Sunday, April 18, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 10 "Religion Divides..Doesn't It? "


I am not Holier than though, nor am I anyone's preacher, prophet, or minister, but I have to take a moment to discuss something that is near and dear to my heart. In a recent conversation with an associate of mine, I was asked my religion. I replied, "I am not religious, nor do I participate in any form of organized religion." Actually, I classify myself as Non-Denominational. Although I was born Baptist, like most people I know, I vacated that religions sect to the current one I assimilate with now.

The point of today's message is that Religion has seem to have divided people since the beginning of time. If you ask me, I am just a Christian. To me that means I have a goal to be like CHRIST and walk in love. Oftentimes, people discriminate against their own brothers and sisters because they are Muslin, Jehovah's Witness, Catholic, etc. No matter who you worship, the main focus of all faith types should speak to how you carry yourself and interact with others.

Although, I am not religious, I believe that it may have some advantages. Millions of people all over the world gather on Sunday or Saturday to worship together and share their beliefs. That is a good thing, right? At least something is still sacred---in this crazy world.


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