Sunday, April 10, 2011

Living Is A Part Of Life


The more I talk to people, the more I realize how everyone has a story. Some people in this Life have had it good, while others have struggled for every little thing. I mean some people have always had more than enough, while some still don't have enough and aren't sure if they every will. But one thing that both parties, the haves and the have nots, have in common is that they both have to continue Living until their time here on earth is done. In essence, Living Is A Part Of Life.

How you choose to Live your Life is your business. It may be vastly different from others, but regardless of your circumstances you have to Live. Daily I see people who just seem to have giving up on Living. They seem like they are just sitting around and waiting on their call "Home." Then you have others who push Living to the limit. They are climbing mountains, sky diving, vacationing everywhere, procreating in massive numbers, and/or completing each item on their bucket list one at a time. Some of them are extremist, but they are still Living. And Living Is A Part Of Life.

I can say in all honesty, that you are not Alive if you have yet to begin Living. For example, if you do the same thing all the time and have yet to try something different in your love life, with your career, or just the foods you eat; your aren't Living. Why be here if you aren't going to Live?! Living Is A Part Of Life. Live like there is no tomorrow. The worst thing that can happen, is your tomorrow won't come; but it ain't promised anyway.

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