Monday, April 19, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 11 "Sir/Ma'am, What Language Are You Speaking?"


Happy Monday to you all-

Its one thing to speak slang, use jargon, or colloquialisms, but it is another thing to make up a language of your own all together. Most recently, I have been listening to music and watching videos and I have no idea what some of your favorite rappers are saying. Maybe its me! I have tried to figure out what the craze is about with some of these new rap songs. Notice I used the word rap and not Hip Hop. As I said before, there is a huge difference between the two. Check one of the previous blogs for a detailed explanation of what is "Hip Hop."

Anyway, I am beginning to get annoyed beyond belief. I have lost all interest in radio/club music now because rappers today are speaking a language I don't understand. Now you may say I am HATIN', but I have no reason to. I am being honest with you all. So I ask you, "what language are these artists speaking?" I won't name names because some of them may eventually join the WoodWorkz Nation; so I don't want to offend our future fans, but I have to pose the question. ---Sir/Ma'am, What Language Are You Speaking?

Next time you turn on the radio, 106, or your favorite rapper's CD; see if you can recite the lyrics without looking the words up on Its funny how these days it doesn't matter what the artist says, its all about the beat. In some ways I can understand because we are a rhythmic people. I mean some of our cultures live to dance. However, I just want to know if Rosetta Stone can teach me how to speak, Babble, or whatever it is these rap artist are fluent in today so I can possibly enjoy one song..I am Hip Hop----Stop the Madness! You are Ignorant, thats what you are!

Just Me...

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