Monday, May 10, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 32 "There Is An Epidemic Going On Outside"


I want to take a moment to share some real info with you all this week. For some reason, it has been put on my mind to take this week to share statistics relating to various things around the nation. Each day I will talk about a different issue that is oftentimes spoken about, but not nearly enough.

Today's Topic is HIV:

I was walking through the world famous Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport on yesterday and for some strange reason I decided to begin a photo journal of my life. Now, I already have a hand-written one, but I figured I could add these images to my own personal biography. Anyway, I stumbled across this sign that read, "Every 9 1/2 minutes someone in the U.S. is infected with HIV." ( I was shocked at first and then I begin to think about the significance of these numbers. This means that in the course of one hour a little over 6 people will become infected, 153 people in one day, and over 1000 in a week's time. Maybe that doesn't raise a red flag for you, but it does for me.

I know oftentimes people, especially young adults, tend to think that this won't/can't happen to me. But please don't spend your life in denial. If it can happen to famous people like Eric "Easy-E" Wright and Erving "Magic" Johnson; it can most certainty happen to you.

There are a number of reasons for the HIV/AIDS epidemic: people sharing needles, unprotected sex, and other irresponsible behaviors. I am no preacher, but I just want to encourage you all to protect yourself first. It doesn't matter how good looking he or she is; they may give you something that soap or bleach CAN'T WASH OFF!

As the old commercial use to say, "Wrap It Up!" The only way we can fight an epidemic is by being more responsible and educating those among us who we know aren't the most responsible. This is serious people and we all have to play our part to protect our friends, family, and others who are near and dear to us. Please get tested! I did.

Just Trying To Do My Part,

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