explanatory to me. But, I know a lot about Sacrifice. Actually, Sacrifice is the story of my life.

I write you today to talk about Sacrifice, because an inordinate amount of people have been going through rough patches in this life. No matter how hard they try, something always seems to happen to make their efforts to succeed unsuccessful. But, I raise the question, "What are you willing to Sacrifice to get the outcome you feel you deserve?" In accordance with the definition, one has to give up something to get something. Oftentimes, people want a change to come in their life or things to go their way; the way they want it to happen. They don't want to give up nothing, not on iota. But, it don't happen like that captain! If you truly want a better tomorrow, or a better 5p for that matter, you are going to have to make a Sacrifice(s).

Sacrifice is one of those unselfish acts that dates all the way back to the Biblical days. Back then, they Sacrificed for GOD; just to get the things they needed to survive. Our ancestors were enslaved and Sacrificed for the freedoms we have today. I ask, "What are you willing to give up/ Sacrifice to change your life and make this world a better place?" If you have to think long and hard about it, scroll all the way back up and start reading again, because the idea of Sacrifice isn't even on your radar yet.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

SpotLight: LeBron James's Animated Serious "The LeBrons"


Thats My JOINT: Live Your Life - Rihanna ft. T.I. (LIVE)


Living Is A Part Of Life


The more I talk to people, the more I realize how everyone has a story. Some people in this Life have had it good, while others have struggled for every little thing. I mean some people have always had more than enough, while some still don't have enough and aren't sure if they every will. But one thing that both parties, the haves and the have nots, have in common is that they both have to continue Living until their time here on earth is done. In essence, Living Is A Part Of Life.

How you choose to Live your Life is your business. It may be vastly different from others, but regardless of your circumstances you have to Live. Daily I see people who just seem to have giving up on Living. They seem like they are just sitting around and waiting on their call "Home." Then you have others who push Living to the limit. They are climbing mountains, sky diving, vacationing everywhere, procreating in massive numbers, and/or completing each item on their bucket list one at a time. Some of them are extremist, but they are still Living. And Living Is A Part Of Life.

I can say in all honesty, that you are not Alive if you have yet to begin Living. For example, if you do the same thing all the time and have yet to try something different in your love life, with your career, or just the foods you eat; your aren't Living. Why be here if you aren't going to Live?! Living Is A Part Of Life. Live like there is no tomorrow. The worst thing that can happen, is your tomorrow won't come; but it ain't promised anyway.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Bill Cosby Says It Like It I.T. Is


I Would've Tasered His A$$ w- A Pepper Colored Belt!!!


This Is When Police Have Nothing Better To Do


Playing It Safe


If you never take chances in this life, you will never reach your true capacity. I mean, yes you may avoid numerous moments of anxiety and nervousness, but you maybe truly limiting yourself. There are so many things to do, and only so much time to do it in. Sometimes you need to step outside your comfort zone and stop Playing It Safe.

It is known that all of us would rather do things that make us feel Safe. Date/marry people who make us feel Safe; go out to places where we feel Safe; and spend our hard earned money on investments that are Safe. But those persons in life who take risks are those who really know what it is to live. It is ok to Play It Safe every once and a while, but other times you have to just "go with the flow" and see what happens. While I know that by Playing It Safe it's easier to anticipate the outcome, I also know that by not Playing It Safe, sometimes the outcome may be greater than you could've ever imagined. If you are going to be here on this earth, there is no need to hide in your shell like a turtle. Stick out that head, those arms, and them legs and stop Playing It Safe. Yes, Safety First, Safety Matters, and all that jazz, but Playing It Safe, may limit your options and opportunities. There is no need to keep breathing all our good oxygen and you ain't gonna do nothing with it anyway, except what you have always been doing for the past 10 years---Boring!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

I guess this is hip hop; it will probably go platinum too---SMDH




Expand Your Horizons: Distraction - Angels and Airwaves




There are certain things that will always be present in your life that will try to garner your attention or throw you off. I mean, whether you are driving, talking, texting, playing, exercising, or whatever, there will always be something or someone working towards being relevant at that very moment. It is one thing if you want that attention to be given, but it is another thing if you need to focus on that which you are currently engaged in. Those things that always seem to find a way in your path are called Distractions.

Distractions can be both good or bad, positive or negative. For instance, if you have been working day and night to complete this project, you have been stressed, oppressed, and depressed, and then walks in your little one, your puppy, or significant other. Immediately, you become Distracted, but that is a good thing, because their presence makes you forget all the negativity going on right now. Then you have bad Distractions. Those are things such as: haterz, debbie/don downers, negative, and evil people. Their soul purpose in this life is to make someone as unhappy with life as they are. But, you have to keep your eye on the prize.

The key to avoiding Distractions or embracing them, is having the ability to identify which ones you will tolerate and which ones you will not. If you feel a Distraction is bad or negative, end it immediately. Ignore it and move on. If you identify a Distraction is good or positive, embrace it, but don't let it linger around too long, you still have work to do. It's okay to be Distracted, but knowing the time and the place and what type of Distraction your prefer could very well make the difference in the experiences in have in this life.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Music: Kelly Rowland - Motivation ft. Lil Wayne


Take A Shot At It


What it do my WoodWorkz Family? Today, I promise not to keep you very long at all. Actually, that last line just made me think, "whenever people tell you they won't keep you long; we all know it is going to take forever." But not today! I am a man of my word. I write to let you all know that even though it seems like things may be out of reach or you don't think you stand a chance, Take A Shot At It.

How would one every know if they will be successful, if they never Take A Shot At It? I am not sure what "It" is for you, but I know for everyone "It" may be indeed something different."It" might be A Shot At: love, a new career, or just re-inventing yourself. Whatever your "It" may be, Take A Shot. The worse thing that could happen is you may miss. If that be the case, then you just aim again, and Take Another Shot. Heck, persistence is the key. If you Shoot enough, you are guaranteed to make it after while. Just be patient.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

SpotLight: Forever Begins - Common


Finding Forever


I have to thank the Brother Common for his contribution to music. He has an album which inspired the topic for today, Finding Forever. One thing about this life is we all are on a search. We are constantly searching to Find ourselves, to Find a career and to Find our Destiny. Sometimes these searches can be long, but in other cases they seem to take---Forever.

Finding Forever is a journey we all must take. Whether or not we complete this journey is based on how much hard work, persistence and effort we put into that which we are seeking. Finding Forever is very tough, and it has and will be one of the hardest and most difficult things one must face in this life. Forever isn't peaking its head out from up under a rock, or standing in plain sight; thus, one has to truly be dedicated to the pursuit of Forever. Forever is something unique and different for everyone. To be perfectly honest, I have yet to Find Forever and I am not sure if I ever will, but I will most certainly leave this earth trying.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It's That Time Again; Barack Obama For President!


Tyler Perry's Madea's Big Happy Family Coming Soon


New Music: Ghetto Angel- M H ft. Immature


Encourage Yourself


You know, I write you all faithfully everyday. I have no idea how large or small my audience is, but yet I continue to do what I feel is one of my callings--To Encourage Others. But this task is not one that doesn't come with some baggage to bare. It seems like the more I seek to be a positive light to you all, the more things enter my life in an effort to discourage me. But, even though they may get me down for a moment, I have to remind myself daily to Encourage Myself while Encouraging others.

I know that there are a number of things going on in your life, and no matter what you try to do to right your wrongs, things still seem to go sour. But, you can only do but so much before it is time to let the MAN UPSTAIRS intervene. I know for a fact that once you learn to Encourage Yourself, you will soon learn not to seek approval and Encouragement from others. Today, I ask you all to begin to Encourage Yourself. No one has to always be your coach, counselor, or advocate. Advocate, counsel, coach and most importantly, Encourage Your Own Self.

Monday, April 4, 2011

SpotLight: T Pain's Protege' - Tay Dizm


Church, Bike, Tricks; Why?!!!


Still A Classic: Lady- D'Angelo




So I have to raise this question with you all. What is Cute? I mean, what does it really mean when someone says to you that you are Cute? Or when they say what you are wearing is Cute? Cute to me is like for babies. When I think of the word Cute, it's almost like you aren't pretty enough/handsome enough to be fine, but you are just further enough from ugly. Thus you find yourself---Cute.

I am always troubled when people call me Cute. I know you may be thinking, "that's not such a bad problem to have." But, it does bother me a little. Not that I care what people think about how I look, but who wants to be Cute, or average for lack of better words? I think I know the answer to that---Ugly people. Nah, for real though, I don't think anyone is Ugly or Cute for that matter. I think behaviors, pets, and/or objects may be Cute, but not people.

The next time you think someone or something is Cute, ask yourself, "is it really?" "Am I just saying s/he or it is Cute just to be nice?" If you have to think about it in depth, nine times out of ten, Cute is not the word you meant. Baby bottoms are Cute for goodness sakes. Who wants their looks to be compared to an undeveloped A$$?!!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happy B-Lated B-Day To You Mr. Gaye! 1 of The Greatest...


The Things People Do; SMH


New Music: Beautiful People -Chris Brown feat. Benny Benassi


Back At One- Brian McKnight


Back At One


I was running through my I-Tunes library the other day, and I came across an old Brian McKnight album. One of the realest songs he ever made was a song called "Back At One". I don't know if you all have heard it, but basically the song expresses how as we go through things, relationships and life, just when we think things are getting better, we find ourselves starting all over again or Back At One.

Let me be clear: "There is nothing wrong with starting over." However, we all must decide at some point that we are through being Back At One. We have to really make a decision that this time or that is going to be our last try/attempt. I have recently learned that if you did everything you could and put in everything you had, then you can never be a failure. Thus, if you have given s/he, it, that, them, etc. the best of you and still you find yourself, Back At One, then perhaps it is time to move on. I am not naive, and I do understand that this is easier said than done. But if you spend your entire life Back At One, then you will never progress and who knows what you may be missing.

One shouldn't fear starting over. I mean at some point we all have to make that journey Back To One. But, it is up to us to decide how many times we want to be Back At One. For me, one is okay, but the 2nd times the charm. If I go a third round, then it must be something of uber importance. Know this, the more time you spend Back At One, the less time you spend pursuing that which is Destined for you in this life. So break that cycle today! Make a decision not to be comfortable Back At One. Heck Two, Three, even Four, might be exactly what you been missing all along!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Whyte People. But, I Don't Do Cats Either.


Yes, Its Back! The 1st One Was Such A Classic.


Technology Is Going To Take Over The World


Plan B


The old adage says, "Those who fail to Plan, Plan to fail." Through my little over three decades on this earth, I have seen that to be true, time and time again. However, I have to add on caveat to that. "Those who fail to have a Plan A & B, Plan to fail in the first place."

In all you do, it is very important to have a Plan. But, not only should you have a Plan, you should have a Backup Plan too, commonly referred to as Plan B. Thus, when things seem to be falling through the cracks during the execution of Plan A, you can quickly began to put things together again, by activating Plan B. Backup Planning helps you anticipate things that may or may not happen. Plan B only has to go in effect if the negative things you expected to happen while in the Plan A phase, happen. Through trials, oftentimes, one may realize, that Plan B, should've been Plan A after all. But that's exactly why it was Plan B in the first place. Without a Plan B you can't really evaluate Plan A. With no Plan B, no matter what happens, you will be forced to stick with Plan A, until the wheels fall off.

Listen up. Don't ever find yourself needing a Plan B and not having one. It's like entering into a room that only has one way in and one way out. If something happens to the entry/exit, you are "up a creek, without a paddle." As it goes, "It is better to have and not need, then to need and not have. If you are a Planner and you already have your hours, days, weeks, months and years mapped out. Go back and give it one quick review. Anticipate any issues you may have or changes that need to be made. Use that to develop your Backup, or what I call, Plan B. To the rest of use, just remember one, no matter where you are, is always greater than two. Thus, Plan A must be accompanied by Plan B too.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Alcohol is One Hell-A-Vuh Drug! Get It Together Mike...


ATL+China+Grand Hustle= Crown J


This Is How We Act; No Wonder We Dying....


This Should Make Your Day; Gotta Love Smart People!!!


No Babies Allowed...


What You Waiting For ? - Gwen Stefani


What Are You Waiting For?


What Are You Waiting For? Don't look around. I am talking to you. Yes, you; the one who is reading this at this very moment. What Are You Waiting For? While you are sitting/standing around Waiting, things are going on outside and you're getting left out/behind. I know you are unsure of what to do next, but for goodness sakes, "Do Something!" What Are You Waiting For?

~S/he can't help who they are. They are always going to be exactly what you see. What Are You Waiting For? No matter what you do, or how hard you try, you can't change them. Only time and a decision on their behalf will influence them to change.

~You have been working there for awhile now. You still can't stand your co-workers and boss; they probably don't like you very much either. What Are You Waiting For? Either you make a move to find a career, and not a job, or termination will find you in the near, not so distant future.

~Aren't you tired of crying yourself to sleep at night? I mean, s/he did you wrong. Life hasn't been fair to you. Yes, you are a good person and you deserve way better then the cards you have been dealt. But, What Are You Waiting For? Everything you go through in this life happens for a reason. While you may not be able to do a thing about your past, presently, you can change your future. Wipe your eyes, pick up your head and don't let tomorrow pass you by.

There is absolutely no reason any of you should waist another second of your life Waiting. You have way too much to do before your time is up on this Earth. What Are You Waiting For? This is your life, not the life of your spouse, friends, family or your haters. So why do you care so much about what they have to say? What Are You Waiting For? No matter what you do, you will never please everyone. So make today, "YOUR DAY," and learn how to please yourself. I don't know What You Are Waiting For. No one else will ever give you what you deserve, if you can't give it to yourself. What You Are Waiting For is already in your possession. Use it or Lose It.