Monday, May 17, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 38 "Stop Apolo-lying"


I ain't wasting a minute today baby! I have to get right in your grill woodworkz. I am so frustrated with people who feel the need to "apolo-lie." Now that I have coined a new term, let explain to you the definition.

Apolo-lie: (verb) the act of apologizing for something but in an untruthful manner.
Shawn knew he was cheating on his girlfriend last night with Beckie, but he felt the need to tell his girl and apolo-lie, to make her feel better about the fact that his is a cheater.

Now all of you on here have heard people apolo-lying. They tell you they are sorry for cursing at you and then in the next sentence they drop the f' bomb again. Or your best friend borrowed your purse and brought it back with cigarette burns on the bottom and empty honey bun wrappers inside. When you ask her about it, she is quick to say how sorry she is and she will get you a knew one. Note to self: "If she had the money to buy a new one, she wouldn't have borrowed your dang bag." (Preach, preacher!)

Anyway, this is my revolt day. I want to start a movement to ban all Apolo-Liars. Start calling these ingoranuses out. If you know they lying, tell them they lying. No matter how hard they try men generally are horrible liars. I think we are the main culprits of the apolo-lie; but some of you chicks got it down pack too.

So join me in my revolution to rid the world of these people who think they are smarter then the rest of us. The next time you encounter an apolo-liar on the verge of giving you their best piece of work, stop them mid sentence and say, "Why you gotsta lie Craig?" (LOL) Then politely introduce them to you first cousin, Dial Tone.


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