Monday, April 11, 2011



Sacrifice. "Do you have any idea what that means?" I know some of you know very well about this thing called Sacrifice. Others of you have no idea. According to the Dictionary, Sacrifice is defined as: An act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded more important or worthy. Self explanatory to me. But, I know a lot about Sacrifice. Actually, Sacrifice is the story of my life.

I write you today to talk about Sacrifice, because an inordinate amount of people have been going through rough patches in this life. No matter how hard they try, something always seems to happen to make their efforts to succeed unsuccessful. But, I raise the question, "What are you willing to Sacrifice to get the outcome you feel you deserve?" In accordance with the definition, one has to give up something to get something. Oftentimes, people want a change to come in their life or things to go their way; the way they want it to happen. They don't want to give up nothing, not on iota. But, it don't happen like that captain! If you truly want a better tomorrow, or a better 5p for that matter, you are going to have to make a Sacrifice(s).

Sacrifice is one of those unselfish acts that dates all the way back to the Biblical days. Back then, they Sacrificed for GOD; just to get the things they needed to survive. Our ancestors were enslaved and Sacrificed for the freedoms we have today. I ask, "What are you willing to give up/ Sacrifice to change your life and make this world a better place?" If you have to think long and hard about it, scroll all the way back up and start reading again, because the idea of Sacrifice isn't even on your radar yet.

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