Friday, December 17, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 247 "Emotional Hoarders"


I know no one else has ever said this to you, but most of you are what I call "emotional hoarders." Not sure what that means? "Emotional hoarders" are individuals who hold on to every ounce of hurt, pain, disappointment, unhappiness, or any other negative "emotions" they have ever experienced in their life. Yep, don't look around, I am talking about you. You are an "emotional hoarder." Once you admit it, you will be one step closer to breaking this bad habit.

"Emotional hoarding" has so many negative effects. People who are "emotional hoarders" are almost incapable of building any new and functional relationships or companionships. "Emotional hoarders" live in constant fear that anyone in their present is subject to become just like a negative person from their past. While that may be true, "emotional hoarders" aren't willing to take a chance on building anything with someone new, until they have put them threw a battery of tests. The worst part is that, "emotional hoarders" expect the new comer in their life to fail these tests because they have no faith in this new person's ability to do anything better than what the previous negative person(s) did. "Emotional hoarders" intentionally/unintentionally design these test were no one new can pass them anyway. While "emotional hoarders" often say they want to get rid of their negative past, their inability to trust and let go of what happened to them causes friction between them and any newcomer in their life. So much so, that the new person realizes at some point that they will always be a part of the problem or compared to the person of the past and thus, they ultimately pack up their "emotions" and leave.

"Emotional hoarding" is very problematic. While I understand that each of you/us have been through a tremendous amount of negativity in our lifetime, we cannot truly move on and grow if we cannot let go of our past. Yes, some of our parents, siblings, family members, significant others, and friends have and still are putting us through a lot of hurt and pain, but we cannot punish anyone else for someone else's transgressions. Some people really have your best interest in mind and really want to get to know you or perhaps grow old with you, but because you are so busy "hoarding" all these negative "emotions" from the past, you are going to run them ALL away, one by one.

I encourage you today, to acknowledge the negative "emotions" you have been though or are going through in your life. Next, identify the person or persons that are putting you through or have put you through these. Once you have done those two things, you need to really take a moment and understand that only that person(s), along with yourself, is accountable for what has been or is being done to you. Don't be a victim any longer! Let go and let GOD. You can't change what has happened to you, but you can definitely impact what you won't let happen to you again. That doesn't mean you "hoard" your "emotions" from your previous experiences, this just means you need to be a little more meticulous with your interactions with other people. Take you time with this one. However, don't put them through the ringer or attempt to make them compete for your love. After awhile, just share with them what you have been through and together you two decide if you want to work on something or towards something. Being an "Emotional hoarder" is very discouraging and I don't want any of you to miss out on your soul mate because you were/are too busy trying to hold on ol' boy/ol' girl. Make a choice to move on. Each one of those negative persons in your present or your past will be fine. They just need to go ahead and call Tyrone. Because after today, you are heading in a new direction and the last thing you need is to allow Mr./Ms. Yesterday to destroy what Mr./Mrs. Today can truly bring you. Everything that fool from the past was incapable of giving you, unlimited ---happiness, love, joy, comfort, and peace.

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