Saturday, April 9, 2011

Playing It Safe


If you never take chances in this life, you will never reach your true capacity. I mean, yes you may avoid numerous moments of anxiety and nervousness, but you maybe truly limiting yourself. There are so many things to do, and only so much time to do it in. Sometimes you need to step outside your comfort zone and stop Playing It Safe.

It is known that all of us would rather do things that make us feel Safe. Date/marry people who make us feel Safe; go out to places where we feel Safe; and spend our hard earned money on investments that are Safe. But those persons in life who take risks are those who really know what it is to live. It is ok to Play It Safe every once and a while, but other times you have to just "go with the flow" and see what happens. While I know that by Playing It Safe it's easier to anticipate the outcome, I also know that by not Playing It Safe, sometimes the outcome may be greater than you could've ever imagined. If you are going to be here on this earth, there is no need to hide in your shell like a turtle. Stick out that head, those arms, and them legs and stop Playing It Safe. Yes, Safety First, Safety Matters, and all that jazz, but Playing It Safe, may limit your options and opportunities. There is no need to keep breathing all our good oxygen and you ain't gonna do nothing with it anyway, except what you have always been doing for the past 10 years---Boring!!!

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