Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 133 "P.S.A; TURN IT DOWN A NOTCH"


Hey Hey Hey:
It's Wednesday. The majority of the week has past.
We are so close to the weekend, you can smell the Saturday air.

Today's topic: P.S.A.; Turn It Down A Notch

So today, I would like to make a P.S.A. (public service announcement.) Perhaps, its more of me just venting but I feel the need to address my people. Below you will find the top five things we need to, "Turn Down A Notch." Some of these things have gotten way out of hand, and I want to make you all aware of it, just in case you have been living on Mars for the past 10 years. Lets go!

Top Five Things We Need To Turn Down A Notch:
  1. Our volume: Okay, I know when one is passionate about things they tend to raise their voices, but we have to be more cognizant of our volume and where we are. There is no reason we should be yelling at the top of our lungs in places like Church and the library.
  2. Super Thugging: I understand everything you see on tv, makes you believe if you aren't hard or a goon you aren't relevant. That is just t.v. bruh! Please cut out the super thugging. I had a dude who wanted to fight me the other day because I put my finger up in a nice way and asked him to hold on one second. It was unbelievable. Whether you believe it or not, the last person to beat me was my G-MA. Lets be clear bruh! Too much super thugging going on these days and people are getting killed or shot for dumbness.
  3. Dress Code: Ladies you all are abusing the leggings/tights. I know it is a fad but sweetheart it isn't for everyone. Also, if you are going to where them be classy. The granny pannies and no pannies is a no no. Its not cute. Fellas, we have got to do something about this sagging thing. I mean it is out of control when guys can't walk straight because there pants are so low, their belt is by their knees.
  4. Drinking & Driving: I know some of you think you become a better driver when you drink, but that is simply not the case. Too many innocent people have died because people thought they didn't have too much to drink and they are good to drive. Unfortunately, they aren't and a mother of three dies in the process of your dumb mistake. Assign a designated driver, or just stay at home and have your cocktails.
  5. The N Word: I ain't going to lie. I still accidentally use the N word, but some of you are outrageous. Man, just the other day I heard a dude refer to his pastor of his Church as a N Word. Come on guy, that is too far. But, I can't be mad because we all need to do better. I am not saying that one shouldn't use it at all, because I know some of you will always, but I am saying just watch how you use it, who you are around when you use it, and to whom you are referring too. It really ain't cool.
Just my five cents!

~Kulture Kop~ ( My new job)

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