Friday, May 21, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 42 "Are We There Yet?"


To end my serious of questions to you all, my loyal fans, I wanted to ask a more serious question this time around. Are we there yet? Let me explain. I remember back when the presidential election season began. Yes, it took me awhile to learn how to pronounce his name and research his historical journey to the US Senate, but when now President Barack Obama became a candidate for president; it was believed that We had made it. I remember staying glued to CNN from his bid for the Democratic Nomination to the night Senator John McCain conceded and Mr. Barack Obama, was named the next President of these so called United States.

I must admit I expected the world would change in a major way. But, I have now come to realize that the only way the world will every change is if we change our ways and mannerisms. I assumed that racial minorities, especially Black Folks, would behave more appropriately now that we have made it to the Big House; Boy was I wrong! The drop out rate, crime rate, and murder rate in this country is still astronomical in the black community, as compared to their Anglo-Saxon counterparts. Take Chicago for instance; you would think since President Obama is a product of this great US city, they would at least try to get their act together; wrong again!

As I write this message I guess I kinda answered my own question. Are we there yet? H. E. double hockey sticks, No! And honestly we won't ever be there, wherever there is, until we begin to hold our family, friends, spouses, and favorite rappers and entertainers accountable for destroying our communities and race. I should've known better than to believe that one man could change the world. Hey, if JESUS struggled why wouldn't man? If Brothers Martin and Malcolm couldn't get us together after both of them died for our civil rights and freedoms; why should I believe we as a people would act any differently now?

I challenge each and every one of you to play your part. There are a number of evil forces out there, that have come here, like RAP and Rappers (Wangstas), to kill and destroy us socially and culturally. I said it and I will say it to any one's face! I HATE RAP AND RAPPERS AND EVERYTHING IT AND THEY STAND FOR. NOT ONLY DOES RAP CULTURE, NOT HIP HOP CULTURE, FALSELY REPRESENT WHO WE ARE AS A PEOPLE; IT HAS GIVEN OTHER PEOPLE THE RIGHT TO DENY US OPPORTUNITIES TO GET TO KNOW THEM OR LEAD BECAUSE THEY THINK WE ARE ALL DEGENERATES, IGNORANT, TATTED UP, INARTICULATE, AND UNMOTIVATED; UNLESS ITS BOUT DOPE, HOES, AND MONEY.


~Love is Love; Spread it or kill yourself!

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