Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 244 "Titles"


I was watching the A-Team yesterday. Not that crap bollywood destroyed most recently, but the actual classic television show from the 80's. I heard a line on an episode that really gave me pause for a moment. It stated, "Titles" are the shields that weak men hide behind." Immediately, I was like wow, that is so true.

Now, just in case you don't understand, let me elaborate. "Title" is this instance is like: frat brother, boss, president, supervisor, pastor, captain, sorority sister, manager, choir director, general, CEO, etc. Not the "Title" of a movie or a book. I was amazed when I heard this because so many people get caught up in "Titles." All of us do it actually. I found myself "pulling rank" just recently, and to tell you the truth I was embarrassed and I still am. I know better. People should respect the person and the work you do, not your "Title." If people listen to you because of your "Title" they genuinely don't have respect for you. I think don't think all people with "Titles" are bad, but we all know some people who would be invisible to this earth if it wasn't for the little power they were given because of the position / "Title" they hold. I truly think of "Titles" as I think of clothes. The "Title" doesn't make the man, the man should make the "Title."

Not only do people get caught in the managerial/supervisor type of "Titles" but relationship "Titles" too. People don't take time to enjoy the whole courting process anymore. They meet you on today, and want to wife you on tomorrow. Is that a sign of desperation, or is it the pressure from family or society to have someone, or just be with someone? I think it may be a mixture of both and a touch of people are afraid to be single or alone these days. Thus, they seek acceptance through "Title" seeking. They just want to be included in something. They just want to be loved by someone, even if its just fiction. Can you blame them? Actually, I kind of feel sorry for them. I am amazed at how quickly people move from the dating, getting to know you phase to that's my wo/man phase. But some people crave "Titles" like they crave attention.

I am not a "Title" seeker at all. But, just like most of you, I have abused my "Title", power, and influence once or twice. I am in no way bragging or proud of this, but I am being honest with you and myself, with the hopes that you too will take a moment to recognize your mistakes too. I don't want to be one of those cowards/weak men, who need a "Title" to make them a Real Man. Like I said, the "Title" does not garner you respect. People respect work and experience. You can hold any "Title" in the world, but if you don't have support, you are just a King/Queen with now Kingdom/Queendom.

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