Friday, August 27, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 135 "Nice Guys Are Irrelevant"


It's Friday!!!
I hope you all got a few plans this weekend.
Just in case one or two of them fall through.

Today's topic: Nice Guys Are Irrelevant

I am feeling really funny at this moment. Just yesterday I was having a real conversation with men about being gentleman. But today as I type, I feel a bit disturbed. It takes me back to my undergrad days in college. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a bigger version of high school. If you were a jock, popular, or a mini UFC fighter, the ladies went crazy over you. But if you were intelligent, smart, romantic, or Nice, you were Irrelevant. I was convinced in high school, in college, and even now that Nice Guys Are Irrelevant. I use to have a saying in college, "Nice guys like me do homework, thugs beat it up." I even made this statement in one of my classes. You can imagine the verbal back lashing the ladies in the room gave me, but if you know me, you know that made me feel justified.

Now that I am a bit older, my mind hasn't changed in the least bit. I think as women get older their needs change, but part of them still want the man that everyone wants, until they get cheated on and/or beat on enough. How much heartbreak can one take? I have been thinking a lot about just changing it up and start disrespecting women and talking reckless to them. This whole Nice thing is way overrated. Nice Guys Are Irrelevant. I don't think in this lifetime my mind will change, but I am an eternal optimists. Anything can happen. I think guys sometimes get a bad wrap, because until women start expecting more from men and make them step up to their level instead of settling for less, us Nice Guys don't stand a chance and we will always be Irrelevant.


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