Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 46 "TRENDING TOPIC. People Who Tweet Are Pitiful"


Morning to you all. I know some of you are a fan of Twitter and probably Tweet and have a few followers, but in my humble opinion I believe this application and those who use it are pitiful. In this day and age, technology is swiftly changing how we do the same tasks from decades ago. For instance, the garbage man is non existent, because there is one man in a truck with a lift that picks up the can and dumps it automatically. And I bet you all don't remember a world before text messaging or even call waiting. Pagers were the business! Even though most of the time we would just page our self, or move the button from off to vibrate just to floss like someone is blowing us up.

But, things are so different now. Everybody wants to be famous or be a celebrity. Not that there is anything wrong with having hopes, dreams, and aspirations to be somebody, but we need regular folk. Someone has to check me out at Wally World, cook my shrimp fried rice and blend my smoothies. Now, I am not poking fun at these people because I have a genuine level of respect for what they do---I know I couldn't; well not anymore. Applications like Twitter are the reason our kids spend less time reading books and doing homework. Just how important do you think you are? People have the dumbest Tweets in life. Do we really want to know when you are doing #2 or you just took a straight right hand to the face by your baby daddy who has three strikes and your are tweeting waiting on the cops to come? How dumb is that? Trust, some people know people who do stuff like that, if not, it may be you.

I am not a fan of Twitter and have been asked on several occasions to create an account. People always say to me, "you have weird ways of saying things, so your tweets would be funny and great to read daily." My response, "The day I get a Twitter Account, I will have someone who is employed to manage that, my bank accounts, and my personal schedule." Yeah, I know, I'm Already A Big Deal, well at least in my head anyway, but that will be the day I own a Twitter account. I just think its dumb and pointless. Its another form of thoughtless and frivolous entertainment. Kinda like rubbing your belly and tapping the top of your head at the same time. If you want people to follow you at least do something important, like clean up your dirty behind room, lose 10 pounds, or break up with ol boi/ol gurl who everyone knows is cheating on you, even you.

Anyway, most people need some form of recess that takes your mind away from your suckie lives. I understand that. But, sir, ma'am,--- you ain't that dang important. There should be a rule: if you don't have at least 20 followers who aren't your family, friends, or people you text every other hour; your account should automatically deleted--Laaahuuu, ssseeer..Loser! Sorry, everyone else thinks it, just no one says it. Your just not that important and/or popular. Everyone else probably HATES YOU!


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