Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 119 "Taking Things For Granted"


Good Evening:
Quit your whining.
I told you some of the blogs this week would be in the pm;
So get over it!

Today's Topic: Taking Things For Granted

I promise not to keep you all to long this evening, but there is something I have to speak to all you about. Whatever you do, don't take things in life for granted. It doesn't matter what people do to you, say to you, or how the try to affect you. Don't take any of these experiences for granted. Don't take life, love, happiness, peace, joy, pain, family, friends, associates, and any of your loved ones for granting. Taking things for granted can cause you major problems later in life. I hope all of you get a change to do something today or tomorrow that you always wanted to do. Tomorrow isn't promised, so don't take this evening for granted or those that you have near you right now as you read this. Taking things for granted is a crime, unfortunately, you won't find out your sentence until it may be too late. Make every moment count---maximize those moments---and try your hardest not to take things for granted.


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