Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Thats My Joint: The-Dream ~ "Turnt Out"


Daily Laugh: Tribute To Mr. Bernie Mac, Gone But Never Forgotten


Shock Value: Entry 139 "The Proof Is In The Pudding"


Happy Tuesday:
I hope you all are making it through this week.
It seems to be moving fairly quickly to me.

Today's topic: The Proof Is In The Pudding

I don't know if you all have heard this saying, "The Proof Is In The Pudding," but just in case you have or haven't I'm going to interpret it for you. Now you know I have to do it in my own way, so someone may see it completely different. This is just my way of thinking which is usually left of the norm, so don't quote me.

Anywho, The Proof Is In The Pudding simply means that if you look at the evidence/pudding you can find the truth to any situation. Let me give you an example. Its like if you were a kid and your parents asked you if you had been in the cookie jar, out of fear and the sheer fact that you know you were going to get in trouble you quickly lie and say, "no." But guess what genius? Perhaps you should've wiped the cookie crumbs from around your mouth. I'll give you another. So Zakeitiah-Naynay asked you if you were out at the club last night. Of course, cuz you are a man, which means you are generally stupid, you lie and say, "of course not, Tyreeq and I went to the movies to see Karate Kid." Now first off, that is the worse lie in history. You know and so does your girl that you never go to the movies. Secondly, unless you have a "special" relationship with Tyreeq, why are two grown azz men going to the movies to see Karate Kid?! Hmmm?! Lastly, Zakeithia-Nayna's friend, Tont'A-Licious might as well own the club cuz because she be there more then the employees and of course she saw you. Your girl knew before she asked, The Proof Was In The Pudding.

I say all of this to say, "just tell the truth." Yes, it may seem more convenient not to lie, and of course you might not want to hurt ol gurl'/ol' boi, but you will hurt them worse by lying. He or she doesn't deserve it, but don't say I didn't warn you--The Proof is never far away; It Is In The Pudding.

~Self Helper

Monday, August 30, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 138 "The Cart Before The Horse"


Hello All:

Yeah, I know its Monday, but it is over now.

Come on Tuesday!

Today's Topic: The Cart Before The Horse

I believe it is my duty to share with you, my peepz, the things I have learned over the years, or continue to learn on a daily basis. Today I am going to tell you what I learned a few years ago. Today's message is about understanding that we have to begin at the starting point, before we can even think about the finish line. I am an antsy person. I mean I can't stay still to save my life. Due to the fact that I always have to be moving sometimes I am always looking at a way to get to the end of everything I do in the least amount of time. Its like the old saying, "what is the shortest distance between two points? A straight line." You wouldn't have to tell me twice because I would already be at the end of the line before everyone else began lining up. But, I have learned that its not about how fast you finish or who finishes first all the time. One has to learn to enjoy/understand the experience.

In my lifetime, I have met a number of people who are so focused on tomorrow that they forget to enjoy today. The are already thinking about the end of a situation, but they haven't even considered the beginning. As the old adage states, "That's Putting The Cart Before The Horse." Let me explain, the cart cannot pull the horse, but the horse can pull the cart. One must understand how important it is to put things in the correct order. Focus on the next second, minute, hour, and day. Don't worry about next week. Yes, tomorrow is not promised but neither is 11:59pm tonight. Take things slow, and remember---Don't Be So Quick To Do Things That You Put The Cart Before The Horse. Thats just wasting energy!

The Messenger'

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Daily Laugh: This Can't Be Real, He Can't Be Serious.


WTF: Some People Need A Time Out Pt. 2


WTF: Some People Need A Time Out


Shock Value: Entry 137 "Resolution; Last Chance"


Good Day:
Its Sunday. Get some rest and relax today.
We got a big week coming up.

Today's Topic: Resolution; Last Chance

People, as we get closer to the 1st of September, we only have 1/4 of the year left. Yes, that means the first 3/4 of this year is history. Now, you cannot do one thing about the first 8 months, but this is your last chance to maximize the moments left in 2010. I spoke to you all awhile ago about your New Year's Resolutions. This is your Last Chance to finish what you started January 1st.

I would like for you not to have to push back another year what you could've done right here in 2010. Don't give up! If you still haven't lost the weight, quit smoking/drinking, or found that special someone you are looking for, you still have time. I am no different from you. There are a few things that I have yet to accomplish this year. I said to myself on December 31st, that this was going to be the year I get it right. I got about 4 months left to reach my goals too. Let's do it together. Take a moment to jot down those things you were suppose to accomplish this year. See what you have done and what you have not. The have nots shall be addressed immediately! It's time to actually complete a year where all your Resolutions, or at least most of them are accomplished. This is our Last Chance in 2010. We can do it together; I GOT YOU!

~Lets Get It

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Don't Want To Be Sexist; LOL


Daily Laugh or WTF: OMG; This Really Isn't Funny, But I Can't Stop Laughing


Heads Up


Daily Laugh: Thats Using Ur Head!


Shock Value: Entry 136 "Hurricane Season Is Here"


Aye Yo:
I hope you all are having a great weekend.
Be responsible and be safe.

Today's Topic: Hurricane Season Is Here

For those of you who don't live in the Gulf Coast states or on the Southeastern portion of the U.S., you may not understand the significance of Hurricane Season. And no I am not talking about the University of Miami's football team. To those of us who reside down here, we are well aware of the impact of Hurricane Season. Since the end of July, several storms have been brewing out in the Atlantic, none of which actually turned into powerful Hurricanes that reached land. But, with the type of summer we have had and the extreme heat/weather conditions, we can all prepare to brace for an active Hurricane Season and a cold winter.

As I type, I just heard about a storm out in the Atlantic that is expected to cause major rain swells to hit the southern coast of the U.S. Like I said before, we need to get ready. Head to your favorite store and grab yourself flashlights, batteries, generators, candles, bottle water, and perishables. I can remember when I first moved down here, less than a week after my arrival Gustav caused the kid to be without power for two weeks. It was not a good look and it changed my perspective on the essentials, like hot water, power, and cable. I know what these things really mean now. I urge all of you all to keep all these regions in your prayers in this 5th year anniversary of Katrina. Hurricane Season Is Here and we could use all the support we can get.




Friday, August 27, 2010



WTF OR Daily Laugh: This Is Ignorance At Its Best, But They Deserve IT!"


Shock Value: Entry 135 "Nice Guys Are Irrelevant"


It's Friday!!!
I hope you all got a few plans this weekend.
Just in case one or two of them fall through.

Today's topic: Nice Guys Are Irrelevant

I am feeling really funny at this moment. Just yesterday I was having a real conversation with men about being gentleman. But today as I type, I feel a bit disturbed. It takes me back to my undergrad days in college. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a bigger version of high school. If you were a jock, popular, or a mini UFC fighter, the ladies went crazy over you. But if you were intelligent, smart, romantic, or Nice, you were Irrelevant. I was convinced in high school, in college, and even now that Nice Guys Are Irrelevant. I use to have a saying in college, "Nice guys like me do homework, thugs beat it up." I even made this statement in one of my classes. You can imagine the verbal back lashing the ladies in the room gave me, but if you know me, you know that made me feel justified.

Now that I am a bit older, my mind hasn't changed in the least bit. I think as women get older their needs change, but part of them still want the man that everyone wants, until they get cheated on and/or beat on enough. How much heartbreak can one take? I have been thinking a lot about just changing it up and start disrespecting women and talking reckless to them. This whole Nice thing is way overrated. Nice Guys Are Irrelevant. I don't think in this lifetime my mind will change, but I am an eternal optimists. Anything can happen. I think guys sometimes get a bad wrap, because until women start expecting more from men and make them step up to their level instead of settling for less, us Nice Guys don't stand a chance and we will always be Irrelevant.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Daily Laugh or WTF: You Be The Judge


WTF: The Driver Only Had Minor Injuries; WOW!


Shock Value: Entry 134 "A Gangster & A Gentleman"


What Up What Up?
Its Thursday. I am so excited that this week flew by.
I hope you all do it big this weekend.

Today's Topic: A Gangster & A Gentleman

Yesterday, of course I wrote about the things we need to turn down a notch. One of those things I spoke about, Super Thuggin', has inspired me to write this post today. I want to talk about the balance that any man should have. I am so confused as to why every feels the need to be "hard." Yeah, I know Rhianna and Jeezy has a song about it, but its okay to be soft sometimes. Especially when dealing with your family, friends, your lady friend, and kids. It is so weird how many men miss the mark when it comes to the delicate line between being A Gangster & A Gentleman.

In the sense of this post, I use the term Gangster very loosely because when I think of Gangster I think of the God Father/Al Capone types, or those real, real, real hood dudes, who have orchestrated one of the most dangerous plights to destroy minority men in this country---Crips, Bloods, and gangs in general. To me, every dude that has to announce his Thuggary, isn't that Thuggish at all. Nor is he a Gangster, but in this media driven world if you say it, you must be it. Either way, I want to encourage some of you so called goons, thugs, and Gangstersto tap into the Gentleman side of you. There isn't a thing in the world wrong with not calling females b*tches/whores, opening up doors, and buying dinner sometimes. Ladies, I am going to partially blame some of you on this one, because if you allow a dude to get away with it, the behavior will most certainly continue.

Fellaz: this message is just for you. Look for balance in all you do in life. Its ok to be aGangster, but one must more importantly be A Gentleman too.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

WTF: The Longest Hostage Rescue In History; 8 ppl died.


Maybe The Future Will Be Okay If We Keep Kids In The Arts


Shock Value: Entry 133 "P.S.A; TURN IT DOWN A NOTCH"


Hey Hey Hey:
It's Wednesday. The majority of the week has past.
We are so close to the weekend, you can smell the Saturday air.

Today's topic: P.S.A.; Turn It Down A Notch

So today, I would like to make a P.S.A. (public service announcement.) Perhaps, its more of me just venting but I feel the need to address my people. Below you will find the top five things we need to, "Turn Down A Notch." Some of these things have gotten way out of hand, and I want to make you all aware of it, just in case you have been living on Mars for the past 10 years. Lets go!

Top Five Things We Need To Turn Down A Notch:
  1. Our volume: Okay, I know when one is passionate about things they tend to raise their voices, but we have to be more cognizant of our volume and where we are. There is no reason we should be yelling at the top of our lungs in places like Church and the library.
  2. Super Thugging: I understand everything you see on tv, makes you believe if you aren't hard or a goon you aren't relevant. That is just t.v. bruh! Please cut out the super thugging. I had a dude who wanted to fight me the other day because I put my finger up in a nice way and asked him to hold on one second. It was unbelievable. Whether you believe it or not, the last person to beat me was my G-MA. Lets be clear bruh! Too much super thugging going on these days and people are getting killed or shot for dumbness.
  3. Dress Code: Ladies you all are abusing the leggings/tights. I know it is a fad but sweetheart it isn't for everyone. Also, if you are going to where them be classy. The granny pannies and no pannies is a no no. Its not cute. Fellas, we have got to do something about this sagging thing. I mean it is out of control when guys can't walk straight because there pants are so low, their belt is by their knees.
  4. Drinking & Driving: I know some of you think you become a better driver when you drink, but that is simply not the case. Too many innocent people have died because people thought they didn't have too much to drink and they are good to drive. Unfortunately, they aren't and a mother of three dies in the process of your dumb mistake. Assign a designated driver, or just stay at home and have your cocktails.
  5. The N Word: I ain't going to lie. I still accidentally use the N word, but some of you are outrageous. Man, just the other day I heard a dude refer to his pastor of his Church as a N Word. Come on guy, that is too far. But, I can't be mad because we all need to do better. I am not saying that one shouldn't use it at all, because I know some of you will always, but I am saying just watch how you use it, who you are around when you use it, and to whom you are referring too. It really ain't cool.
Just my five cents!

~Kulture Kop~ ( My new job)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 132 "Quality vs. Quantity"


As you usual, I hope everyone is doing well.

Today's Topic: Quality vs. Quantity

So, most recently I had a conversation with my student employees. Don't be surprised. Yes, the kid has a job and I do work with students. That is what you get for judging, lol. Anyway, we were talking about the idea of quality vs. quantity. I have chosen to share a little of that conversation with you all. You all are so privileged. You get the stuff for free, most people pay tons of money for.

Quantity vs. Quality: I don't understand why people think the more friends you have, the more people working for you, or the more people you keep around you, the better off you will be. That is absolutely an untruth. It is not about the quantity (number) or these people it is simply about the quality of these people. I would rather have 2 or 3 people in my inner circle who I know will ride or die for me, then 15 who are just there for themselves or to get their jock up. Stop finding all your security in the quantity of people who roll with you or like you and take time to evaluate the quality of these people. You know the saying, "you are who you hang around. So if your home boi/gurl is a whore, guess what people are going to say about you? No, princess, they are calling you a whore too.

Just be more strategic about those you work with, hang with, or those you call your friends. I know social networking sites got you thinking that its about the number of electronic friends you have that determine how liked or how popular you are. That rubbish, pure garbage! I can't tell you how to run your life, just saying quantity is no mas' importante' (not important). It's all about Quality.


Monday, August 23, 2010



WTF: Incredible pop-out painter


New Music: Lupe Fiasco - Go To Sleep


The One and Only Marvin Gaye - Mercy Mercy Me & What's Going On (live 1980)


Shock Value: Entry 131 "Mercy, Mercy, Me"


Happy Monday Folks:
I hope this finds you in the best of health and spirits.

Today's topic: Mercy, Mercy, Me

I know most of you young bucks have no idea what this topic is about. Some of you old souls might remember the famous hit by Mr. Marvin Gaye. Just in case you don't remember I will be sure to post it for you to listen. Anywho, I am writing today about this thing called Mercy. Mercy is defined as something for which to be thankful. Now I don't know about you, but the kid got a lot to be thankful for. If you don't think you do, take a second to blink your eyes, say your name, wiggle your toes, inhale and exhale. If you can do all of those things, you have a lot to be thankful for. Mercy is something all of us should be glad about.

I know for those of you who are of religious fame, you know about Mercy. I am going to go to the pulpit, but you know that HIS Grace & Mercy is what will bring you through. In this sense, Mercy is defined as leniency and compassion. I am too glad someone shows me leniency, because I don't always get it right. I am so glad some one shows me compassion, cause all of us could us it. If I say the wrong thing today, do the wrong thing tomorrow, I ask in advance---MERCY MERCY ME.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Yo: YOU HAVE GO TO SEE THIS!!! (copy & paste into your address bar)


YouTube Fights Homelessness With InvisiblePeople.tv


Invisible People TV: Help Fight Homelessness World Wide


WTF: Yo, Keep Your Mouth Closed, Police Are Bout That Bizness


WTF: Yo When Cops Are Working, Get Your Butt Out The Way


F' What You Heard, This Is The Dungeon Family


That's My Joint: The G- Mo Crew "Soul Food"--A Classic!!!


Shock Value: Entry 130 "Soul Food"


Sunday is here.
Today should be a day you fellowship with family and friends.
Relax and get mentally prepared for next week.

Today's Topic: Soul Food

I don't know how many of you remember the original movie "Soul Food." Not the series, which ruined the actual movie to me, but the actual motion picture that depicted a black family with various problems who were all united on at least one day a week to fellowship over what we call "Soul Foul". Now, I know some of you may not have big families or may not have experienced what it is like to sit around the table with your loved ones laughing, joking, and telling stories of years past. But to those of you who have been blessed to have that experience, take a moment to reminisce. How wonderful it is/was to have the people who matter the most to you, sitting next to you while you are partaking in a joyous occasions while supplementing the body with "Soul Fool." Soul Food is more like Food for the Soul.

While I wouldn't recommend you eat too much fried chicken, chitterlings, cakes and pies, because high blood pressure and diabetes are both silent killers in the African American community, I do think it is good for your soul to share a meal with those you love. It doesn't matter if its just one or two others, find someone who is close to you today, and plan to eat together. Its not the food that is important, its the fellowship and love that is spread around the table while you are passing the mac and cheese or collard greens. The Soul needs to be fed. Love is the best main course to fill your appetite. There is nothing like "Soul Food." Grab a plate and some silverware, or for those of us who have those people who never are hungry, but always want some foil or a to-go box to fix multiple plates--that might be you, today its okay. It all about the Soul.

Eat and Be Merry,

Thought Blakk

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thats My Joint: Soul II Soul - Keep On Movin'


Shock Value: Entry 129 "Open Up Your Heart"


Happy Saturday:
I hope you all had a blast last night.
You have one more to go, so get it in.

Today's Topic: Open Up Your Heart

Today, I decided to do something good for a change. It's not that I don't do a lot of good, but today, I guess I want to encourage my people at WoodWorkz to do something good. Open Up Your Heart and learn how to receive the love you have been missing. One would be surprised by the number of people who because of unsuccessful previous relationships have become clam shells and closed their heart all the way up. I mean they have sealed their heart in a vault and it is guarded by more people then the president.

It's hard for people to continue to try to love you if you don't Open Up Your Heart. I'm not saying you have to let everyone in because all the people around you don't have the best intentions, but their are some people who mean well. But, you will lose them if you can't let go of what ol' boy/ ol' gurl, did to you. These people shouldn't have to pay the price for something they didn't cause. There is no place in this life for people who refuse to walk in love and share love. Open Up Your Heart, receive what you deserve, the love that you have been missing your whole life. Hey, he or she might be the one who finally gets it right.

Enjoy your day,

Lub Dr.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Daily Laugh: Pretty Boy Swag--I wish this was soulja boy


WTF or Daily Laugh:Best Trey Songz Impersonation Ever!!!!!!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 128 "Keep On Moving, Don't Stop"


Happy Friday
I know you all got big plans for this weekend,
so I'm gonna get right into it.

Today's topic: Keep On Moving, Don't Stop

The one thing about life is it will most certainly present you with an number of challenges. Somethings you may try to do the right thing, but you will get the wrong results. No matter what you say or do sometimes you have to deal with negativity and adversity. However, regardless of what you go through Keep on Moving, Don't Stop.

If you don't pass go, you will never know what is out there for you. The road to success is paved with challenges and obstacles. Learning to overcome both of them will help you become a better person. No one said it would be easy, not did anyone say you wouldn't have to struggle, but you must regardless of the circumstance, Keep On Moving, Don't Stop.

As I said yesterday, Don't Give Up, Don't Give In. Most people give up right before there season comes along. This is my message to all of you who feel like the end is near or quitting is your best option---Keep On Moving, Don't Stop. There is is a blessing in progression.

Enjoy your weekend,


Shock Value: Entry 127 "Down, But Not Out"


Greetings All:
Its Thursday, which means Friday is right around the corner.
Let's rejoice and be glad it is.

Today's Topic: Down, But Not Out

Today is one of those moments when I have to tell a story of my own experience. So today, I went to pay my water bill. As I walked in the door, there were at least 10-15 people in line. Out of those people about 90% of them were attempting to get there water turned back on. I was shocked because I think some of us aren't aware of how many people are suffering in these times of financial crisis. I was there just to add monies to my account that already has a credit. For a moment, I really felt bad. But, one thing I realized is just because you are down, that doesn't mean you are out.

No matter what you go through on this earth, you will always have obstacles you have to face. It's not what you go through, its about what you learn from going through it. I know times are really hard but no matter what you go through you have to keep your head to the sky. Other people may put you down, talk down to you, and look down on you, but remember, just because you are down, that doesn't mean you are out. I know it doesn't seem like tomorrow is going to be better than today, but it most certainly will. Like I said, just because you are down, you aren't out. It ain't over unless you say its over. You may be down, but not out---Out of choices, out of options, out of the game. Don't give up, don't give in.


Happy B-Day to my lil hommie SKYY!!!
May GOD Bless you to see countless more.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 126 "2nd Chances"


Hey My People:
I want to thank all you for taking time out of your
busy schedules to spend time with me.

Today's topic: 2nd Chances

I want to take a moment and Thank GOD for 2nd Chances. Man can you imagine if none of us ever got a 2nd Chance. As I type this blog I sit here and think about all the first times I messed up in my life and how it was because I was afforded a 2nd Chance, I actually got it right. Now, while it is true you never get a 2nd Chance to make a 1st impression, sometimes your 2nd Chance helps you get it right. I would like for you to take a moment and think about how many times you didn't get something right the 1st time. It was because you got a do over or a 2nd Chance that you didn't have to live with the mistakes you make the 1st time.

2nd Chances aren't always a good thing, especially when you are extremely hurt from your 1st experience. But as the saying goes, "your live and you learn." 2nd Chances come few and far in between, so just like each moment in your life if you get a 2nd Chance you should maximize it. I don't know about you but if it wasn't for 2nd Chances I would not be the man I am today.

Message 7.0

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 125 "Unchain My Heart"


My People:
I hope you had a great day.

Today's Topic: Unchain My Heart

The late great Ray Charles once sung a song called, "Unchain My Heart." While I was listening to this song something popped in my head. How many of us still struggle with the fact that our first love is no longer around or we have gone our separate ways? Or you really know you want to go, but you can't because you love that person so much that you feel you cannot live without them. Your heart seems to be chained to that person. It would be nice if you could just call up that person, text them, or email them and ask them in the nicest way possible to, "Unchain Your Heart."

Its nothing worse then knowing you need to go or wanting to go, but you feel so connected to your former/current significant other you can't go even if you wanted to. Its tough, but these people are close to you and you love them, but we need a button like the EASY button that will that would unchain your heart from that person. It tough and we all know that special someone who will always have the best of us, even though they are gone away.


Monday, August 16, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 124 "Step In The Name Of Love"


What it do?
Yo, I hope you all are having a Happy Monday.

Today's Topic: Step In The Name Of Love

I know when you all saw the topic, immediately you begin to recite the lyrics to R. Kelly's jam that still makes you tear up the dance floor in most clubs and family reunions around the world. But, that is not the idea behind this post. Actually, what I am referencing is knowing when to leave someone you love because they can't love you the way you deserve to be loved.

Oftentimes we try to make excuses and convince ourself that Byron/Natisheika are our soul mates, but they just don't realize it yet. We normally fool ourselves into believing that one day they are going to magically become flawless and all those things they use to do and say to hurt us will all fade away. Its not going to happen! The sooner you realize it, the better off you will be. Sometimes if you really love someone, and you really want the best for them, you have to Step In The Name Of Love. You have to pack up your things mentally and emotionally and leave. This may be the best thing to happen to you and your soon to be ex. Just because you Step In The Name Of Love, that doesn't mean you no longer love that person, it just means that you have come to the realization that he or she deserves what you can't give them and/or the way they live their life isn't the way you planned your future.

So do you both a favor, turn on R. Kelly, pack your bags, and Step In The Name Of Love out that front door into the world that is the beginning of the rest of your life.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 123 "The Comforter"


Greetings All:
Sunday Is Here. Not so excited are you because Monday is next door? Its okay. We all gotta go in tomorrow too. Just be thankful. Some of us, like me, have been working 10 days straight. I ain't complaining folks, there are millions of people that would love to just have a job.

Today's Topic: The Comforter

You know the more I talk to people who are in relationships and those who are unhappily married, the more confused I get. Now, I will be honest, I am not married, nor do I see it anywhere in the near future. I haven't had a REAL girlfriend since middle school. But regardless of all that, I do know just from observations and history the basic things one must possess to be in a functional, key word, functional relationship. In my humble opinion, one must be able to trust and depend on their significant other. If you can't depend on, or more importantly trust your partner then you know there is no need to continue on, but people do. In comes----The Comforter.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to introduce to some and re-introduce to others of you who already familiar with him or her, please meet The Comforter. The Comforter is that person of the same or opposite sex that your significant other goes to for the things that you don't provide. Now, this may not pose a threat for some relationships, because some women and men have homegirls and homeboys who serve in this capacity. But others have people of the opposite sex that they go to for the necessities that they should be getting from there significant other. The Comforter can be harmless, but the The Comforter can also be the worst thing to ever happen to your relationship or marriage. Women and Men may have no intentions at first of developing any significant connection with their Comforter, but eventually if he or she is doing and saying all the right things the natural attractions begin and in the worse case so does the infidelity, cheating, lying, and worse adultery.

I am not saying that it isn't important to have someone to go to in this life when you need someone to talk to. I am also not saying that it isn't okay to have someone to reach out to of the same or opposite sex. But I am saying, if you are in a relationship or are unified through vows you took to be one; the only Comforter you should have should be the one you call your boyfriend, girlfriend, fiance', husband, wife or the MAN UPSTAIRS. The Comforter in your life should be the one you are planning on or already planned on spending the rest of your life with. Or the person you have dedicated your life religiously to serve. Get it together! Cheating destroys not only the people you love, but the people who love you. Beware of THE COMFORTER.

Singing the song by Shai, "I will comfort, comfort, comfort you...."
Yall young bucks don't know nothing about that.
Let the hate mail begin!


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 122 "Its Not OVER"


Whats Good?
I hope you all had a great day today.

Today's Topic: Its Not OVER

I know the obvious question is: what is not over? Well, I am so glad you asked. Because frankly I was referring to that one thing that you were considering giving up on. Now I know I am always joshing around about how sometimes you have to know when to say when and while that is true, I do believe there are some things you should never give up on. I am a person that truly believes its not OVER until the fat lady sings or our time on this earth expires . I have no idea what a over sized lady and her voice has to do with quitting but its just a saying anyway. The point is, its never really OVER until you say its OVER. Don't let what other people say and do discourage you. Your are the MASTER of your fate, the Captain of your soul. If you aren't losing any sleep or hurting anyway, keep on with the pursuit of your dream. Look yourself in the mirror at night and in the morning and say, "ITS NOT OVER!" Go get'em tiger. Lol.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 121 "The Last Word"


Good Evening Folks:
I hope you all had a great week.

Today's Topic: The Last Word

I just realized something that had escaped me for most of my life. Well, I can actually now say I just realized it. I actually had one of my mentors who has no idea she is, tell me something that changed my life. I had no idea what she was getting at when she said it, but I most definitely didn't get it until just recently.

My mentor said to me, "sometimes its best just not to respond; let them have the last word." I heard her when she said it, but I wasn't truly listening. It was weird because I remember her message when I heard Drake say, "diss me and you'll never hear a reply for it..." Now, I get it! For years, when I felt wronged I would launch a verbal/written onslaught at the person who tried to belittle me or lied on me. But, I get it now. It's a waste of breath or key strokes to try to have the last word.

No matter what people say or do to you, sometimes its okay to lose a battle to win the war. The best thing you can do, is not respond. First off, if you know they are wrong about something, its okay not to have to always have the last word. Let it go; it ain't worth it! Next time someone is makes a big deal over nothing, don't respond. People can't argue with themselves. Don't feel bad if it doesn't come easily, I am still struggling with this til this day. But I understand now more than ever its not necessary to have ---THE LAST WORD.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 120 "The R.E.A.L. You"


Hey Peepz:
Once again, quit your whining. The blog is done now.

Today's Topic: The R.E.A.L. You

Let me tell you something about YOU. No one knows you better than you. People may know of you but that doesn't mean they know you. No one one knows the R.E.A.L. You, but you. People are always gonna judge, think whatever they like about you, but none of that matters. You are who you say you are and nothing else. As I always say, "it's not about what people call you, its what you answer to." People don't usually give you a chance to demonstrate who you are because they are so busy listening to what other people say about you. Stop worrying about that. The R.E.A.L. You isn't for you to share with everyone. To be perfectly honest, most people couldn't handle the R.E.A.L. You anyway. Do waste another second of your time trying to explain yourself or trying to impress people because they are going to think what they like anyway. Enjoy, love, and cherish you for who you are. At the end of the day, no one is going to love and appreciate you like you anyway.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

WTF: JetBlue Flight Attendant's Angry Exit


Shock Value: Entry 119 "Taking Things For Granted"


Good Evening:
Quit your whining.
I told you some of the blogs this week would be in the pm;
So get over it!

Today's Topic: Taking Things For Granted

I promise not to keep you all to long this evening, but there is something I have to speak to all you about. Whatever you do, don't take things in life for granted. It doesn't matter what people do to you, say to you, or how the try to affect you. Don't take any of these experiences for granted. Don't take life, love, happiness, peace, joy, pain, family, friends, associates, and any of your loved ones for granting. Taking things for granted can cause you major problems later in life. I hope all of you get a change to do something today or tomorrow that you always wanted to do. Tomorrow isn't promised, so don't take this evening for granted or those that you have near you right now as you read this. Taking things for granted is a crime, unfortunately, you won't find out your sentence until it may be too late. Make every moment count---maximize those moments---and try your hardest not to take things for granted.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mannie Fresh x An uncaged Mystikal = Its about to be a problem


Shock Value: Entry 118 "Always Go With Your Gut"


The early bird gets the worm.
Good AM people.
Have a Blessed Day!

Today's Topic: Always Go With Your Gut

Yo! I have to admit something to you all today. I use to give out some forms of advice but not follow it. Yes, I made have been a hypocrite but after being victimized continuously, I think now its time for me to take my own advice. I am the first one to tell others that if you aren't happy with something or you don't like it; don't do it or participate in it. Now I really believe that, but because I am so passionate about the plight of people I try to serve or help, I continue to go above beyond, but like a hand touching a hot stove, I keep getting burned.

Today, I want all of you to know that this is my testimony of sorts. But, believe you me, I am going through a change and I hope you all have the power to self reflect and then try to wrong your rights or fix your flaws too. I want you to know that no matter what you see in front of you or you think is best: Always go with your gut. The gut doesn't lie. If you feel inside that you shouldn't go out, don't go. If you feel inside that he or she isn't good for you, let them go. Never hire someone you don't want to fire. Never let your mind tell your body that it can do something that you may not actually live through. If there is any doubt, uncertainty, or a point where you are on the fence---Always Go With Your Gut!

Life is too short. Just recently I had a reminder of that. (Tearing up a bit). R.I.P. : D.K.J. "You will always be DEAN to me, Big Hommie!" GOD has another Angel by his side.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Taylor Gang or eat your young!!!




Daily Laugh: Dolemite! THE SIGNIFYING MONKEY


This Is Dedication: The Greatest Catch Ever?


Coming This Friday: The Expendables


Shock Value: Entry 117 "Friends, How many of us have them?"


Good Evening Peeps:
This week is busy for the kid, thus you will be getting your daily brain food
in the p.m. if the a.m. doesn't free up a bit. Sue me!

Today's Topic: Friends, How many of us have them?

Now this may be a terrible thing to say, but I have ZERO, ZIPPO, NONE, NADA, NOT 1, friend. Perhaps other people may think we are friends, but simply put---we are not. I learned along time ago that friends are pointless. Kinda like goldfish; by the time you learn just how much to feed them you suddenly come home one day and they are floating upside down in the tank for no reason. I don't believe in the whole idea of friends or friendship.

With me there are two distinctive categories: Associates and Family. My associates are those people who I do exactly what the word says, associate with. We are cool, I'll still help you if I can, but we are not in a relationship of any sort and you don't owe me a thing. I respect your mind and space as you should do mine. Associates are no more than that to me. Those people who I would give my very very last breath to are considered my family. These are the people that have held me down when I didn't even know I needed to be held down. Oh, how I thank GOD for these people! Without some of these people there would be no me.

I am not advocating you take on my philosophy because it may not work for you. I am just sharing with you how I operate. So please don't be offended when you refer to me as your friend and I correct you and let you in on a secret--we aren't friends. Don't be mistaken, I still care for you, but when you become Family, that is when you get the keys to the person that truly is----ME.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Coming Soon:Jackass 3D; Who Watches This Crap?! SMDH!




New Music: Strut That Ass Song; LOL


WTF or Daily Laugh: Sitting on the toilet song....


Shock Value: Entry 116 "Being An Adult Sucks, Sometimes"


Yeah, I know no one is celebrating because that means Monday is on the horizon.
Oh well, at least you made it another week.

Today's Topic: Being An Adult Sucks, Sometimes

I was looking at pictures of my little nieces and nephews just yesterday. As I looked at their cute little faces and into those big beautiful eyes you see some much wonder, excitement, and amazement. Then it came to me, "Enjoy it while you can little prince and princess, because when you get older the world will turn on you quickly.

How blissful it was to be a kid. Someone catered to your every needs. When you went number one or two you had someone to take care of that with joy. Not anymore. Well, I shouldn't say that because there are some of you out there who have a grown man baby at your house right now that you burp everyday. He is sleep when you go to work and in the streets when you get home. I digress. Anyway, it's such a gift to be a baby. Unfortunately, I don't remember much about my childhood, but I do know I didn't need a checkbook, a bank account, to pay bills, or do any adult-like things. The sad part about it is the children today are in such a rush to be "grown." I tell my little cousins all the time---slow down. There is no need to hurry to get a driver's license or a job. One, if you don't have a car, you are going to be forced to run errands against your will ALL THE TIME. Secondly, your check from your job isn't going to be significant enough to support your MAC lip gloss fetish our your need to have the newest pair of J's.

Being An Adult Suck, Sometimes, but it does have it perks. I guess I am one of those Toys R Us Kids---I never want to grow up. Don't Judge Me. All of you have a little kid inside you as well, you just have to endure such rough situations, you forget to enjoy life.

Peace, Love, & Sacrifice

Saturday, August 7, 2010

New Music: Nicki Minaj - Your Love


MY JOINT: Kanye West - POWER


Check Out the Outfit: Overnight internet sensation Antoine Dodson reacts to new-found fame


Kevin Hart on "Fighting Women": He Is Nutz!


LMAO: Kevin Hart the Hip-Hop Weatherman!


This Boy Is Dumb:Kevin Hart shows his "Game Face"


Shock Value: Entry 115 "Insomnia"


Yes Ma'am & Sir:
The weekend is here and you better not be sitting in the house either!
Call up somebody, hit the beach, mall, or just go visit fam.

Today's Topic: Insomnia

Today I am going to share one of my personal secrets with you all. I believe any great writer has to be able to share his/or her weaknesses with their audience. I know it seems like I have the cure for a lot of life's diseases/situations/problems, but there is one I can not find an anecdote for---Insomnia.

I am a true Insomniac. Whether you believe it or not, I rarely sleep. I mean, the kid is unable to sleep more than 3-4 hours straight, no matter what time I go to bed or get up. For example, the night before last I feel A-Nap, I don't call it asleep because people who sleep get more than 3 hours straight I am sure, but any who, the other night I feel A-Nap around 11p. I was just that tired. I usually get in the bed before 10/11p praying that sleep takes me away like Calgone, but I usually don't fall asleep until 2 or 3am. But I was sleep at 11p that night, and as I suspected, I was up around 2 am and there was NO CHANCE I was going back to sleep. It is terrible!

The other piece that is worse is the longer I sleep, the more tired I am the next day. For example, if I go to sleep for more than 5 hours, which rarely ever happens, the next day I am rubbish (garbage.) I mean in know way am I productive, because I am so tired and too exhausted to do anything. Alternatively, if I get about 3-4 hours or less, I am extremely refreshed and ready to go the next day. Its a horrible thing. Now, people always tell me, maybe you should take a sleep aid. NO WAY! I like to be fully aware of my surroundings and whats going on in my world. Hence why I have never taken a drink or smoked. I don't want to be knocked out in a deep sleep and somebody comes in my room and takes advantage of my body---LMAO!

Anyway, I just wanted to open up to you all today, and let you know one of my struggles. At this point I don't worry about it. As the Game says, "Sleep is the cousin of death." I guess I will catch up on sleep when my days here are done. Until then I will continue to randomly cold texting and cold calling the rest of you at JESUS O'Clock in the morning. You don't have to respond or answer, but my mind and I are so happy when you do!

Enjoy your weekend,


Friday, August 6, 2010

Daily Laugh: This Guy or Wateva Gone Be Famous...


This Is A Classic: Young Jeezy - Put On ft. Kanye West


New Music: Jeezy - All White Everything


Daily Laugh: Aries Spears Is Funny


That's My Joint: Kevin Hart releases his first ever rap video... 3/10/10


Shock Value: Entry 114 "Being Regular Is Okay"


Folks stop your whining, Friday is finally here.
Don't be acting like its Saturday already though.
Do your job, please.

Today's topic: Being Regular Is Okay

People out there, once again this is a public service announcement. Today I am here to share with you some breaking news: Being Regular Is Okay. Now we know in this media/entertainment driven age, images are being forced down your throat and the throats of your children. These images force you to think you are not a tall enough, small enough, pretty enough, skinny enough or just not enough. But you are! It so sad that people feel compelled to be famous. Compelled so much that they are willing to do anything, and I do mean anything--Morpheus's daughter, still SMDH. Anywho, you don't have to be talented , athletic, smart, rich, or famous. Its okay to be you. Being Regular Is Okay. There is no reason to add any more pressure to your life. As long as you are happy, you love yourself, and you treat others as you want to be treated you are good to go. Don't try to be someone you aren't. Really, and I mean this from the bottom---Being Regular Is Okay.

Enjoy your weekend,

Power to the People

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Flashback: Chris Tucker Was That Man!


Daily Laugh: Best of Kevin Hart- I'm a Grown Little Man


WTF: Some People Have Too Much Time On Their Hands..SMH


This My Joint: I Believe in Redemption, Breezy My Dude!


Shock Value: Entry 113 "Today"


Hope you have a good one folks.

Today's Topic: Today

Yes, today's topic is just that, Today. You know why? Probably not, but you are about to find out. You know the good thing about Today? Think about it for a second; I'll wait...... Okay, here is my p.o.v. (point of view): The good thing about Today, is that yesterday is gone and tomorrow is only dependent on what you do Today. Let me go deeper. So many people live their lives trying to right the wrongs of yesterday instead of planning an agenda for Today, that will ultimately make the most impact on your tomorrows. I know it sounds a little funny to say you need to let go off your yesterdays( your past) but surely you need to do just that. Life doesn't go in rewind, so there is nothing that you can do about yesterday. There is no pause in this life, but it does move forward.

The message is just that simple. Take all your positive energies and focus on making Today the best day ever. Stop living life looking in the rear view mirror. What is behind you is just that, behind you. If you stay focused on whats behind you, it may eventually slow you down and those things might just catch up to you. Instead of looking behind you, focus on what in front of you. If you don't navigate Today's course correctly, there may not be a Tomorrow. There are only a few things guaranteed in this life. One of the major ones is that none of us will make it out alive. Unless you plan on leaving this earth today, you still have time to make the best of the time you have left. The key is to use Today as a benchmark for the rest of your life. If all of us where judged on the mistakes we made in our past we would never get anywhere and great leaders like Malcolm, Ghandi, and Martin wouldn't exist. Today is the day. Today is the present. Today is the only thing that truly matters. So, Today is the day you CAN ACHIEVE GREATNESS, if you believe it.


Mr. Right Now

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Kevin Hart 40 Year Old Virgin: Minus the N-Words. Love It!


Daily Laugh: This Dude Kevin Hart Is A Fool!