Thursday, April 22, 2010

Shock Value 14: Do Something Good Today!


I believe that all of us have the potential to do something good. Everyone has something to contribute to this life. You have been blessed to make it through another week, so today I am encouraging you to do something nice for someone other than yourself.

You know, it doesn't take much to pay someone a visit, give out a compliment, or cook dinner tonight if your spouse is usually the one who spends all the time in the kitchen. One thing I can tell you is everyone can do more in this life, if they just try. I am not just saying this to say it, but I believe if all of us did one thing good today, we may be able to change someone's life.

So after you get yourself out of bed and ready for work, think of something good you can do today. I have plenty ideas, but I am sure you are smart enough to figure something out. Enjoy your Friday and remember---Good Deeds should come from the heart. If you aren't feeling it, don't do it!

To all those who will do something good today; thanks in advance.

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