Sunday, August 22, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 130 "Soul Food"


Sunday is here.
Today should be a day you fellowship with family and friends.
Relax and get mentally prepared for next week.

Today's Topic: Soul Food

I don't know how many of you remember the original movie "Soul Food." Not the series, which ruined the actual movie to me, but the actual motion picture that depicted a black family with various problems who were all united on at least one day a week to fellowship over what we call "Soul Foul". Now, I know some of you may not have big families or may not have experienced what it is like to sit around the table with your loved ones laughing, joking, and telling stories of years past. But to those of you who have been blessed to have that experience, take a moment to reminisce. How wonderful it is/was to have the people who matter the most to you, sitting next to you while you are partaking in a joyous occasions while supplementing the body with "Soul Fool." Soul Food is more like Food for the Soul.

While I wouldn't recommend you eat too much fried chicken, chitterlings, cakes and pies, because high blood pressure and diabetes are both silent killers in the African American community, I do think it is good for your soul to share a meal with those you love. It doesn't matter if its just one or two others, find someone who is close to you today, and plan to eat together. Its not the food that is important, its the fellowship and love that is spread around the table while you are passing the mac and cheese or collard greens. The Soul needs to be fed. Love is the best main course to fill your appetite. There is nothing like "Soul Food." Grab a plate and some silverware, or for those of us who have those people who never are hungry, but always want some foil or a to-go box to fix multiple plates--that might be you, today its okay. It all about the Soul.

Eat and Be Merry,

Thought Blakk

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