Saturday, April 2, 2011

Plan B


The old adage says, "Those who fail to Plan, Plan to fail." Through my little over three decades on this earth, I have seen that to be true, time and time again. However, I have to add on caveat to that. "Those who fail to have a Plan A & B, Plan to fail in the first place."

In all you do, it is very important to have a Plan. But, not only should you have a Plan, you should have a Backup Plan too, commonly referred to as Plan B. Thus, when things seem to be falling through the cracks during the execution of Plan A, you can quickly began to put things together again, by activating Plan B. Backup Planning helps you anticipate things that may or may not happen. Plan B only has to go in effect if the negative things you expected to happen while in the Plan A phase, happen. Through trials, oftentimes, one may realize, that Plan B, should've been Plan A after all. But that's exactly why it was Plan B in the first place. Without a Plan B you can't really evaluate Plan A. With no Plan B, no matter what happens, you will be forced to stick with Plan A, until the wheels fall off.

Listen up. Don't ever find yourself needing a Plan B and not having one. It's like entering into a room that only has one way in and one way out. If something happens to the entry/exit, you are "up a creek, without a paddle." As it goes, "It is better to have and not need, then to need and not have. If you are a Planner and you already have your hours, days, weeks, months and years mapped out. Go back and give it one quick review. Anticipate any issues you may have or changes that need to be made. Use that to develop your Backup, or what I call, Plan B. To the rest of use, just remember one, no matter where you are, is always greater than two. Thus, Plan A must be accompanied by Plan B too.

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