Monday, May 31, 2010

This Ones For You Soldier


Shock Value: Entry 50 "Memorial Day --Do Something Nice For A Vet"


As you may or may not know, Memorial Day is a federal holdiay that is celebrated on the last Monday of every May each year. Fomerly known as Decoration Day, this is the one day each year that is slated to celebrate soldiers have died in the line of duty. This celebration has been around since the Civil War. Every since then it has grown each year into the nationally recognized holiday it is today.

I want to encourage all of you to do something nice for any military personnel that you may encounter, not just today, but any day this week. I will be the first to admit that I couldn't do it. I not only lack the discipline to be in any of the armed forces but I also know I would have a mjor issue wearing the same outfit and not being able to shower for days at time. These individuals make self-less sacrifices just for each one of us on a daily basis.

So on behalf of the entire WoodWorkz family and all of those people out there who cannot say it, "Thank You For Your Service and What You Do; We Appreciate You and Celebrate Not Only Those Who Have Gone On To Heaven Before Us, But Also Those Who Are Still Here Fighting The Good Fight For Us All."

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 50 "Self-Esteem, --Its Esteem of Yourself"


Hey Hey Hey-
I recently had a conversation with one of my homegirls. She was telling me how she is frustrated with the way her man says she looks. She in her own words, stated that she has gotten comfortable with him and picked up a few pounds. And for that reason, her man is complaining and making comments that hurt her feelings. Now, I am very sensitive to women and believe that we all should, especially men, be more attentive and sensitive to their needs. I wanted to have a conversation with this brother, but she begged me not to. So, I decided to pull out my couch and have a Black Dr. Phil Session.

The very first thing I asked was how did she feel about herself. You know, if you don't feel pretty, think you are fine, or feel good about yourself, no one else will. I simply explained to her the importance of managing your own self esteem. In the immortal words of Kat Williams, "no one should be able to lower your self esteem; It's esteem of your got d*mn self." While he said it jokingly, there is a serious message behind this punch line.

People in life will always judge you. They will have opinions on everything you do, but you have to decide what works for you and go with it. I told my homegirl what I tell all of my fam: A significant other should only compliment you and not complete you. Now, I can't say I understand this whole love thing, but I realize people do a number of insane things in the name of love. When I asked her was he still the same as when she met him, she quickly responded, "hell no!" I let her know at that moment, no one in life is perfect, so we have to appreciate our imperfections. The things you can change, do something about it, the things you can't leave it to the MAN upstairs.

Remember, the whole point of being in a relationship is to have someone who you can relate to. Don't let people try to change you or define you with their opinions of who you are; how you should look; and what they think you should look like. I am not so sure my homegirl got my message completely, but I am sure she understood my intentions. Overall, I just wanted her to realize that she must love herself, no matter what and if anyone, man or not, doesn't love her for who she is, then they may not be the one that deserves her. That goes for all of you too.

It's Called Self Esteem; IT'S ESTEEM OF YOUR D*MN SELF---PIMP'N!

The Black Dr. Phil

~Enjoy your holiday! Be safe, smart, and responsible.~

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Daily Laugh: This Is Good Stuff For You All Who Are Ready To Procreate (Have A Baby)


Shout Out to Trey Getting His Prince ON....


Shock Value: Entry 49 "This Is Just The Beginning..."


So I wish I could be more excited in this blog today, but I can't due to the level of Heat exhaustion I have been enduring on a daily basis. The A/C is out in the office and the car is soooo hot when you first get in it. I feel like that headless chicken on the rotisserie wheel. This is just the beginning of a summer that is bound to bring the pain with its record high temperatures. Now I am no hypocrite, so I am not going to take today to complain, but this heat is ri-donk-culous! What exacerbates the heat problem is the constant raining compounded by lightning and thunder. Mother Nature with all due respect, I appreciate all you have done, the good and the bad, but please make up your mind. I can't continue to carry around sun tan lotion, an umbrella, and a map that tells me where low ground is in case of a tornado.

Everybody out there, try to stay in-doors as much as possible. Hit the pool and relax inside the house. This heat is not your friend, and if you think that its appropriate to be out jogging at 12pm; you my friend are missing some pieces. Today, doesn't look like it is going to prove me wrong and share a gust of cool breeze and clear skies with us. So, as a result, I don't know how to plan any outdoor activities when you don't know if you will be able to stay outdoors. I guess I will just rent a movie and chillax til time for the Suns vs Lakers. You are welcome to do the same.

Shout out to the Celtics. Rest in Peace Gary "whatchoo talkn bout Willis" Coleman.

Stay Cool My Friendz

Friday, May 28, 2010

Good Humor: Funniest Pitbull attack never seen...LOL


Good Humor: WTF... Literally... Classic



Bill Slow'Reilly has to be one of the most racist idiots on television and he makes no bones about it. Only in American could a man be so openly disrespectful and biggeted yet still be celebrated. How he made it to such heights astounds me... But I have an idea... Wake up Brothers and Sisters cause even though we have a black president its still very much a white mans world
Nice comeback by brother Hill, he handled that with class. He's better than me cause I would have had a feild day on his ass, but thats probably what he'd have wanted...

Peace Nationiers

A brother could never get away with this mess...



Final Round: Notice Anything Different?


Final Round: Girls Need Love To; But I Am Shocked By The Inappropriate Encourgement (SMDH)!


Shock Value: Entry 48 "One More Down 30 More To Go"


What it do? Maybe its me but 2010 is moving at lighting speed. Today being Friday and all we are close to 20 weeks in the books for 2010. That means we only have a little over 30 weeks left in this year. I want each of us to take today to reflect on this year thus far and see if at this point we are meeting the "New Year's Resolution" we set out to accomplish back in January. Now, I have a theory about resolutions, but for the moment I will keep that to myself. However, I will say this is a perfect opportunity for you to examine where you are in life and make necessary adjustments before the summer gets into full swing.

I know some of you had big things you wanted to accomplish this year. Trust, we both are in the same boat. Just be reminded that every big thing begins with a small thing. Be careful not to overlook the little things, because they do matter; in life and in relationships. If you proclaimed this year to be your year, "Take It By Force." Hey now, that's not my advice that is right out the GOOD BOOK. You have plenty of time left to rid yourself of unnecessary habits like smoking and drinking or maybe your goal was to take off a few pounds. Either way, don't let 2010 end and you are still in the same situation as last year or years before.

We don't want to hear you in December talking about, "2011 gone be my year." You said that in 1999, 2001, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2009, and oh yeah, January of this year. This is just some friendly advice and encouragement from your family at WoodWorkz. There is an abundance of 2010 left and today is the day. The only thing holding you back is you. "MAKE IT DO, WHAT IT DO BABY!"

Enjoy your holiday weekend; be safe and responsible.

~The Seer Ova'

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I doubt this is the offical video for "Camera" but I thought it was cool anyway. Funny too! Shout out to B.o.b. Ham Squad on deck!!!! Skleeewww!!!


Shutterbug: Shout out to the homie Big Bio but how he just gonna redo the DF like dat???!!! Damn


The Original/Real Dungeon Family
Witch Doctor,CoolBreeze, Backbone, Mr. DJ, Big Rube, Ricco Wade, C Bone, SleepyBrown, Kujo Goodie, T-Mo, Cee Lo, Big Gipp, Andre 3000, and Big Boi

Meet A Younger Mr. BENTLEY GREEN: Gotta Support Kids Doing Something Positive or Lose Them to the Streets


Meet Mr. Bentley Green: This Kid's Got Talent!


Question: Are we losing our F**king Minds?? Check Please

This chicks got more plastic in her than a 96 Toyota Corolla!

Umm... When did this become hot??? Dont get me wrong, I think Nikki is a pretty girl and all but what part of this looks natural??? Fake breasts are one thing but when did a fake ass become hot??? I mean just look at the way this over airbrushed/over photoshoped thing is shaped...
Now Its no secret that I love the ladies. In fact, I consider myself somewhat of an ass connoisseur (No Homo) and I am truly offended! I mean her ass to thigh ratio alone is enough to raise an eyebrow or two. To put it quite plain, she looks like a bad drawing of what a woman is supposed to look like.

I remember when a sista had to actually be fine and talented to be considered hot. Salt and Pepa for example, circa 1990 whatever were genuinely fine and talented sistas and man were they hot.

Foxy brown, circa 2000 whatever was a fine chocholate sista that spit fire. Hell, even Little Kim before she fell victum to the knife was sexy as all get out! Its a shame that she let the industry poision her mind into thinking something was wrong her appearence. I digress...

As for Nikki's lyrical ability, umm it seems to be nil to the floor. I mean it very well may be your turn, but why would you need to put your pu**Y on my sideburns??-LOL. In fact, not only are her skillz a joke but its also offensive that certain industry insiders are co-signing this chick and her abilities. Lil Wayne aka Dewayne Carter inmate number 39857389 has been quoted as saying "she's the hottest female he's ever heard", boy have you ever heard of Mia X? She's from your city! And P shitty, I mean Muff Daddy has been quoted as saying something of a similar sort. Now how can a man who has had the exclusive pleasure of working with the late great Biggie Smalls open his mouth to speak such blastphemy!? I'll tell you how, P shitty and obviously Wayne have a vested financial intrest in seeing this chick blow up. Now if I dipped a pop sickle stick in dog shit then sprayed it with gold spray paint and told you it was a gold plated fudge sickle, would you accept it??? Well thats exactly what the masses are being feed these days.

It is time for us to take the art form back. It is time for us to demand excellence from the artists we promote and consume. Its time for us to ask for the check, pay the bill, tip the waitress, and leave this God awful establishment known as the downfall of HipHop... Think about it people, thats all I ask...

They were soooo Fine!!!!

O'Natural... Sooooo Fine.Skip to 3:50 to see what I mean!!!

Before she ethered herself!!! Very Sexy

Round Three: Talent Comes In All Sizes


Round Three - Diversity is Important; Shout Out To My Asian Peeps


Shock Value: Entry 47 "Shape Up or Ship Out"


Hello All-

It's me again. Your friendly neighborhood blogger. I am writing today to give you some mild advice. Most recently I had a conversation with a good associate of mine. We where discussing men, women, and relationships. Though we verbally sparred for hours regarding the roles men and women play, we both came to one conclusion: People in relationships have the right to give ultimatums if their significant other isn't taking care of home. I remember my grandmother use to say all the time, "If I am going to by unhappy; I might as well be alone."So as your resident encourager, I want all of you to be happy, no matter what. If the one your with isn't fulfilling that roll, then sit them down and tell them to "Shape Up or Ship Out."

You know people sometimes get comfortable in relationships. And from what I hear, they don't do what they did to get you once they have you. All the whispering sweet nothings in your ear, sending you flowers at work, and asking about the kids and the family seem to disappear. Well if you lower your expectations and standards, don't be surprised if people only meet the bare minimum. Just remember: A man/woman should compliment you NOT complete you. By all means you may not be as slim, pretty, or fine as you use to be, but that doesn't mean you have to settle for anything less than what you deserve. As the saying goes, "you can do bad all by yourself."

So today, I encourage you to take a good look at your love life and make a serious assessment of where you are now and where you want to go in the future. If the person you find yourself with today, doesn't seem like someone you want to accompany you to your future destination; you need to make sure you pull off to the side of the rode right now and let your love passenger know where you want to go and what you expect from them if they want to join you. If they aren't willing or perhaps don't have what it takes---politely let them escort themselves out of your vehicle, close the door and keep it pushing. NO ONE SHOULD LOVE YOU MORE THEN YOU. And, no one is worth your pursuit of happiness. Once you have told them, they were warned, now its time to let them goooooooo. Its probably for the best. Learn when to let go.

~Lub Dr.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Daily Laugh: Round Two - Oh Oh, Get, Get, IT! Watch the Face...


Daily Laugh: Round Two - Oh Oh, Get, Get, IT! Watch the Face...


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 46 "TRENDING TOPIC. People Who Tweet Are Pitiful"


Morning to you all. I know some of you are a fan of Twitter and probably Tweet and have a few followers, but in my humble opinion I believe this application and those who use it are pitiful. In this day and age, technology is swiftly changing how we do the same tasks from decades ago. For instance, the garbage man is non existent, because there is one man in a truck with a lift that picks up the can and dumps it automatically. And I bet you all don't remember a world before text messaging or even call waiting. Pagers were the business! Even though most of the time we would just page our self, or move the button from off to vibrate just to floss like someone is blowing us up.

But, things are so different now. Everybody wants to be famous or be a celebrity. Not that there is anything wrong with having hopes, dreams, and aspirations to be somebody, but we need regular folk. Someone has to check me out at Wally World, cook my shrimp fried rice and blend my smoothies. Now, I am not poking fun at these people because I have a genuine level of respect for what they do---I know I couldn't; well not anymore. Applications like Twitter are the reason our kids spend less time reading books and doing homework. Just how important do you think you are? People have the dumbest Tweets in life. Do we really want to know when you are doing #2 or you just took a straight right hand to the face by your baby daddy who has three strikes and your are tweeting waiting on the cops to come? How dumb is that? Trust, some people know people who do stuff like that, if not, it may be you.

I am not a fan of Twitter and have been asked on several occasions to create an account. People always say to me, "you have weird ways of saying things, so your tweets would be funny and great to read daily." My response, "The day I get a Twitter Account, I will have someone who is employed to manage that, my bank accounts, and my personal schedule." Yeah, I know, I'm Already A Big Deal, well at least in my head anyway, but that will be the day I own a Twitter account. I just think its dumb and pointless. Its another form of thoughtless and frivolous entertainment. Kinda like rubbing your belly and tapping the top of your head at the same time. If you want people to follow you at least do something important, like clean up your dirty behind room, lose 10 pounds, or break up with ol boi/ol gurl who everyone knows is cheating on you, even you.

Anyway, most people need some form of recess that takes your mind away from your suckie lives. I understand that. But, sir, ma'am,--- you ain't that dang important. There should be a rule: if you don't have at least 20 followers who aren't your family, friends, or people you text every other hour; your account should automatically deleted--Laaahuuu, ssseeer..Loser! Sorry, everyone else thinks it, just no one says it. Your just not that important and/or popular. Everyone else probably HATES YOU!


Daily Laugh: Dance moves that rock----Challenge!


Daily Laugh: This Young Man is Bring Sexy Alllll The Way Back!


Shock Value: Entry 45 "Enough is Enough"


Today blog is a part of my Keeping It Real column:

I think that it is imperative that at some point in life we "Keep It Real" with ourselves and each other. Thus, I have decided to dedicate one blog a week to this subject. Today's topic: Enough is Enough.

Enough is Enough. I am so tired of people complaining all the darn time. Complaining about their job, complaining about their spouse, complaining about their car, blah blah blah---And the list goes on. UpShut, Please! Do Something About Your Situation. We all have issues, problems, challenges, and obstacles we must face. There is always someone out there who has it worse than you or I. Everything you go through is not the end of the world; so stop being so darn dramatic. As long as you have your health, your senses, and The MAN upstairs saw fit to wake your whiny butt up this morning, be thankful.

Look around and be more aware of your surroundings and be thankful for what you have. It may not be the best job, car, house, or he/she may not be the best mate, but at least you got something and someone. As I was driving in to work this a.m. I saw a guy pushing a shopping cart talking to himself. Immediately, I begin to ponder: I wonder what he use to be. You never know what people have been through, so be grateful you don't have to suffer and are loved by someone.

Don't be mistaken, we all do it. Oftentimes, we complain under the guise of saying its just venting. But enough is enough. Lets all save the breath of life that was breathed into our unworthy bodies this a.m. and stop complaining and take ACTION. If we aren't satisfied with where we are, input a new destination into your life GPS system and push towards your new mark.

Enough crying, complaining, fussing, fighting, killing, stealing, robbing, sobbing, & slobbing--for you serious cry babies..(LOL) Its on us to be that change we want to see.


~Mr. Keep It 11o Whicha

Monday, May 24, 2010

WTF: Aint Sh*T Funny Bout This? Posted By An Avid Fan of the BoonDockz (CoonDockz)


Black Jokes

I'm not really that racist against black people. I think that it sorta runs in my family. I only make the jokes cuz their easy, funny, and people like em; just like jewish jokes.

Whats the difference between a black guy and a white guy that sell drugs?
-ones a pharmacist and the others a drugdealer

Why do they put cotton in the tops of medication
-To remind black people that they were cotton pickeres before they were

drug dealers.

What do black people and apples have in common?
-They both look good hanging off trees.

Why were Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder always smiling?
-Because they didn't know they were black.

What do black people and semen have in common?
-Only one in a million work.

Why couldn't the blind black guy read?
-because he was black.

Why are black people so fast?
-All the slow ones are in jail.

What do you call a black guy having sex?

What happened to the black woman that had an abortion?
-Crime stoppers sent her a check for 500 dollars.

What do you call a black priest?
-Holy shit.

What word starts with "N" and ends with "R" that you never want to call a

black person?


Do you remember the black family on the Jetsons?
The future looks pretty good!

Whats the difference between a black jew and a white Jew?
-The black ones have to sit in the back of the gas chamber.

Whats the difference between an African kid and a pair of jeans?
-The jeans only have one fly on it.

Why don't black people listen to country music?
-Because every time they hear the word ho-down, they think one of their

sisters are dead.

Whats long and black?
-The unemployment line.

What do people and jelly beans have in common?
-Nobody likes the black ones.

What is the only positive thing about black people?

Whats the difference between a black guy and a pizza?
-A pizza can feed a family of four.

Whats the difference between a couch and a black guy?
-A couch can support a family of four.

What do tou call a white guy surrounded by 12 black guys?

Thanks Aaron!!!

Shock Value: Entry 44 "The Coon Docks---AARON MCGRUDER HATES BLACK PEOPLE"



This is a message to all you out there who watch the CoonDocks (Boondocks.) This show is one of this sickest shows on television. And don't you dare bring in that whole, "it's no worse than South Park and Family Guy" argument, because it sure is worse, hands down. I haven't seen so much hatred and overt racism in all my life. And Yes, just because one shares the same race as other individuals doesn't mean they can't be racist. Now, for years, I have been encouraged to watch this show. Oftentimes, by my mentees and students. For years, I avoided it because I never heard anything positive about the show. Most of the time people just said it was funny and that it pushes the envelope. Now, I am no stranger to being controversial. I think that somethings need to sting a little bit, but too much of anything is gluttony (habitual greed).

A couple years ago, I watched the Banned B.E.T. episodes and the episodes on Black Greeks. While I understood his points, I still think he went beyond the point. A couple years later I was asked to give it one last try. So, because I realize that I may have been a bit overly sensitive on my initial critique I gave in. I hate to say it, but I was right. AARON MCGRUDER HATES BLACK PEOPLE. Also, I realize his show is for those of you who are just like the people he describes on his show; or those who hate black people already and love to see them at their ignorant best. Personally, I believe Mr. McGruder wishes he could rid himself of his black skin. The brother is light. He could pass for mixed if he doesn't like being black so bad.

But I don't blame McGruder because I hear people, black people, talking about how funny it is. There isn't a DAMN thing funny about someone using the N-Word 30 in ten minutes or disrespecting the office of the President of the United States of American. His main characters are kids too. This is appalling to me, but probably doesn't bother you because you might let your kids act that way any way.---Not in my house! It doesn't matter if you are operating under the guise of a cartoon or not. Ask Dave Chappelle how it feels when your comedic output or creative talent is only limited to---destroying your own race.

I will be the first to admit:Yes we as a people have major issues. Some of which are our own doing, but others are because of years of oppression, racism, and poverty that we have endured. We are a powerful, spiritual, and creative people. I refuse to sit back and let some kid who was probably bullied in school because of his good hair and suburban roots destroy what our forefathers have worked so hard to build.

Shame on you Mr. McGruder and all of you who think that 'ish is funny. While your ignorant anus is on your couch laughing at yourself and family members on tv; other races are classifying who we are as a people and saying those Ninja (N-Words Are So Stupid, Dumb, and there kids are too!) McGruder is making a killing off of his work and killing his people with every show. He is indeed talented but it is so misplaced. No one gets the message unless you can sit through and onslaught of N-Words and other negative stereotypes.


~Now, Run Tel 'Dat!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Expression: Bishop Liston Page Jr. "Greatest Disappointment in the Church"


Shock Value: Entry 43 "I Pray For You, You Pray For Me"


I won't keep you all long today, but I was reminded on yesterday evening that we all still have a lot to be thankful for. During my nightly viewing of Anderson Cooper 360, they did a segment on Haiti. You would think by now the country is in its recovery phase, but that is just not the case. Thousands of Haitians are still without food, running water, and other daily necessities that we take for granted.

Planes are crashing, terrorists are plotting, and atrocities are occurring all over the world. In the midst of all the mayhem, I ask each of you to take a moment today, to give thanks to your GOD, Buddha, Allah, or whomever your deity is. Give thanks for your mere existence and then take a moment to pray for peace and for your neighbors. In troubled waters, only GOD can calm the seas of life and bring us back to shore. A wise woman once told me, "Prayer Changes Things." And, I believe it.

I wish you all well today, and I too pray for serenity, strength, wisdom, health, and prosperity for all of you. I ask in HIS name that each of you are kept and that this world calms down. Eat well today and be merry.

~Minister Brotha~

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Daily Laugh; Or Is it? WTF?!


Shock Value: Entry 43 "T.G.I.S.!"


People, People, People; "Thank GOD Its Saturday!" I don't know what type of week you all had, but I could've done without last week. It is history now; so lets move on. I really think weekends are somewhat overrated because they are always too short and most of the time you have so many things you didn't get done during the week, that you don't get a chance to enjoy your off days.

I am not sure what you all have planned today, but you need to do something. Don't just sit in the house for the next two days, couple of hours or minutes and do nothing. I mean don't let the fact that your finances aren't up to par, stop you from getting out of the house. You know there are a number of free things that you can do that won't cost you a dime. Call up your gurls or the hommies and tell everyone to grab something out their fridge or cabinet and head over to your spot or the nearest park. Don't forget the music and playing cards. We all know that when one or two of us get together; we know how to "get it popping!

So don't hesitate. Pick up the phone & hit up your bestie right now. Time to get it crackin! Whatever you get into,be responsible--no need for any extra DUIs or fatherless babies.

Be Safe,

Friday, May 21, 2010

Daily Laugh: This Ish' Isnt' Funny To Me At All! But I Am Sure Some Of You Will Enjoy; Its Probably Your Kid Or You Got One Just Like Him!.


Shock Value: Entry 42 "Are We There Yet?"


To end my serious of questions to you all, my loyal fans, I wanted to ask a more serious question this time around. Are we there yet? Let me explain. I remember back when the presidential election season began. Yes, it took me awhile to learn how to pronounce his name and research his historical journey to the US Senate, but when now President Barack Obama became a candidate for president; it was believed that We had made it. I remember staying glued to CNN from his bid for the Democratic Nomination to the night Senator John McCain conceded and Mr. Barack Obama, was named the next President of these so called United States.

I must admit I expected the world would change in a major way. But, I have now come to realize that the only way the world will every change is if we change our ways and mannerisms. I assumed that racial minorities, especially Black Folks, would behave more appropriately now that we have made it to the Big House; Boy was I wrong! The drop out rate, crime rate, and murder rate in this country is still astronomical in the black community, as compared to their Anglo-Saxon counterparts. Take Chicago for instance; you would think since President Obama is a product of this great US city, they would at least try to get their act together; wrong again!

As I write this message I guess I kinda answered my own question. Are we there yet? H. E. double hockey sticks, No! And honestly we won't ever be there, wherever there is, until we begin to hold our family, friends, spouses, and favorite rappers and entertainers accountable for destroying our communities and race. I should've known better than to believe that one man could change the world. Hey, if JESUS struggled why wouldn't man? If Brothers Martin and Malcolm couldn't get us together after both of them died for our civil rights and freedoms; why should I believe we as a people would act any differently now?

I challenge each and every one of you to play your part. There are a number of evil forces out there, that have come here, like RAP and Rappers (Wangstas), to kill and destroy us socially and culturally. I said it and I will say it to any one's face! I HATE RAP AND RAPPERS AND EVERYTHING IT AND THEY STAND FOR. NOT ONLY DOES RAP CULTURE, NOT HIP HOP CULTURE, FALSELY REPRESENT WHO WE ARE AS A PEOPLE; IT HAS GIVEN OTHER PEOPLE THE RIGHT TO DENY US OPPORTUNITIES TO GET TO KNOW THEM OR LEAD BECAUSE THEY THINK WE ARE ALL DEGENERATES, IGNORANT, TATTED UP, INARTICULATE, AND UNMOTIVATED; UNLESS ITS BOUT DOPE, HOES, AND MONEY.


~Love is Love; Spread it or kill yourself!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Daily Laugh: This Takes Laying Of The Hands To A Whole New Level; S.M.D.H.!


Shock Value: Entry 41 "Who Watches Movies on B.E.T.? W.T.H.!"


So, either you all have nothing else better to do. Maybe you are stealing cable from next door. Either way, Who in the hell watches those E-Level BET movies? Now I know we all get bored to death at times. And, even though we have 300 channels, some days there isn't one thing on on tv. But, I am horrified by the quality of programming on every coon and whigger's favorite television station---B.E.T.

Not only was I exhausted with BET after they got rid of Video Soul, Hits, Big Tigger, Rap City and AJ and Free; then replaced it with such buffoonery as College Hill and the new 106 & Park. Thanks, Tracie Edmonds for developing a show that makes minorities want to go to college to get drunk, beat up, or a train ran on them. Why promote graduation or show the positive aspect of college? And, Terrance and Rocsi are the absolute worse!

I digress. I write today to speak on these made for TV movies that B.E.T. has begun showing. Two words: GOD AWFUL. Who watches those shows? The plot is just as bad as the acting. Don't get me wrong, I know everyone isn't an A-List actor and we all have to start somewhere, but these movies make me want to gauge my eyes out with rusty nails. Maybe they are developing these horrific cinemas for the older crowd, cause Lord knows they don't make them for anyone else.

I am so disappointed in B.E.T. I use to appreciate its content. But my Frat, and former founder let the quality of programs decline and then he sold it and ran away like a runaway slave. B.E.T. (Buffoons, Entertaining, on Television.) Oh, how you have hurt me and the future generations of America. While I hate the Boondocks with a passion--(Aaron McGruder I am coming for your anus soon!;) I agree with its banned episodes on B.E.T. Enough said. B.E.T. ---Ultimate Fail.

Just Saying.....

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 40 "And We Still Together...For What?""


I think over the course of the next couple of days I am going to continue to ask questions that I want you all to help me answer. Can someone tell me why couples and married people stay together even though one or more of them are cheating? When in the world did infidelity become an acceptable behavior. It is so funny how married people always state that they want to leave, but they are staying for the sake of the kids. As if, it makes it better for them to see mom and dad under the same roof displaying zero forms of affection for each other.

What is the purpose of being with someone, just to say you have someone? Most of the people I know in relationships are generally faithful when there significant other is in the room. When that person leaves---the are just as available as an unoccupied parking spot or other single people around them. I am perplexed as to why married people or people who are in relationships see the need to hang out with single people. The behaviors and actions of the singles crowd can't be encouraging to people who already have someone. Plus, if you have found your King or Queen; why aren't you home in your castle celebrating what you two have built together?

I am not saying that people in relationships or marriages shouldn't have fun, hang out, or assemble themselves with single people; but I am saying this possess a challenge for your friends when a guy or female tries to holla and you and you don't indicate to them you are married or have a man/woman. Now that puts us in a precarious situation. Worse than that, is when you lie and say you are with us, to your significant other or spouse, and you forget to tell us. So when your significant other asks us, we are put in a situation to have to lie for your trifling butt. Then if you get caught, now everybody think we are hoes together. Negative!

Just take this as a fair warning. One person's trash is another person's treasure. If you don't love the one you are with; let them be free to go and you go find someone to love or that you want to build a future with. Stop blaming it on the kids, finances, or the fact that your other partner is married too. What's going to happen is you are going to make plans to leave your Prince or Princess for them and they are going to decide to stay where they are at. Then you, dummy, will be singing that lovely song, "All By My Self..."

Word to the Wise

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Daily Laugh:This Is No CNN, LOL!


Shock Value: Entry 39 "The Kanye Work Out Plan""


People, People, People,- Now I have to raise a question for you all to answer. How skinny is too skinny? I am a proud member of the YMCA. Although I normally go to play basketball, when I do decide to hit the general fitness area, I am shocked at the various types of people in the gym.

First, you have your--- I just gotta lose a couple pounds to get in this dress treadmill, magazine folks. Then you have that---I ran cross country in hight school and now its on to the marathon, ipod and large bottle of water persons. There is also "the gut"--- those guys who refuse to stop drinking bud light, but show up to the gym one a month with the smedium t-shirt and his son's shorts on. There is always a church deacon in the room, with a t-shirt from the 1930s, khaki shorts, and soft bottom shoes with those GOD awful black church socks. Every now and then you will see the diva, who refuses to sweat and has her hair wrapped up like she is bracing for a hurricane or she is an official part of the Taliban.

My personal favorites are the ---I am so big, watch me look at myself, while I make grunting sounds and lift this whole entire building guys and the skinty women who talk about their fat rolls, so they are running like they are freed slaves and don't have a thing to lose, but the time they are wasting. I know its summer time and everyone wants to get skinny. But I encourage you to get fit and heathy--- and stay that way.

Put your Kanye Workout Plan into Action--Today!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 38 "Stop Apolo-lying"


I ain't wasting a minute today baby! I have to get right in your grill woodworkz. I am so frustrated with people who feel the need to "apolo-lie." Now that I have coined a new term, let explain to you the definition.

Apolo-lie: (verb) the act of apologizing for something but in an untruthful manner.
Shawn knew he was cheating on his girlfriend last night with Beckie, but he felt the need to tell his girl and apolo-lie, to make her feel better about the fact that his is a cheater.

Now all of you on here have heard people apolo-lying. They tell you they are sorry for cursing at you and then in the next sentence they drop the f' bomb again. Or your best friend borrowed your purse and brought it back with cigarette burns on the bottom and empty honey bun wrappers inside. When you ask her about it, she is quick to say how sorry she is and she will get you a knew one. Note to self: "If she had the money to buy a new one, she wouldn't have borrowed your dang bag." (Preach, preacher!)

Anyway, this is my revolt day. I want to start a movement to ban all Apolo-Liars. Start calling these ingoranuses out. If you know they lying, tell them they lying. No matter how hard they try men generally are horrible liars. I think we are the main culprits of the apolo-lie; but some of you chicks got it down pack too.

So join me in my revolution to rid the world of these people who think they are smarter then the rest of us. The next time you encounter an apolo-liar on the verge of giving you their best piece of work, stop them mid sentence and say, "Why you gotsta lie Craig?" (LOL) Then politely introduce them to you first cousin, Dial Tone.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 37 "The Imortance of R & R"


Good Day to you all:

Today I want to talk to you all about the importance of R & R a.k.a. Rest & Relaxation. It is very important that you take time to get as much rest as possible. 6-8 hours of sleep is recommended, but I am sure the average person on this site doesn't get nearly that much because oftentimes you are up all night pondering about the last blog I wrote. (yeah right) Anyway, rest is extremely important for any good diet as well. Rest is just as important as exercise. Thus, I want you all to take time to grab a nap today if you can, or crawl into bed a little earlier tonight than usual.

Relaxation is very important as well. Stress causes a number of issues and can kill you if you allow it. People just need to learn to relax. On a daily basis, I quote the Serenity Prayer.I use to get so upset and frustrated but these days I choose life over stress and heartache. The things I can change, I do what I can, those things I can't, I leave it up to the MAN upstairs. Stop letting everything bother you and get you all worked up. Just relax! I know at times things can seem like they are too much to handle and maybe that is true. So, why worry? Relax, relate, and release.

It makes no sense to shorten your life because you aren't resting properly or you don't know how to relax. Now, I must admit, I am hypocritical with this blog because I am an insomniac, thus I rarely sleep. But, we all can do better. Together we can challenge ourselves to rest more and relax. As a matter of fact, get you a snack, find you a comfy chair, elevate your feet and chill with the kid--- right now!

Peace, Love, & Nappyness

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 36 "Congratulations Are In Order"


By now, most colleges and universities around the nation have already held or in the process of holding their commencement/graduation ceremonies. I have had the opportunity to attend and give the commencement address at a few of these. I want everyone to help me as I push this chair back from the desk, stand up, and deliver a round of applause for all those people who answered the call and received or will soon be receiving their college degrees this Spring. It is good to know that although the media only reports on the negative aspects of many communities, people, young and old, from various ethnicities and walks of life; others are completing their educational goals and graduating from college.

To those of you who decided to further your education, and more importantly to those young black men who decided that their athletic and/or rap career was secondary to their degree attainment, we salute you. Regardless of what one thinks, a college degree, even in this post-recession era, will increase your earnings beyond that of a person who only completed high school. Now that you have those papers, remember this: They may be able to say what they want to you or about you, but you earned that degree and that is something no one can ever take away. Congrats! If no one else said it, "we here at WoodWorkz are your family and are truly proud of what you have accomplished. Enjoy your weekend and have a blast! Remember Grad school is waiting....

Be Blessed,

Friday, May 14, 2010

Good Humor: Happy Now? Rap has now crossed over.


Daily Laugh: Never Scare A Black Man


Shock Value: Entry 35 "There is an Epidemic Going on Outside: Part 5""


Topic: Homicide and Gang Activity

Perhaps you haven't been watching the news this year, or your radio and your computer haven't been taking out the plastic. Just in case all of the afore are true, let me bring you up to speed on a few things. Homicide and Gang Activities are taking the lives of our children.

I was sitting on the couch the other evening frequenting a social networking site when I saw everyone talking about this show "the First 48." I vaguely remember being forced to watch a few minutes of one show, because I was at someone else's house and they treat that show like it is a new release at the movie theatre. I say this to say, this show focuses mainly on homicides in various urban areas. I wondered do the viewers know that every time this show airs someone else has been a victim of a hanus, pointless, and usually stupid crime.

Men in American, more exclusively, young black men are dying at an alarming rate. The city of Chicago alone last year had more homicides than soldiers who lost their lives in Iraq & Afghanistan fighting for whatever reason it is now. Oh, the war on Error, or Terror, one or the other. That is a dang shame! Most of the victims were young, black, and talented. Gang violence plays a major role in these deaths too. We all need to take a moment to speak with our sons, nephews, brothers, male cousins, etc. and let them know that we love them and we don't want to lose them over something as irresponsible as the color of the handkerchief they carry in their back pocket or block they live on.

If you doubt the above mentioned isn't that bad; check the facts:

Gun/ Gang Violence & Homicide Rates:
  • In cases of Gun violence, the USA ranks 7th in the world
  • Homicide rates among 18- to 24-year-olds have declined since 1993, but remain higher than they were prior to the 1980s.[17] In 2005, the 17 through 24 age group remains significantly overrepresented in violent crime statistics, particularly homicides involving firearms.[30] In 2005, 17- through 19-year olds were 4.3% of the overall populationof the United States.[31] This same age group accounted for 11.2% of those killed by firearm homicides.[32] This age group also accounted for 10.6% of all homicide offenses.[33] The 20- through 24-year-old age group accounted for 7.1% of the population,[31] while accounting for 22.5% of those killed by firearm homicides.[32] The 20 through 24 age group also accounted for 17.7% of all homicide offenses.[33] Those under age 17 are not overrepresented in homicide statistics. In 2005, 13- through 16-year-olds accounted for 6% of the overall population of the United States, but only accounted for 3.6% of firearm homicide victims,[32] and 2.7% of overall homicide offenses.[33]
  • People with a criminal record are also more likely to die as homicide victims.[11] Between 1990 and 1994, 75% of all homicide victims age 21 and younger in the city of Boston had a prior criminal record.[34] In Philadelphia, the percentage of those killed in gun homicides that had prior criminal records increased from 73% in 1985 to 93% in 1996.[11][35] In Richmond, Virginia, the risk of gunshot injury is 22 times higher for those males involved with crime.[36]
  • In 2005, 75% of the 10,100 homicides committed using firearms in the United States were committed using handguns, compared to 4% with rifles, 5% with shotguns, and the rest with a type of firearm not specified.[37] Due to the lethal potential that a gun brings to a situation, the likelihood that a death will result is significantly increased when either the victim or the attacker has a firearm.[38] The mortality rate for gunshot wounds to the heart is 84%, compared to 30% for people who sustain stab wounds to the heart.[39]

  • Of the 1 million gang members, about 40% are juveniles (under 18) and 60% are adults, or about 400,000 teenage gang members and 600,000 adult gang members.
  • jBetween 90% to 94% of gang members are male. Between 6% to 10% are female.
  • There are approximately 360,000 teenage boys and 32,000 teenage girls in gangs
  • There are approximately 560,000 adult males and 48,000 adult females in gangs.
  • Every city in the U.S. with at least 250,000 people has gang activity. 86% of those with at least 100,000 people report gang activity
  • 94% of all gang members are male due to low income, poor school performance, no positive after school activities, etc.
    • There are between 60,000 and 80,000 female gang members in the U.S.
    • Approximately 32,000 female gang members are teenagers, and 48,000 are adults.
      • 60% of gangs do not allow female members. (Girls hang around, go to parties, but are not "members."
        • 40% allow female members, but only 1 out of 10 gang members is a girl
