Sunday, April 3, 2011

Back At One


I was running through my I-Tunes library the other day, and I came across an old Brian McKnight album. One of the realest songs he ever made was a song called "Back At One". I don't know if you all have heard it, but basically the song expresses how as we go through things, relationships and life, just when we think things are getting better, we find ourselves starting all over again or Back At One.

Let me be clear: "There is nothing wrong with starting over." However, we all must decide at some point that we are through being Back At One. We have to really make a decision that this time or that is going to be our last try/attempt. I have recently learned that if you did everything you could and put in everything you had, then you can never be a failure. Thus, if you have given s/he, it, that, them, etc. the best of you and still you find yourself, Back At One, then perhaps it is time to move on. I am not naive, and I do understand that this is easier said than done. But if you spend your entire life Back At One, then you will never progress and who knows what you may be missing.

One shouldn't fear starting over. I mean at some point we all have to make that journey Back To One. But, it is up to us to decide how many times we want to be Back At One. For me, one is okay, but the 2nd times the charm. If I go a third round, then it must be something of uber importance. Know this, the more time you spend Back At One, the less time you spend pursuing that which is Destined for you in this life. So break that cycle today! Make a decision not to be comfortable Back At One. Heck Two, Three, even Four, might be exactly what you been missing all along!

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