Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 45 "Enough is Enough"


Today blog is a part of my Keeping It Real column:

I think that it is imperative that at some point in life we "Keep It Real" with ourselves and each other. Thus, I have decided to dedicate one blog a week to this subject. Today's topic: Enough is Enough.

Enough is Enough. I am so tired of people complaining all the darn time. Complaining about their job, complaining about their spouse, complaining about their car, blah blah blah---And the list goes on. UpShut, Please! Do Something About Your Situation. We all have issues, problems, challenges, and obstacles we must face. There is always someone out there who has it worse than you or I. Everything you go through is not the end of the world; so stop being so darn dramatic. As long as you have your health, your senses, and The MAN upstairs saw fit to wake your whiny butt up this morning, be thankful.

Look around and be more aware of your surroundings and be thankful for what you have. It may not be the best job, car, house, or he/she may not be the best mate, but at least you got something and someone. As I was driving in to work this a.m. I saw a guy pushing a shopping cart talking to himself. Immediately, I begin to ponder: I wonder what he use to be. You never know what people have been through, so be grateful you don't have to suffer and are loved by someone.

Don't be mistaken, we all do it. Oftentimes, we complain under the guise of saying its just venting. But enough is enough. Lets all save the breath of life that was breathed into our unworthy bodies this a.m. and stop complaining and take ACTION. If we aren't satisfied with where we are, input a new destination into your life GPS system and push towards your new mark.

Enough crying, complaining, fussing, fighting, killing, stealing, robbing, sobbing, & slobbing--for you serious cry babies..(LOL) Its on us to be that change we want to see.


~Mr. Keep It 11o Whicha

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