Saturday, August 7, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 115 "Insomnia"


Yes Ma'am & Sir:
The weekend is here and you better not be sitting in the house either!
Call up somebody, hit the beach, mall, or just go visit fam.

Today's Topic: Insomnia

Today I am going to share one of my personal secrets with you all. I believe any great writer has to be able to share his/or her weaknesses with their audience. I know it seems like I have the cure for a lot of life's diseases/situations/problems, but there is one I can not find an anecdote for---Insomnia.

I am a true Insomniac. Whether you believe it or not, I rarely sleep. I mean, the kid is unable to sleep more than 3-4 hours straight, no matter what time I go to bed or get up. For example, the night before last I feel A-Nap, I don't call it asleep because people who sleep get more than 3 hours straight I am sure, but any who, the other night I feel A-Nap around 11p. I was just that tired. I usually get in the bed before 10/11p praying that sleep takes me away like Calgone, but I usually don't fall asleep until 2 or 3am. But I was sleep at 11p that night, and as I suspected, I was up around 2 am and there was NO CHANCE I was going back to sleep. It is terrible!

The other piece that is worse is the longer I sleep, the more tired I am the next day. For example, if I go to sleep for more than 5 hours, which rarely ever happens, the next day I am rubbish (garbage.) I mean in know way am I productive, because I am so tired and too exhausted to do anything. Alternatively, if I get about 3-4 hours or less, I am extremely refreshed and ready to go the next day. Its a horrible thing. Now, people always tell me, maybe you should take a sleep aid. NO WAY! I like to be fully aware of my surroundings and whats going on in my world. Hence why I have never taken a drink or smoked. I don't want to be knocked out in a deep sleep and somebody comes in my room and takes advantage of my body---LMAO!

Anyway, I just wanted to open up to you all today, and let you know one of my struggles. At this point I don't worry about it. As the Game says, "Sleep is the cousin of death." I guess I will catch up on sleep when my days here are done. Until then I will continue to randomly cold texting and cold calling the rest of you at JESUS O'Clock in the morning. You don't have to respond or answer, but my mind and I are so happy when you do!

Enjoy your weekend,


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