Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ms. Pollen, It's Just Not Working Out


Dear Ms. Pollen:

I don't know how to tell you this, so I'm just going to say it. I mean, I have the utmost respect for you Ms. Pollen, but you and I can no longer occupy the same space. We are too different. It's Just Not Working Out. I am not trying to hurt you, but when we are around each other you make me un-comfy. No, it's not nervousness or anything, but I can't control my sneezing, sniffling, and you drive my sinuses haywire. I know it's not personal, but It's Just Not Working Out.

Ms. Pollen, I do appreciate you and I wish you all the best life has to offer. But, I can no longer subject myself to this punishment. It's not just fair for either of us. When you are around you make my mouth dry & eyes water---I am a boy Damon! That's not suppose to happen. No one should be making me cry, itch and need to pop a pill every time I am near them. Does that make sense to you? Do you think you deserve that? I know I don't. Someone, somewhere, would love to embrace the things you do to me. Thus, I believe you are better off without me. Ms. Pollen, this hurts me more than it will hurt you but---It's Just Not Working Out. From henceforth, I will be avoiding you at all cost. Don't be offended, it's not you, it's me.

Well Wishes,

Mr. Pollen-Less

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