Monday, May 3, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 25 "Let's Get It"


Morning to All of You-

Well I know all of you would rather be on a tropical island this morning versus being at work or on our way to work. But, guess what, we aren't? The reality is that we all have to work to survive. It's like what Andre' 3 Stacks said, "If we don't move my our feet then we don't eat..." I want to motivate all of you this am to take today by the reigns and LETS GET IT.

As stated previously, there are millions of people who aren't in the position as we are. We are gainfully employed, whether we like it or not, so we have to be thankful. So today, more than any other day this year, I want you to work diligently to make today the best day ever.

Unfortunately, we all have to work to pay bills and take care of other life expenses. I know many people are waiting to hit the "Mega-Millions," so at that point, they will move beyond having to work like all of us. However, I hate to be a kill joy, but one has a better chance of being hit by lighting in the same spot, twice, on a Wednesday, in Paris, France, while eating French fries with a Wendy's Frosty and a pack of Boston Bakebeans. But hey, go for it---you never know.

Anyway, I think we all need to be more motivated regarding our future, beginning today. Each day we rise is another opportunity to take advantage of the number opportunities out there. I know it seems hard to even consider going back to school or changing jobs in this recession/post-recession, but move slowly. Don't let what you immediately see in front of you determine where you can go beyond that. There is a difference between an obstacle and a detour; one has to learn the difference between the two. S0, come on people. There is no time like the present.

Today is the day we all do what we always wanted to do, but never had the courage to do. Let's Get It!!!

Chicken Noodle Soup Ish'

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