Friday, April 1, 2011

What Are You Waiting For?


What Are You Waiting For? Don't look around. I am talking to you. Yes, you; the one who is reading this at this very moment. What Are You Waiting For? While you are sitting/standing around Waiting, things are going on outside and you're getting left out/behind. I know you are unsure of what to do next, but for goodness sakes, "Do Something!" What Are You Waiting For?

~S/he can't help who they are. They are always going to be exactly what you see. What Are You Waiting For? No matter what you do, or how hard you try, you can't change them. Only time and a decision on their behalf will influence them to change.

~You have been working there for awhile now. You still can't stand your co-workers and boss; they probably don't like you very much either. What Are You Waiting For? Either you make a move to find a career, and not a job, or termination will find you in the near, not so distant future.

~Aren't you tired of crying yourself to sleep at night? I mean, s/he did you wrong. Life hasn't been fair to you. Yes, you are a good person and you deserve way better then the cards you have been dealt. But, What Are You Waiting For? Everything you go through in this life happens for a reason. While you may not be able to do a thing about your past, presently, you can change your future. Wipe your eyes, pick up your head and don't let tomorrow pass you by.

There is absolutely no reason any of you should waist another second of your life Waiting. You have way too much to do before your time is up on this Earth. What Are You Waiting For? This is your life, not the life of your spouse, friends, family or your haters. So why do you care so much about what they have to say? What Are You Waiting For? No matter what you do, you will never please everyone. So make today, "YOUR DAY," and learn how to please yourself. I don't know What You Are Waiting For. No one else will ever give you what you deserve, if you can't give it to yourself. What You Are Waiting For is already in your possession. Use it or Lose It.

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