Friday, April 8, 2011



There are certain things that will always be present in your life that will try to garner your attention or throw you off. I mean, whether you are driving, talking, texting, playing, exercising, or whatever, there will always be something or someone working towards being relevant at that very moment. It is one thing if you want that attention to be given, but it is another thing if you need to focus on that which you are currently engaged in. Those things that always seem to find a way in your path are called Distractions.

Distractions can be both good or bad, positive or negative. For instance, if you have been working day and night to complete this project, you have been stressed, oppressed, and depressed, and then walks in your little one, your puppy, or significant other. Immediately, you become Distracted, but that is a good thing, because their presence makes you forget all the negativity going on right now. Then you have bad Distractions. Those are things such as: haterz, debbie/don downers, negative, and evil people. Their soul purpose in this life is to make someone as unhappy with life as they are. But, you have to keep your eye on the prize.

The key to avoiding Distractions or embracing them, is having the ability to identify which ones you will tolerate and which ones you will not. If you feel a Distraction is bad or negative, end it immediately. Ignore it and move on. If you identify a Distraction is good or positive, embrace it, but don't let it linger around too long, you still have work to do. It's okay to be Distracted, but knowing the time and the place and what type of Distraction your prefer could very well make the difference in the experiences in have in this life.

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