Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Encourage Yourself


You know, I write you all faithfully everyday. I have no idea how large or small my audience is, but yet I continue to do what I feel is one of my callings--To Encourage Others. But this task is not one that doesn't come with some baggage to bare. It seems like the more I seek to be a positive light to you all, the more things enter my life in an effort to discourage me. But, even though they may get me down for a moment, I have to remind myself daily to Encourage Myself while Encouraging others.

I know that there are a number of things going on in your life, and no matter what you try to do to right your wrongs, things still seem to go sour. But, you can only do but so much before it is time to let the MAN UPSTAIRS intervene. I know for a fact that once you learn to Encourage Yourself, you will soon learn not to seek approval and Encouragement from others. Today, I ask you all to begin to Encourage Yourself. No one has to always be your coach, counselor, or advocate. Advocate, counsel, coach and most importantly, Encourage Your Own Self.

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