Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Positive Reinforcement


Every now and then some of us need a little Positive Reinforcement. We all need someone to let us know that we are doing a good job. Positive Reinforcement may come in the form of words of encouragement, items of appreciation or simple acts to let people know you think they are somebody.

Positive Reinforcement is one of those things that doesn't have to cost at all. But, it indeed can be invaluable to those who receive it. I know one of the best things that can happen to people is to know that they are appreciated, valued, or a part of something. I only learned, most recently, that due to the fact that I have a high level of self-esteen, self-efficacy, and I don't care what people think; I don't always take the necessary measures to Reinforce Positively. Thus, I want all of you to be more cognizant of those around you. If it seems like someone isn't having a good day or they may be on the verge of quitting, pull them to the side; draft a nice e-mail; take them out to lunch; or simply take a moment to let them know they matter and they are doing a great job. It won't hurt you; I promise. You can change/save a life in one instance.

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