Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 112 "The Closet"


Happy HumpDay!
I hope this week is going as planned for all of you and better than last week for others.

Today's Topic: The Closet

I know what you are thinking and you would be wrong. I am not talking about that closet. Today's message is about perfect people. People who act as if they don't have any skeletons in their closet. It's funny how many people talk to me about the people they work with or date. The people we are discussing are those who are so critical of others life choices and beliefs. Its like these people have never made a mistake in their entire life. Perfect people bother me just as much as rappers. Well not that much, but they do get on my nerves.

Perfect people are always judging and never self-reflecting. It is quite annoying too. You can't talk to them about anything. I mean you can ask them about what to eat tonight and they will go into this whole spill about what they eat and how you should. You ask them about work and they side with your boss instead of having your back. Low and behold, don't ask them about relationships because even though they have been divorced fifty 'leven times, it was always the other persons fault. Lets do these perfect people a favor today. Let's blindfold them, grab them by the hand and escort them back to their closet. They need to recall some of the skeletons they have buried beneath their perfect shells. If you can't embrace your past, please keep your advice to yourself. If you can't clean out your closet or be honest about your imperfections then you need to lock yourself in your closet too, until you can be real with you. Don't be afraid; the worse thing that could happen is you are forced to realize that you aren't so perfect at all.

Have A Good One

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