Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 6 "Bon Voyage" (Good Journey)


It has come to my attention that culturally people of Afro/African- American decent don't travel nearly as much as their white counterparts. The reasons for the disparity in the number of people traveling versus those who don't are impacted by a number of factors. However, in the words of one of the greatest rap duos of all time, Outkast, we all need to "get up, get out, and get something; don't let the days of your life pass by." I will add to that statement that you need to also, "do something." People all over the world, especially during this time of year, are working diligently to save up their monies and paid leave for the summer. Many Family Re-Unions, Weddings, & and other yearly gatherings are scheduled during the summer months. Most Afro/African American people tend to utilize their vacation time and travel during the summer months only. Additionally, during that time of year, school is out, making it easier to bring along the entire family on this---good journey.

Today, as with everyday, I wanted to offer a bit of advice to my audience out there wherever you may be. Now is the time to say, "Bon Voyage," and plan yourself a good journey to somewhere. It's amazing how many people I dialogue with, who have never been our of the state they were born in. Going out of town usually means going to the next major city, which has the "real" mall and multiple Wally Worlds (Wal-Marts.) I encourage you strongly to begin planning your "Good Journey" today. Find somewhere that you have never been and make plans to go.

The thing about life is: No One Will Make It Out Alive! I am not trying to be all gloom and doom, but I am just being a realist. Thus, it is imperative that one maximizes to the fullest capacity all of the time you are giving on this earth. There is no time like the present. Don't put it off another minute. Call a friend, loved one, or family member and organize your "Good Journey" today.---Bon Voyage!!!

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