Saturday, April 17, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 9 "Boredom is Evil"


Today, I wanted to share with you all a secret that I have kept to myself for a long time. Are you ready for this? Come closer to the screen; I don't want too many people to see this because it is for your eyes only who frequent WoodWorkz. Here we go: Boredom is Evil!

Now there are many things in this world that are bad and evil, but Boredom has destroyed more lives then any thing I have ever encountered. Boredom spawns binge drinking, purp smoking, other drug infatuations, and/or thoughts of doing things you would never do under any other circumstances. Most people I know, get F'd up because they are bored. When there is nothing else to do, people tend to believe their drug of choice or random ignorant ideas will entertain them. Little do they know, these things are only contributing slowly to their demise.

The point of it all, as A-Hamilton said, is that one has to do something with every moment you are giving on this earth. The phenomenal Bishop Jakes said it best, "Maximize the Moment." As you know, you only get one shot at life---Lose yourself. So the next time you find your mind wondering off, you are twiddling your thumbs, or call a few friends to go get a bottle or two--Don't! Boredom is evil and oftentimes the outcome of your bored actions lead to pregnancy, jail, or worse--Death!

Get A Frick'n Hobby please! Before you boredom destroys someone else's life, other than your on.

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