Monday, August 30, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 138 "The Cart Before The Horse"


Hello All:

Yeah, I know its Monday, but it is over now.

Come on Tuesday!

Today's Topic: The Cart Before The Horse

I believe it is my duty to share with you, my peepz, the things I have learned over the years, or continue to learn on a daily basis. Today I am going to tell you what I learned a few years ago. Today's message is about understanding that we have to begin at the starting point, before we can even think about the finish line. I am an antsy person. I mean I can't stay still to save my life. Due to the fact that I always have to be moving sometimes I am always looking at a way to get to the end of everything I do in the least amount of time. Its like the old saying, "what is the shortest distance between two points? A straight line." You wouldn't have to tell me twice because I would already be at the end of the line before everyone else began lining up. But, I have learned that its not about how fast you finish or who finishes first all the time. One has to learn to enjoy/understand the experience.

In my lifetime, I have met a number of people who are so focused on tomorrow that they forget to enjoy today. The are already thinking about the end of a situation, but they haven't even considered the beginning. As the old adage states, "That's Putting The Cart Before The Horse." Let me explain, the cart cannot pull the horse, but the horse can pull the cart. One must understand how important it is to put things in the correct order. Focus on the next second, minute, hour, and day. Don't worry about next week. Yes, tomorrow is not promised but neither is 11:59pm tonight. Take things slow, and remember---Don't Be So Quick To Do Things That You Put The Cart Before The Horse. Thats just wasting energy!

The Messenger'

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