Thursday, April 8, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 1 "30 Is The New 30!"


Contrary to popular belief, thirty (30) is not the new anything, but thirty (30.) I know this may seem as a surprise to some of you, but stop with the shenanigans and buffoonery. It ain't Hip Hop to dress like fool. Hip Hop is a movement and out of its womb a number of facets were birthed. Only in the mind of a child, who lacks proper direction, should Hip Hop be a style of clothing attire ONLY or a culture which glorifies disrespecting women and promotes Gang Violence, and worse---extreme tattooing!!! When is enough, enough?!

I know, the hate is going to pour in now. How dare one say that, "my jeans that are a size 40 in the waist even though my waist is a 29, AINT HIP HOP? It Aint Cuz! Once a man-child reaches a phase in life he must go through what we call maturation. Remember, "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, but now that I am no longer a child, I put away childish things." Thus, it's time to grow up and start shopping in the grown and sexy sections of your favorite stores and put back the Osh Kosh and Throwbacks--YES, People still wear those, TRUST ME !

I know, a belt isn't HOOD, but NINJA, neither are you. Real NINJAS DO REAL THINGS! They don't wear GOON CHAINS and glorify the lifestyle they live because contrary to popular opinion; they would love to be doing something else like walking down Melrose in the 90210, tricking off some Hollywood movie $.

Soooo..Let's be real with each other. Come a little closer, just in case you didn't get the full scheme of this post. 30 is not the new anything, but thirty (30.) Embrace it! Sorry, I had to get all Lupe on you and "Dumb It Down," but you guys are killing our image as Men, Real Men! I'm so tired of Sistah's saying, "They aren't any good men left." Look around at your hommies right now...would you let any of them catz date your sis---EXACTLY!

When you grow up, your friends tend to, and so does your money. Pull up your pants!...A suit with Air Force One "G-Nikes, " really?!...Come on, tuck your ice in, at least a church! If we don't reach out to each other who will?

In the immortal words of Spike----"Wake Up!!!!!!"

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