Saturday, December 25, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 255 "Merry CHRISTmas""


"Merry CHRISTmas" to you and yours. Emphasis on "The CHRIST," for HE is the reason for the season. Let us all be reminded as we sit around and exchange/open up gifts with our loved ones, that we are extremely BLESSED because our HEAVENLY FATHER sent HIS only begotten SON to die for our sins, even though we don't deserve it.

Be thankful for your family, friends, and most importantly your haters. As I always say, "If you weren't doing anything worth talking about, people would've have anything to hate on you for." Today, I hope you all: laugh 'til you cry, eat until you pass out, but most importantly, show/spread love until it hurts. You may not believe it, but some people won't be experiencing the festivities you are so fortunate to experience on today. Be thankful for what you have and appreciate all that you may not have. Whether you know it or not, you have more than enough, so be grateful.

Again, I say, "Merry CHRISTmas." You are so privileged and BLESSED to see another holiday and fortunate to have family to spend it with. Everyone isn't so fortunate. If you don't know anything else, know this, "you may not have everything you want but thank GOD for taking care of your needs. GOD speed, be safe, be careful, and be responsible. Happy Holidays Peepz!!!

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