Thursday, April 29, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 21 " This Summer Is Going To Be A Burner"


Now I am no meteorologist, nor do I work for any weather or Doppler radar company, but it is my prediction that this summer is going to be a hot one. Maybe its me, but I feel like we all need to prepare to either lose 10-20 pounds or break out the umbrella to hide from the sun, like the bougie people do. I am definitely not in the best shape, nor am I in the worse, but humidity will make a man out of anyone.

Walking out the door to the mailbox and back to the house and already sweating---Where They Do Dat' At? I don't know, but if you are in the south, you already know it gets hotter than the devil's chest hair (enjoy!) I am just informing you to be prepared for the real deal this summer. No matter what your occupation is: carpenter, lawyer, lifeguard, or beautician, please make sure you keep yourself hydrated and inside as much as possible this summer.

You know there lies a myth out there that people of other ethnicities besides anglo-saxon, don't tan or aren't as vulnerable to skin cancer-----False. No matter what your race is, too much of anything isn't good for you and that does include the sun.

So, take it from someone who knows from experience, if you have to be outside for extended periods of time, please drink plenty H2O and use some lotion that assists with UV rays.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

One Lub!

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