Tuesday, October 11, 2011

PSA: It's Okay To Be Alone


I am not sure who came up with this theory: it is better to have someone, not matter who they are  or what they do, than no one at all. This is the most detrimental phenomenon plaguing single female around the world, more exclusively, women in the African American community. For some reason, a myth has been put out in the universe that the biological clocks of women of color stop operating around 30. Thus, there is the unneeded pressure to have a man, any man, a kid or two and a husband or boo thang with whom you plan to marry, whether he plans to marry you or not by that age. The  afore has and continues to cause major issues in the African American community. It's almost as if Black women would rather be with a dog, pimp, bi-sexual, infidel, gansta or thug, then be Alone. But sistahs, I write to destroy whatever fictional rumor/myth is out there and inform you that, "It's Okay To Be Alone."

I know Being Alone isn't very popular. Especially, it seems like every one else around you has seem to find a man. Or the most trifling chicks or earth have more men then a male b-ball team. Or when you work hard to provide for you and your child/ren, if you have them, but, when it comes to love and relationships you can't seem to get a break. All the so-called good men are either taken, gay, dating outside their race or too immature to realize that being in a committed relationship isn't the same as being on death row. But, no matter how bad the market seems, you have an obligation to yourself. You don't have to settle under any circumstance. 

It's not easy, but you have to work to find solace in Being Alone. Trust me, no man, woman or child should be better company for you then you are. You need to take this Alone time to heal, love, appreciate and learn how to support yourself. Too many woman look for a man to complete them. No man should complete you! However, he should compliment you at a bare minimum. Sistahs, you deserve the best that life has to offer. But you have to realize that "It's Okay To Be Alone." Oftentimes, you are missing out on Mr. Right, because you are so stuck running up behind Mr. Right Now. Wake up! If after 10 years, 2 kids and all the promises, he ain't made a move, 9.9 times out of 10 he has no intentions on doing so. He is just waiting on you to leave, so selfishly that fool will feel good about himself because he can say he never left you, but you left him. But you don't need to deal with that, "It's Really Okay To Be Alone." Sometimes in your Alone time you are able to sort out your priorities and realize what it is that you exactly want or what you are/aren't willing to accept in your future love life.

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