Sunday, April 25, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 17 "Stop Judging"


Each and everyone of us in this life has a special gift or something that we can contribute to this world. Some people do huge things like feeding children in foreign countries while others teach dance to youth in a troubled neighborhood. No matter what your gift is, it is your gift and you don't have to prove anything to anyone.

If I haven't learned anything else from this life, I have learned that people are too judgmental. I have been in presence of people who think its their job to be critical of everyone's actions except their own. If you are reading this and that person is you; its okay, today is the day you can start to change. I use to believe that women were the most judgmental creators on this earth, but guys these days have become worse. Especially, when speaking on the life choices of other celebrity men and pro athletes. Just cause you didn't make it to the league, don't hate the player, hate the game. (NICE!)

Anyway, I just want us all to take more moments to self-reflect and stop judging other people. I know, you are saying, this blog isn't about me, but it sure is. We all do it, whether we know it or not. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to finding a solution. So lets make a concerted effort to get to know people or where they come from before we begin formulating opinions about them.

If you don't know where a person has come from, you have no idea where they are going.

One Lub'

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