Friday, April 30, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 22 " Money, Power, and Respect"


Hey Hey Hey- T.G.I.F. ! I don't know about you all, but I am so glad that it is Friday. I don't know about any of you, but this week has definitely been taxing. I am not so sure if I was ready for what returning to Lil-Weezy- Anna (Louisiana) would have in store for me. All in All, this was at the least a very productive week.

Today, I wanted to talk about three things that seem to make the world evolve--MONEY, POWER, AND RESPECT.

Lets begin talking about the Money. No matter you refer to it as: Mula, Dinero, Cheez, and/or Ghaup; it is necessary to have this to survive. While I don't necessarily believe that Money is the root of all evil, I do believe that it is the identical twin of greed, which has destroyed more lives then drug addiction and racism combined. Money is important, and in a recession, we could all use a little more. Too bad no one told your favorite rappers that we are in a recession, because they still visit Jacob the Jeweler and drop a $300,000 on a chain while you work 40+ hours just to buy their extremely over priced cds.

Now Power---Good ole' power. Many people may not understand what power means in the sense of sustainability, but those who are in power understand its necessity all too well. Power gives people the ability to make decisions that oftentimes influence the decisions of others or change the scope of one's daily life. There is a clear difference between power and authority. One specifically gives you the right to do something, while the other can be taken or acquired from someone else through more democratic functions such as votes or nominations. Power, unlike money and respect can be limitless. People in power have to know when enough is enough, but usually they go too far anyway.

Respect to me is earned and not given. People may fear you, but that doesn't mean they respect you. People who have earned real respect have paid their dues and are valued for the role(s) they play in society. Respect can be one-sided or mutual. I am sure all of you know someone who you have respect for but that person may not even know you exist, like the President. I have learned over the years that respect may come and go, but your honor and integrity, if upheld, can last forever.

Money, Power, and Respect are a unique blend of items. Too much of either of the three can lead to your demise. Antonio Montana said, "first you get the Money, then you get the Power, and then the Respect." While I understand his logic, I tend to believe that people can have one or two of the three without having all three. Either way, in this life we all should aim to obtain a nice mixture of all three. No matter what order they come in, don't give them away or waste any of them because there is always someone lurking in the shadows who is willing to do anything for MO' MONEY, MO' POWER & MO' RESPECT.

Blakk Diamond Knowledge!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 21 " This Summer Is Going To Be A Burner"


Now I am no meteorologist, nor do I work for any weather or Doppler radar company, but it is my prediction that this summer is going to be a hot one. Maybe its me, but I feel like we all need to prepare to either lose 10-20 pounds or break out the umbrella to hide from the sun, like the bougie people do. I am definitely not in the best shape, nor am I in the worse, but humidity will make a man out of anyone.

Walking out the door to the mailbox and back to the house and already sweating---Where They Do Dat' At? I don't know, but if you are in the south, you already know it gets hotter than the devil's chest hair (enjoy!) I am just informing you to be prepared for the real deal this summer. No matter what your occupation is: carpenter, lawyer, lifeguard, or beautician, please make sure you keep yourself hydrated and inside as much as possible this summer.

You know there lies a myth out there that people of other ethnicities besides anglo-saxon, don't tan or aren't as vulnerable to skin cancer-----False. No matter what your race is, too much of anything isn't good for you and that does include the sun.

So, take it from someone who knows from experience, if you have to be outside for extended periods of time, please drink plenty H2O and use some lotion that assists with UV rays.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

One Lub!

Good Humor: The Honest R&B Song... LOL Shout out to Man in a Box


CLAWWWD!!! Amber's my favorite color


Faded and Under Rated: In the process of reviewing this, if its any good (Im sure it will be) I'll post the link for Download! Young Wiz

This has to be the dopesT Album Art I've seen in a while!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 20 "One For The Road"


Today's message will probably be the shortest message drafted by me in the history of WoodWorkz. The theme today is "One For the Road."

I am sure you are wondering what that means, so I will break it down for you now. Today is the best day ever. Do you know why? Because you woke up this morning. That means you have another day to make a difference in this life and in the world.

Now that you have been reminded of what you have to be grateful for, please make today the best day ever, if not for you, but for all those you encounter.

Peace, Love, & Happiness!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 19 "You Are Who You Say You Are"


No need to beat around the bush today. I just wanted to take a moment today to encourage you all. I am so surprised how many people let other people's decisions and opinions affect their self- esteem. No one should have more say so in and over your life then you.

If you believe you are the bomb, you are. If you believe you are a difference maker, you are. If you believe you are a superstar, celebrity, rapper, or the next big thing, then you are. Don't let others around you take your joy. If you believe it, you can achieve it.

You have to make a concerted effort to separate those who mean you well and those who don't. This is your life and you can't ask for another. You have to believe in yourself or no one else will.

We all have to work harder to be more supportive of the ones we love. We can do way more together than we can do alone.

One Lub'

If this Tape ever comes out, its going to be the ish!!! Shout out to creative control


Monday, April 26, 2010

All Red Everything: DG Edition

OMG!!! I Gotta Have!!!!

Shock Value: Entry 18 "The Pursuit of Happy"


Most recently, I was thinking about the movie, Pursuit of Happyness. If you haven't seen it, you might want to visit your local Red Box or video store and grab a copy. The movie is very inspirational, but as with most Hollywood flicks, it ended with everything working out for the best. Although, real life isn't always as it seems in the movies, the message is still relevant to all of us today.

No matter what you do in life, work hard and seek joy and happiness in it. All too often, I converse with people who talk about how much they hate their job or how unsatisfied they are with their life. I am quick to remind them that life is all about the choices you make. The only way a situation can be changed is if you make an effort to change it. Don't talk about it, be about it!

I was recently reminded by a comedian about something that has stuck with me my entire life. If you aren't happy with what you are doing; do something else. My mentor use to say, "If you want to find a career in life and not just a job; find the one thing you would do everyday absolutely for free, AND FIND A WAY TO GET PAID FOR IT."


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 17 "Stop Judging"


Each and everyone of us in this life has a special gift or something that we can contribute to this world. Some people do huge things like feeding children in foreign countries while others teach dance to youth in a troubled neighborhood. No matter what your gift is, it is your gift and you don't have to prove anything to anyone.

If I haven't learned anything else from this life, I have learned that people are too judgmental. I have been in presence of people who think its their job to be critical of everyone's actions except their own. If you are reading this and that person is you; its okay, today is the day you can start to change. I use to believe that women were the most judgmental creators on this earth, but guys these days have become worse. Especially, when speaking on the life choices of other celebrity men and pro athletes. Just cause you didn't make it to the league, don't hate the player, hate the game. (NICE!)

Anyway, I just want us all to take more moments to self-reflect and stop judging other people. I know, you are saying, this blog isn't about me, but it sure is. We all do it, whether we know it or not. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to finding a solution. So lets make a concerted effort to get to know people or where they come from before we begin formulating opinions about them.

If you don't know where a person has come from, you have no idea where they are going.

One Lub'

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Shock Value 16: Wear your seatbelts!


Okay, enough is enough! Can some please tell me why people don't wear their seat belts. I know buckling up isn't as cool as wearing a real belt and allowing your pants to still hang down by your knee caps. But, one of these will save your life and the other is just stupid. I encourage you all to wear your seat belts. It's not just the law, but they do save lives.

You may not care about your life, but at least have the common sense to buckle up your children. It has become all to common to see people driving down the street and their kids are walking across the back seat or they are moving from side to side in the car. I apologize in advance if this is you, but it makes me want to pull you over and make a citizen's arrest. I know its annoying to buckle up, but do it.

The worst that could happen is it could save your life. *sarcasm* I know that not a lot, but something is better than nothing; isn't it? *sarcasm again*

Please Buckle Up!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 15: "Family Is Important"


Today, I am getting straight to the point. Family is extremely important! On this Saturday, I am asking you all to spend some extra time today with your family members. Life is short and we don't know when it will be over. So, I strongly encourage you all today, to pick up the phone and call that loved one you haven't spoken to; stop by and see the other one you have visited in awhile; and/or arrange a small family gathering at your house.

In this world of evil, sometimes family is all we have. I know, they are embarrassing at times and borrow money or your things with no intention of returning either; but they are still family. You can divorce a spouse, but you can't divorce family.

Make the best of this Saturday and take advantage of the good weather. Some people don't have family, so if you do, appreciate them by spending today, reminiscing about the past and eating until you get that "itis."(Itis= eating until you get so full you get sleepy.) Hey, I don't make assuptions; someone might not have known, lol!

One Lub!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Shock Value 14: Do Something Good Today!


I believe that all of us have the potential to do something good. Everyone has something to contribute to this life. You have been blessed to make it through another week, so today I am encouraging you to do something nice for someone other than yourself.

You know, it doesn't take much to pay someone a visit, give out a compliment, or cook dinner tonight if your spouse is usually the one who spends all the time in the kitchen. One thing I can tell you is everyone can do more in this life, if they just try. I am not just saying this to say it, but I believe if all of us did one thing good today, we may be able to change someone's life.

So after you get yourself out of bed and ready for work, think of something good you can do today. I have plenty ideas, but I am sure you are smart enough to figure something out. Enjoy your Friday and remember---Good Deeds should come from the heart. If you aren't feeling it, don't do it!

To all those who will do something good today; thanks in advance.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Shock Value 13: "Its Hump Day"!


Greetings My Fellow WoodWorkz Citizens-

As you may or may not know, today is Hump Day. For those of you who have no idea what that is; today is Wednesday, also known as Hump Day because it is the middle of the work week. (LESSON- Five days in the week: Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.) Wednesday indicates that the first part of the week is over and we are on our way to the weekend. Although, most people are most excited by Friday, some of us are elated when we reach Wednesday because we know after today, we only have two more days left before we are free to PAR-TAE (PARTY)!

Hump Day is that bridge that moves our mind and body from the, "I hate my job mode to; ah, it could be a lot worse. Anyway, enjoy this Hump Day like none other. Thursday is next and Friday is in the horizon. As a matter of fact, treat yourself to a drink, a snack, or a movie this evening. I mean, it is Hump Day you know!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What up! I put this together for all my 420 bruthas. Light up to this one and see where it takes you!!!!!!!!! BlastOff!


420 by Solsticebrown

Shock Value: Entry 12 "Get Right, Summer's Coming"


I just want to take a moment to tell you all that Spring is now in full effect and Summer is on its way. Today is the perfect time to begin that new lifestyle change of yours. I personally don't believe in the word diet, because it puts a person in the mindset that this is something you are doing temporarily and once its over and you reach your target, you can go back to your old habits---Negative!

I want to encourage you to make a lifestyle change, instead of choosing one of these crash diets that are bound to fail you. Construct a new eating regime for yourself along with aN exercise commitment. Today is a great day to join a gym or begin walking at that park down the street from your house. No matter what size you are, we all should aim to be healthier. Contrary to popular belief, just because you are slim, doesn't mean you are healthy and you can eat whatever you want, without consequences.

So today, make it the first day of your new life. Just image what this summer will be like when you unveil your new body to all those around you who didn't believe you could do it. Do it for you, not your mate, not your friends, and not your co-workers. Make a lifestyle change today; just for Y.O.U.!


Monday, April 19, 2010

Good Humor: What the game's been missin!!


Shock Value: Entry 11 "Sir/Ma'am, What Language Are You Speaking?"


Happy Monday to you all-

Its one thing to speak slang, use jargon, or colloquialisms, but it is another thing to make up a language of your own all together. Most recently, I have been listening to music and watching videos and I have no idea what some of your favorite rappers are saying. Maybe its me! I have tried to figure out what the craze is about with some of these new rap songs. Notice I used the word rap and not Hip Hop. As I said before, there is a huge difference between the two. Check one of the previous blogs for a detailed explanation of what is "Hip Hop."

Anyway, I am beginning to get annoyed beyond belief. I have lost all interest in radio/club music now because rappers today are speaking a language I don't understand. Now you may say I am HATIN', but I have no reason to. I am being honest with you all. So I ask you, "what language are these artists speaking?" I won't name names because some of them may eventually join the WoodWorkz Nation; so I don't want to offend our future fans, but I have to pose the question. ---Sir/Ma'am, What Language Are You Speaking?

Next time you turn on the radio, 106, or your favorite rapper's CD; see if you can recite the lyrics without looking the words up on Its funny how these days it doesn't matter what the artist says, its all about the beat. In some ways I can understand because we are a rhythmic people. I mean some of our cultures live to dance. However, I just want to know if Rosetta Stone can teach me how to speak, Babble, or whatever it is these rap artist are fluent in today so I can possibly enjoy one song..I am Hip Hop----Stop the Madness! You are Ignorant, thats what you are!

Just Me...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 10 "Religion Divides..Doesn't It? "


I am not Holier than though, nor am I anyone's preacher, prophet, or minister, but I have to take a moment to discuss something that is near and dear to my heart. In a recent conversation with an associate of mine, I was asked my religion. I replied, "I am not religious, nor do I participate in any form of organized religion." Actually, I classify myself as Non-Denominational. Although I was born Baptist, like most people I know, I vacated that religions sect to the current one I assimilate with now.

The point of today's message is that Religion has seem to have divided people since the beginning of time. If you ask me, I am just a Christian. To me that means I have a goal to be like CHRIST and walk in love. Oftentimes, people discriminate against their own brothers and sisters because they are Muslin, Jehovah's Witness, Catholic, etc. No matter who you worship, the main focus of all faith types should speak to how you carry yourself and interact with others.

Although, I am not religious, I believe that it may have some advantages. Millions of people all over the world gather on Sunday or Saturday to worship together and share their beliefs. That is a good thing, right? At least something is still sacred---in this crazy world.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Good Humor X Disgust: People were'nt on the look out for this kind of thing back then...


Shock Value: Entry 9 "Boredom is Evil"


Today, I wanted to share with you all a secret that I have kept to myself for a long time. Are you ready for this? Come closer to the screen; I don't want too many people to see this because it is for your eyes only who frequent WoodWorkz. Here we go: Boredom is Evil!

Now there are many things in this world that are bad and evil, but Boredom has destroyed more lives then any thing I have ever encountered. Boredom spawns binge drinking, purp smoking, other drug infatuations, and/or thoughts of doing things you would never do under any other circumstances. Most people I know, get F'd up because they are bored. When there is nothing else to do, people tend to believe their drug of choice or random ignorant ideas will entertain them. Little do they know, these things are only contributing slowly to their demise.

The point of it all, as A-Hamilton said, is that one has to do something with every moment you are giving on this earth. The phenomenal Bishop Jakes said it best, "Maximize the Moment." As you know, you only get one shot at life---Lose yourself. So the next time you find your mind wondering off, you are twiddling your thumbs, or call a few friends to go get a bottle or two--Don't! Boredom is evil and oftentimes the outcome of your bored actions lead to pregnancy, jail, or worse--Death!

Get A Frick'n Hobby please! Before you boredom destroys someone else's life, other than your on.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Good Humor: Curren$y and Wiz funny ass interview


Faded and Under Rated: Hold the Faith by: DJ Tibbs,SolsticeB, Wood, and Warrior King


I've been wanting to work with this guy for like 5 years, Finally got it done! This track is inspired by good weed/pretty women/and cold Champagne...Fly to death... Enjoy!!
Hold the Faith 2 by Solsticebrown

Shock Value: Entry 8 "Tonight's The Night"


This message is for all my couch potatoes, loners, and those of us who are extremely reclusive. While I know we enjoy our normal mundane activities like staying home and watching a movie with a glass of bubbly, tonight we have to change up the routine. The club scene is indeed ridiculous and the music is getting worse but there is somewhere on this earth that we can go and have a good time. Perhaps, its just grabbing a few of your peeps and going to AppleBees and partaking in the 2 for $20. Maybe, Happy Hour at that spot down the street from your house has your name all over it. Wherever it is that you feel you should have visited but never did---Tonight's The Night.

Throw all you inhibitions to the wind and go out and have some fun. Real Fun doesn't cost a thing. There is so much one can do on a Friday, day and night. The problem is oftentimes, its hard to locate a place to enjoy yourself. These days, the party scene isn't what it use to be. I have never understood why people go to clubs just to fight. IDIOTS! Or, why women put on their best outfit, but don't want to be bothered by anyone. I was just speaking. Every dude that greets you or offers a compliment---AIN'T TRYING TO HOLLA! (venting moment) I am not saying its a bad thing, because like Bobby B said, "It your prerogative," but I must pose the pertinent questions. Its my job!

Anyway, regardless of the negative aspects you can come up with for not going, I am sure there are just as many positive reasons for going. I am not a club goer or one who likes to frequent/patronize public places at all..(You know, paparazzi be watching me;lol!) Well at least in my head. But tonight, just for you all...I am going out! So join me. Call a friend, a co-w0rker, a family member, any one but your EX and lets hit the town. If you see me out---Drinks on Me!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

All Red Everything:G-Shock,Pony, LRG


Shock Value: Entry 7 "Thirsty Thursday Iz Here..Income Tax Deadline-TODAY"


Fellow WoodWorkz Peeps-

Hump day is gone and we are on our way to the best day of the week; payday for some and just another Thursday for others. But today is a special day for most citizens of these United States. Today is April 15th, which means today is the last day one can prepare their income taxes or file for an extension without being penalized. Take it from experience, most people who reflect my skin-tone, have filed their taxes months ago. All they needed was that last check stub and rapid refund was in effect. However, to those of you who have yet to find someone else's child to claim or just haven't made time to pay a visit to your local tax representative; today is the your last chance! Don't hesitate or prolong it any longer. Just go ahead, get up, grab your W2s or your last check stub and go file those taxes.

Now to all my Entrepre-Negros/entrepreneurs whose employment doesn't require tax forms or pay stubs; you can just enjoy today as if is was another Thursday. Today, puts us all one day closer to the weekend. I hope every one has big plans. If you don't, make some! Life is short---Live, Love, & Laugh! None of those cost a thing.

One Lub!

Faded and Under Rated: Whiz Khalifa Funny Name Huh..?


Wiz Khalifa is winning right now. Khalifa released his newest mixtape Kush and Orange Juice via his Twitter page on Wednesday (April 14) and the Internet paid attention. Twitter's list of trending topics included #KushandOrangeJuice and the amount of fans searching for the mixtape also put it on the list of Google trends.

Hype for the mixtape actually started to build Tuesday night on Twitter, when Khalifa tweeted to his fans, "Yo Taylors, #Kushandorangejuice drops tomorrow for ur waken & baken pleasures." He teased about the mixtape for most of the night and once it was released Wednesday morning, a frenzy followed.

The mixtape's cover pays homage to David Ruffin's 1980 Gentleman Ruffin album, and the tape features various samples as well as Khalifa rapping over Loose Ends' "Hangin' on a String" on "The Kid Frankie."

This seems to be another step in the right direction for Wiz Khalifa, whose popularity has skyrocketed since he left his label Warner Bros. in July 2009. He has since released three well-received mixtapes, Burn After Rolling, How High (a collaborative effort with Curren$y) and Kush and Orange Juice, as well as an indepedent album, Deal or No Deal. He's also seen his fanbase grow on Twitter and was featured as one of XXL's 2010 Freshmen 10. When MTV News caught up Khalifa at the Freshmen 10 photo shoot, he attributed his success to hard work — and his fans.

"Just staying in the studio, always working, always putting out mixtapes, material for people to listen to, capitalizing off of whatever I do. If something does well, you got to keep going after that. You can't get comfortable after that and think that's it. So just constantly working and reinventing myself, making smart moves — and having great fans."

I've included the link to the mixtape for your enjoyment! So... Enjoy!! Real Hip Hop is coming back and I'm planning to be at the forefront of the movement like the big brother that never left your MaMa's house!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 6 "Bon Voyage" (Good Journey)


It has come to my attention that culturally people of Afro/African- American decent don't travel nearly as much as their white counterparts. The reasons for the disparity in the number of people traveling versus those who don't are impacted by a number of factors. However, in the words of one of the greatest rap duos of all time, Outkast, we all need to "get up, get out, and get something; don't let the days of your life pass by." I will add to that statement that you need to also, "do something." People all over the world, especially during this time of year, are working diligently to save up their monies and paid leave for the summer. Many Family Re-Unions, Weddings, & and other yearly gatherings are scheduled during the summer months. Most Afro/African American people tend to utilize their vacation time and travel during the summer months only. Additionally, during that time of year, school is out, making it easier to bring along the entire family on this---good journey.

Today, as with everyday, I wanted to offer a bit of advice to my audience out there wherever you may be. Now is the time to say, "Bon Voyage," and plan yourself a good journey to somewhere. It's amazing how many people I dialogue with, who have never been our of the state they were born in. Going out of town usually means going to the next major city, which has the "real" mall and multiple Wally Worlds (Wal-Marts.) I encourage you strongly to begin planning your "Good Journey" today. Find somewhere that you have never been and make plans to go.

The thing about life is: No One Will Make It Out Alive! I am not trying to be all gloom and doom, but I am just being a realist. Thus, it is imperative that one maximizes to the fullest capacity all of the time you are giving on this earth. There is no time like the present. Don't put it off another minute. Call a friend, loved one, or family member and organize your "Good Journey" today.---Bon Voyage!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Good Humor: I guess its good to see some fun re-appear in the Music. "That Tree" Snoop Dogg Featuring Cudi


CLAWWWWD!!: Gotta Luv Yoga!!!!


Shock Value: Entry 5 "Generation Next; Who is That?"


What has happened to us as a society? Today's generation has more ways to stay connected (i.e. cell phones & the Internet,) than any other generation before them, yet they are the most disconnected.

Most recently, I observed how many friends people bragged about having on sites such as Facebook & My Space or how many people follow them on Twitter. Sadly, these individuals don't know over half of these people they brag about nor will they ever meet them face-to-face. The traditional methods of communication are a thing of the past these days. I saw two students who were sitting write next to each other, text an entire conversation instead of actually speaking. But that is just another example of where we have come to; no one really has a need to have a real conversation, because we have the ability to just send a text, tweet, or post a comment on our favorite site. This may seem convenient, but it is becoming problematic. Our children and generations to come are slowly becoming less involved in the process of actually going out to make REAL friends or going outside PERIOD. As a child, I could remember being told to go outside, and you didn't come back in until those Street Lights came on. One knew not to be late either! Not today. Kids don't play like we use to any more. Why go outside when they have the world at their feet with video games, You Tube, and I-phones?

Don't get me wrong; I love my technology, but I am slowly beginning to understand why the world is heading for a slow demise. No one truly befriends anyone any more. How did we get to the point where we have forgotten how to do the simple things like speak to each other, greet each other, and respect each other. Its okay to embrace technology, enjoy the web, or gain popularity on your favorite site, but please be reminded that their is a real world out there and if you don't prepare your children for it, someone on Myspace, Facebook, Youtube, or TV will be influencing your child. And not necessarily in a positive way.

Next time you have a chance to engage in a real conversation, don't text--Call. Don't tell everyone on Facebook about your fight with your significant other--Talk to them about it. Don't Tweet about your shopping spree--Take your friends with you and let them enjoy the experience. The world is yours and you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it, but at some point we have to disconnect for our distractions and re-connect with reality.

~One Love

Monday, April 12, 2010

I really luv this lil Thin Mint: Keri Hilson------And She's talented


Keri Lynn Hilson (born December 5, 1982) is an American recording artist signed to Zone 4, Mosley Music Group and Interscope Records. Born and raised in Decatur, Georgia, Hilson made herself a name as songwriter as part of a collective of writers and producers known as The Clutch in the early- to mid 2000s, penning tracks for other artists such as Britney Spears, Ciara, Ludacris, and Usher.

Good Humor: Yo, I saw the video about a year and half ago and was rollin!!! Aint know it was B.o.b....Shout out to HAM Squad!! SKLEWWW!!!!


Faded and Under rated: B dot O dot B dot = Tha lil homie iz Sick.... Letters from Vietnam


Innovative Track of the Week: "Shake" By Game (Produced by Cool and Dre)

This is an Extremly innovative Song by the Game. Ive alway felt he was a talented artist just a bit mis-guided. He seems to be too heavily entrenched in the negative aspect of Hip Hop, what many of us would call "gangsta rap". We have seen a steady decline in "Gangsta Rap" in the main stream which in my opinion is great for hip hop. You see, I too was once under the hypnotizing lure of "Gangsta Rap". This was before I came to the realization that the entire concept of "Gangsta Rap" is self defeating. Its a culture that glorifies destroying ones self and those of a simular persuasion...
However, aside from his steady dependence on the over use of profanities, this track is a break from the normal "Game" formula. NOt to mention Cool and Dre did the damn thang on this track...And why in the hell is this dude still rappin about 50Cent?? Its Time to move on Brah.... Should we have an intervention? LOL Anyways Enjoy!!!

Shock Value: Entry 4 " A Bad Case of The Mondays"


Is it me or is Monday not the worst day of the week? Half of us don't even remember why we even chose this career, degree, or job. The rest of us would much rather be at home, with a snack sitting on the coach watching Maury and his articulate guess tell us, "I am 1000 percent sure Muurrryy (Maury), he is the father; look at that nose!" are about as sure as the 22 other guys you had tested over the past 3 seasons. Get ready to run back stage boo boo and roll all over the floor in an effort to win that GHETTO OSCAR.

Anyway, today's message is for all my people out there who like the rest of us, struggle with Monday mornings. Not only does today start the week, but you are forced to listen to your co-workers talk about how great their weekend was, but you know you couldn't do a darn thing because you spent all your income tax money on that new car you can't afford or Easter hair do, nails, and outfit. [Why do people blow their income tax money? I'll come back to that at a later date.]

I am not a Doctor, but here is my prescription to your Bad Case of the Mondays---Get over it! My President is black (fill in the rest if you know the song...), we are slowly moving out of a recession, and the family is all healthy and well. Be thankful you have a job. There are millions of people in this country who lost and are losing their job on a daily. If you don't like your job; begin to make the necessary adjustments to find a career. Just search for that one thing that you would do everyday for free, and find a way to get paid for it.

Mondays aren't going away. So embrace them as if they were a loved one you wouldn't invite over to your house or cookout, because you know once they get drunk, they are going to embrace your entire family and bloodline. Just love Monday from a distance and recognize its existence. Tuesday is on its way. Like its any better!

Peace, Love, and Hair Grease...(the TCBY kind, lol)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Faded and Underated-->Some Sunday Expression: Peep the lockin Skillz


This young guy is a supremely talented producer/rapper/singer/songwriter. Check out his latest mixtape entitled "This Charming Mixtape", Its quite charming and I'm sure you guys will appreciate.

Download Link:

Shock Value: Entry 3 "Sunday's Best"


An Ode' To The Grandmother/Madea-

I try not to dwell to much on the past because there is truly nothing we can do about it, but we can become active in the present to make sure we work towards a more positive future. I remember when times where beyond hard growing up. Through it all though, someone was there to make it all better. Today, I have to take a moment to give a shout-out to the Women across the world who often take on the task of being mother and father to kids that they didn't even participate in the procreation process for---Grandma', Madea, Granny, G-Ma' or whatever she is affectionately known as.

Today, I want to take a moment to celebrate the life, work, and legacy of all Grandmothers/Madeas across the world. You all are truly Mothers of this earth and if no one recognizes what you have done for those numerous lives you have impacted---TODAY IS YOUR DAY!

To all those who read this message today; if your Grandmother(s)/Madea(s) are still with us; pick up the phone right now and tell her how much she means to you and that you love her dearly. To be appreciated means more than you will ever know. No other woman in this world would put up with your b.s. Grandma/Madea has been and will always be there when no one else will be. Make sure she is well aware of the impact she has had on your life. Truth is, they don't really make Grandmas/Madeas like they use to no more, because today's mothers are getting younger and younger. We are dealing with this epidemic of babies having babies! Little girls who are suppose to be playing with and carrying dolls are pregnant before they are old enough to drive. (I will discuss this at a later date!) :-(

Anyway, in closing, I want to give a special shot out to my Grandmothers/Madeas, Mae' & Earlee'. Without you, I would be nothing, but with you, I was groomed to be everything. Love You For Life!

Special B-day shout out to my NY Connect, C-WARR. May GOD Bless you to see many more hommie!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend. See you manana (that means tomorrow, lol.)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 3 "My Dear Sistah..A.K.A. I CAN TRANSFORM YA"


My Dear Sistah-

It has been awhile since we spoke, for a number of reasons. Perhaps, its because every time I see you, you look down or turn up your nose as if I shouldn't be looking your way anyway. Or, maybe its because my complete sentences and casual attire turn you off. Possibly, your just better than me. My bougie meter only goes so high. Since I am not sure about whatever it may be that prohibits you from giving me the time of day to speak with you, I decided to write you this communique' to give you a few points about men. Let me apologize in advance if anything below is common knowledge, but I have noticed your track record with men, so you may know it, but your sure don't act like it. However, please just keep these points in the back of your mind for future reference or when the next goon, clown, or gentleman approaches you. Yes, we all may look alike and say familiar things, but the essence of sincerity is in the clarity by which one makes you feel on the inside. Unfortunately, we are limited to the King's English, thus you are guaranteed to hear something more than once. Enough of that. Please take a moment to view the points below. If you should have any questions comments and/or concerns, feel free to write me back, whenever you feel I am worth of your time.

Things I Think You Should Know:
  • I can transform ya!- Stop that nonsense. If a guy doesn't want to change from being a dog, dope boy, or just a plain unmotivated individual; embrace it and love him in the midst of his flaws. Unless he decides to make the change, your encouragements are only falling on deaf ears. You can't turn a boy into a man. If his momma wasn't successful, neither will you be. Sorry.
  • Men will be men.- Yes, we hear you talking, but we just aren't listening completely, so in the words of Dave Chappelle, "wrap it up!"
  • What do you expect us to do?- If you ask us a question, but you already have your mind made up or the answer in your head, we are going to tell you exactly what you want to hear, our truth. Although for some it may be a lie, its their truth at the moment. MEN ARE THE WORSE LIARS IN THE WORLD!
  • Game on.- If the PS3 is on or your man's favorite team, instead of striking up a conversation, strike a match and fire up the grill or the stove. Cook him his favorite entree', serve it to him, and then join him on the couch as he coaches from the living room or sets out to be the greatest Madden champ of all time. Whatever you do, just don't talk!
  • Bag Lady, you gon' miss your bus.- I know Shawn, Rico, or Red may have hurt you and perhaps they did it without intention, but I am not him or them. In the words of Pharell, "I JUST WANNA LOVE YOU BABY." But, I don't have room in this studio apartment for your baggage, so please pack lighter. I truly want you to join me on this trip---I need you here!
  • You are what you say your are.- In no way shape or form should you let our ideals, thoughts or comments cause you to feel self-conscience about your looks or image as a whole. Who are we to tell you when you should cut your hair, join the gym, or discontinue a friendship with your bestie. As Katt Williams said, "Its self esteem, esteem of your self." Don't let any man define you. We are here to complement you, not COMPLETE you.
  • Keep ya head up!- I know when you look around the pool of men in your vicinity looks slim, but you have to keep the faith. I truly believe there is someone for everyone, so stop settling for Mr. Right Now and make room for MR. RIGHT. Oh yeah, and your homegirl who couldn't keep a man if he was her skin, should have no impact on any of your relationship decisions. If she had all the answers, she wouldn't be constantly calling you and trying to serve as your personal advisor. Politely tell her to get a life, and let you live yours.
I could go on and on, but these are a few things I think you should know. Contrary to popular opinion, some of us do care about you. We respect our grandmothers and mothers and even on a few Sundays or Easter, go to church too. We have sisters and daughters and want them to be afforded the same opportunity to find love as we are. So, stop tripping over yourself before I ask GOD for my rib back! If you should need me in the future, I ain't 50, so you won't find me in the club. I will be right here, there, and everywhere should ever you need me in any shape, form, or fashion. Until we meet again..... (signed) Your Future---well, when stop living in the past!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

summer rain joint. This is my fav beat that ive done in 10 years cause its so expressive. have good speakers and listen to the whole thing for the c

Piano Lessions are paying off big time!!!!!!!!! In the stu wit this ish right now! I did this beat and song with someone special in mind.... LOL its a hit or miss..
Summer rain by Solsticebrown and DJ Tibbs
summer rain joint. This is my fav beat that ive done in 10 years cause its so expressive. have good speakers and listen to the whole thing for the changes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Faded and Under rated: This Video - Chris Browns woman beatin azz = Dopeness

TygaTyga one of Young Moneys more talented Artists. I like this Jawn.

XChris Browns a poser!!!

Beauty of the Day: Zoe Saldana Man I Luv this little thin mint...

Shawty Right There is A 10!!! OWWW!!! :-P

In this addition of All Red Everything... You Got the Time?


Good humor: While y'all boyz think y'all so hood...India gets busy... LOL SmileyFace


Indian Singer hears gun shots and makes a BRAND NEW DANCE! LOLZ

Shock Value: Entry 2 "Why People Don't Dream Anymore?!!"


Greetings- After yesterday's message, I think I lost a few hommies, so let me pour out a lil' liquor for them...Okay, moving on.

First and foremost, T.G.I.F.! Now that most of you have had your morning Mickie D's (McDonald's) dollar menu breakfast, Krispy Kreme, Starbucks, or break room coffee, its time for you to be enlightened. Today's Message will be short and sweet.

Whether you know it our not, when I am not trying to take over the web, blogging, I mentor young children. Just recently, I was visiting with a group of young men who are in Juvenile Detention for everthing from Breaking and Entering to Murder. The first thing I ask them is the same thing I remember getting asked in Pre-K, (that's the class before Kindergarten for you brainiacs, who were allowed to enter Kindergarten prior to your sixth birthday, because you were just that dang smart as a kid, or your mom and dad had a lil' money)....But I digress. I asked these young men "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" I was surprised by the responses I got from these young men, and yeah I said young men; it is imperative that we stop calling people boy and boys---its just not empowering. Well needless to say, the feedback was sad to say the least. The most common answer was, "I just want to be alive!" Where did we go wrong, and where are we heading when our future leaders have no idea or belief that they will even play a role in this world beyond childhood?

Why don't people dream anymore? Shoot for the galaxy, not just the sky! Turn those thoughts into dreams, and take action! If you want to be a rapper, although the chances are very slim you will sign a major record deal because they pretty much don't exist anymore, there is nothing wrong with being a local/hood celebrity, you can always perform at family re-unions, the local skating ring, or juke joint where then entrance is also the exit; how convenient. And hey Mr. Future Rapper, the least you can do is make a mixtape, Hell everyone in this nation has one of those they days, even my Grandmother's church choir dropped one last month---Wowzrs!

Remember: Rosa sat, so we could stand, Martin walked so we could run; What are you going to do? Everyone has a destiny or something they can contribute to this world; don't take yours to the grave...

Make sure you come back tomorrow, It is going down like Young J.O.C. in 06! Sneak Peek [Title: "I CAN TRANSFORM YA!" This message will be an open letter to my dear sistahs. If he cheated to get with you, he gonna cheat on you---duh! ] Also, beginning in May, we are going to be giving away mad stuff on the site and building our buzz by shooting videos, etc. So if you are interested in joining the team---sign up as a follower and leave your contacts.

Lata' (P.S. I lied bout the short and sweet, my bad!)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

This Video Is dedicated to my "Ninja"! Below for his "RAW" insights and Pen Game on "Shock Value 1"


Fabolous - "I'M RAW" (OFFICIAL VIDEO) from By Any Means T.V. on Vimeo.

Shock Value: Entry 1 "30 Is The New 30!"


Contrary to popular belief, thirty (30) is not the new anything, but thirty (30.) I know this may seem as a surprise to some of you, but stop with the shenanigans and buffoonery. It ain't Hip Hop to dress like fool. Hip Hop is a movement and out of its womb a number of facets were birthed. Only in the mind of a child, who lacks proper direction, should Hip Hop be a style of clothing attire ONLY or a culture which glorifies disrespecting women and promotes Gang Violence, and worse---extreme tattooing!!! When is enough, enough?!

I know, the hate is going to pour in now. How dare one say that, "my jeans that are a size 40 in the waist even though my waist is a 29, AINT HIP HOP? It Aint Cuz! Once a man-child reaches a phase in life he must go through what we call maturation. Remember, "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, but now that I am no longer a child, I put away childish things." Thus, it's time to grow up and start shopping in the grown and sexy sections of your favorite stores and put back the Osh Kosh and Throwbacks--YES, People still wear those, TRUST ME !

I know, a belt isn't HOOD, but NINJA, neither are you. Real NINJAS DO REAL THINGS! They don't wear GOON CHAINS and glorify the lifestyle they live because contrary to popular opinion; they would love to be doing something else like walking down Melrose in the 90210, tricking off some Hollywood movie $.

Soooo..Let's be real with each other. Come a little closer, just in case you didn't get the full scheme of this post. 30 is not the new anything, but thirty (30.) Embrace it! Sorry, I had to get all Lupe on you and "Dumb It Down," but you guys are killing our image as Men, Real Men! I'm so tired of Sistah's saying, "They aren't any good men left." Look around at your hommies right now...would you let any of them catz date your sis---EXACTLY!

When you grow up, your friends tend to, and so does your money. Pull up your pants!...A suit with Air Force One "G-Nikes, " really?!...Come on, tuck your ice in, at least a church! If we don't reach out to each other who will?

In the immortal words of Spike----"Wake Up!!!!!!"

Sir LUciouS---) Hot Fire.!!!


Here the link in case you want to Download:
Big Boi-Shutterbugg by Solsticebrown

CLAWWD!!! Nice Nails...


Rump Roast...!!!



What in this world raw by Solsticebrown

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

BP Price Fixing!!!!


Attention Attention Attention!!!

BP Gas Stations greed is becoming epidemic!!! Can someone please explain to me why I just paid $1.00 for 90 seconds of Air!!! Air!!! Thats 4 Quarters!!!! I'm running the risk of dating myself but “F” it... I remember when the air pump at the local gas station was FREE!! FREE!!! FREE!!! I also remember when it went up to a quarter. I was fine with that and later when it went up to fifty cents. Unfortunately, most air pumps are now 75 cents and have been for close to a decade now. But whats up with this $1.00 shit??? I sincerely hope that other gas stations don't follow this new trend set by BP!!!! Quick Trip gas stations on the other hand are the last remaining gas stations that offer free air. Sadly, their pumps rarely work and the psi (pressure) is too low to sufficiently inflate a car tire. I guess its good for bikes though. Their pumps also lack the built in gauge found on all compression air pumps.... Go figure... Who would've ever figured something as small as pumping up a tire could be so complicated and expensive.... Marinate....