Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 12 "Get Right, Summer's Coming"


I just want to take a moment to tell you all that Spring is now in full effect and Summer is on its way. Today is the perfect time to begin that new lifestyle change of yours. I personally don't believe in the word diet, because it puts a person in the mindset that this is something you are doing temporarily and once its over and you reach your target, you can go back to your old habits---Negative!

I want to encourage you to make a lifestyle change, instead of choosing one of these crash diets that are bound to fail you. Construct a new eating regime for yourself along with aN exercise commitment. Today is a great day to join a gym or begin walking at that park down the street from your house. No matter what size you are, we all should aim to be healthier. Contrary to popular belief, just because you are slim, doesn't mean you are healthy and you can eat whatever you want, without consequences.

So today, make it the first day of your new life. Just image what this summer will be like when you unveil your new body to all those around you who didn't believe you could do it. Do it for you, not your mate, not your friends, and not your co-workers. Make a lifestyle change today; just for Y.O.U.!


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