Thursday, April 21, 2011



I cannot express to you all how important Communication is. I am not referring to someone talking and talking, and talking. I am referring to someone saying something of quality that adds to the knowledge base of a situation or conversation. Communication is the only way we can articulate our needs/wants. Rather it be verbal, written or in another form, it is imperative that we learn not only to Communicate, but Communicate effectively.

Communication makes the world go round and the days continue. We all need to constantly work to improve our Communication. Just because we think that people understand or hear us when we talk, doesn't mean they are listening. We have to be sure that our Communication is flowing effectively from the sender to the receiver. But it has to be in a manner in which the receiver can actually comprehend what you are trying to Communicate to them. I am diligently working on my Communication style and methods. I want to make sure, in every instance possible, that I am not talking at people, but my Communication is actually in the form where we are speaking together. Today, you should take some time to think about your Communication too. If you can't Communicate, you won't ever make your intended contribution to this world we all live in. That would make you a waste of flesh.

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