Sunday, December 26, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 256 "Improvise""


Have you ever wanted to do something, but felt like you didn't have everything you needed to accomplish it? Have you tried to pick up the pieces in your life, your relationship, or at work? Ever looked for that special thing that you always use to accomplish a tasks, but you just couldn't find it? If you answered yes, to any of the aforementioned, you must learn how to "Improvise."

When you "Improvise" you practice acting, singing, talking, reacting, making and creating in the moment and in response to the stimulus of one's immediate environment and inner feelings. In lames terms, to "Improvise" means doing something even though you don't have everything you deem necessary to do it. The good thing about being able to "Improvise" is that this can result in the invention of new thought patterns, new practices, new structures, symbols, and/or new ways to act (Wikipedia, 2010).

Being able to "Improvise" is extremely powerful. Most people of color have had to "Improvise" all of their life. Born with less and tasked to do more, the ability to "Improvise" has helped most of us succeed in trying times. When your number is called and its time for you to either put up or shut up, knowing how to "Improvise" could result in you becoming a winner and not a loser. Creativity is one of the special spices of life, and knowing how to "Improvise" helps get your creative juices flowing. Being able to create in the moment can open up closed doors and help you make a way out of no way.

Many of you already "Improvise," but I just wanted to share with you my thoughts on it. When you are in the moment, a decision has to be made. Sometimes you don't have time to think about it, phone a friend, or even ponder, "WWJD: What Would Jesus Do?" At times, you just have to make a move and go with what you know. If you know and understand how to "Improvise," those scenarios may still be difficult, but a bit less painful because you may find things out about yourself that you never knew. I "Improvise" and I "Improvise" often. Not necessarily because I need to, but mostly because I want to.

You have 6 days until we embark on 2011. Any new skill you can pick up between now and then will ultimately help you be the best you can be in the new year. Thus, if you don't know how, learn to "Improvise." It works, it really does. Need help, ask the kid. I'll show you or find someone near you to show you how its done.

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