Thursday, May 27, 2010

Question: Are we losing our F**king Minds?? Check Please

This chicks got more plastic in her than a 96 Toyota Corolla!

Umm... When did this become hot??? Dont get me wrong, I think Nikki is a pretty girl and all but what part of this looks natural??? Fake breasts are one thing but when did a fake ass become hot??? I mean just look at the way this over airbrushed/over photoshoped thing is shaped...
Now Its no secret that I love the ladies. In fact, I consider myself somewhat of an ass connoisseur (No Homo) and I am truly offended! I mean her ass to thigh ratio alone is enough to raise an eyebrow or two. To put it quite plain, she looks like a bad drawing of what a woman is supposed to look like.

I remember when a sista had to actually be fine and talented to be considered hot. Salt and Pepa for example, circa 1990 whatever were genuinely fine and talented sistas and man were they hot.

Foxy brown, circa 2000 whatever was a fine chocholate sista that spit fire. Hell, even Little Kim before she fell victum to the knife was sexy as all get out! Its a shame that she let the industry poision her mind into thinking something was wrong her appearence. I digress...

As for Nikki's lyrical ability, umm it seems to be nil to the floor. I mean it very well may be your turn, but why would you need to put your pu**Y on my sideburns??-LOL. In fact, not only are her skillz a joke but its also offensive that certain industry insiders are co-signing this chick and her abilities. Lil Wayne aka Dewayne Carter inmate number 39857389 has been quoted as saying "she's the hottest female he's ever heard", boy have you ever heard of Mia X? She's from your city! And P shitty, I mean Muff Daddy has been quoted as saying something of a similar sort. Now how can a man who has had the exclusive pleasure of working with the late great Biggie Smalls open his mouth to speak such blastphemy!? I'll tell you how, P shitty and obviously Wayne have a vested financial intrest in seeing this chick blow up. Now if I dipped a pop sickle stick in dog shit then sprayed it with gold spray paint and told you it was a gold plated fudge sickle, would you accept it??? Well thats exactly what the masses are being feed these days.

It is time for us to take the art form back. It is time for us to demand excellence from the artists we promote and consume. Its time for us to ask for the check, pay the bill, tip the waitress, and leave this God awful establishment known as the downfall of HipHop... Think about it people, thats all I ask...

They were soooo Fine!!!!

O'Natural... Sooooo Fine.Skip to 3:50 to see what I mean!!!

Before she ethered herself!!! Very Sexy

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