Thursday, August 5, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 113 "Today"


Hope you have a good one folks.

Today's Topic: Today

Yes, today's topic is just that, Today. You know why? Probably not, but you are about to find out. You know the good thing about Today? Think about it for a second; I'll wait...... Okay, here is my p.o.v. (point of view): The good thing about Today, is that yesterday is gone and tomorrow is only dependent on what you do Today. Let me go deeper. So many people live their lives trying to right the wrongs of yesterday instead of planning an agenda for Today, that will ultimately make the most impact on your tomorrows. I know it sounds a little funny to say you need to let go off your yesterdays( your past) but surely you need to do just that. Life doesn't go in rewind, so there is nothing that you can do about yesterday. There is no pause in this life, but it does move forward.

The message is just that simple. Take all your positive energies and focus on making Today the best day ever. Stop living life looking in the rear view mirror. What is behind you is just that, behind you. If you stay focused on whats behind you, it may eventually slow you down and those things might just catch up to you. Instead of looking behind you, focus on what in front of you. If you don't navigate Today's course correctly, there may not be a Tomorrow. There are only a few things guaranteed in this life. One of the major ones is that none of us will make it out alive. Unless you plan on leaving this earth today, you still have time to make the best of the time you have left. The key is to use Today as a benchmark for the rest of your life. If all of us where judged on the mistakes we made in our past we would never get anywhere and great leaders like Malcolm, Ghandi, and Martin wouldn't exist. Today is the day. Today is the present. Today is the only thing that truly matters. So, Today is the day you CAN ACHIEVE GREATNESS, if you believe it.


Mr. Right Now

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