Sunday, August 15, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 123 "The Comforter"


Greetings All:
Sunday Is Here. Not so excited are you because Monday is next door? Its okay. We all gotta go in tomorrow too. Just be thankful. Some of us, like me, have been working 10 days straight. I ain't complaining folks, there are millions of people that would love to just have a job.

Today's Topic: The Comforter

You know the more I talk to people who are in relationships and those who are unhappily married, the more confused I get. Now, I will be honest, I am not married, nor do I see it anywhere in the near future. I haven't had a REAL girlfriend since middle school. But regardless of all that, I do know just from observations and history the basic things one must possess to be in a functional, key word, functional relationship. In my humble opinion, one must be able to trust and depend on their significant other. If you can't depend on, or more importantly trust your partner then you know there is no need to continue on, but people do. In comes----The Comforter.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to introduce to some and re-introduce to others of you who already familiar with him or her, please meet The Comforter. The Comforter is that person of the same or opposite sex that your significant other goes to for the things that you don't provide. Now, this may not pose a threat for some relationships, because some women and men have homegirls and homeboys who serve in this capacity. But others have people of the opposite sex that they go to for the necessities that they should be getting from there significant other. The Comforter can be harmless, but the The Comforter can also be the worst thing to ever happen to your relationship or marriage. Women and Men may have no intentions at first of developing any significant connection with their Comforter, but eventually if he or she is doing and saying all the right things the natural attractions begin and in the worse case so does the infidelity, cheating, lying, and worse adultery.

I am not saying that it isn't important to have someone to go to in this life when you need someone to talk to. I am also not saying that it isn't okay to have someone to reach out to of the same or opposite sex. But I am saying, if you are in a relationship or are unified through vows you took to be one; the only Comforter you should have should be the one you call your boyfriend, girlfriend, fiance', husband, wife or the MAN UPSTAIRS. The Comforter in your life should be the one you are planning on or already planned on spending the rest of your life with. Or the person you have dedicated your life religiously to serve. Get it together! Cheating destroys not only the people you love, but the people who love you. Beware of THE COMFORTER.

Singing the song by Shai, "I will comfort, comfort, comfort you...."
Yall young bucks don't know nothing about that.
Let the hate mail begin!


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