Saturday, November 13, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 213 "The Good, The Bad, & The Indifferent"


So in my humble opinion there are three sides to most people, "The Good, The Bad, & The Indifferent." I figure some of you won't agree with this statement, so I am going to attempt to demonstrate to you why I think this is the case.

"The Good"
Most people on earth are raised to treat people fairly. I can't say all parents, but most talk their children about the importance of being nice to others and treating them as you would like to be treated. From childhood, most children are taught to share and play nice with others children. In most households, stealing, lying, and violence are frowned upon. Most of these lessons that you received as a child, helped instill in you some values. These set of values are what shaped "The Good" in you. "The Good" things about people make others like them or enjoy being in their presence. Even the meanest people around you have some "Good" in them somewhere. It just may be a struggle to find it. "The Good" in all of us, in my mind makes us seek love, peace, and happiness. "The Good" in you can make a positive impact on you and all those around you if you let it. "The Good" is my most favorable part of people, because in some ways I see it as CHRIST-like.

"The Bad"
Now "The Bad" is the exact opposite of "The Good." "The Bad" in all of us, makes us rebellious. "The Bad" in us causes us to not want to do "Good" at all. "The Bad" is very problematic because it will always get us in some sort of trouble. Our parents or guardians, worked hard when raising us to keep us from being "Bad." Some of us, naturally, shift to "The Bad" because we enjoy the mayhem and chaos "The Bad" brings with us. Sad to say, but it feels "Good" sometimes to be "Bad." How contradictory is that?! I mean, "The Bad" in all of us, can in some way bring some of the same feelings that the "The Good" does. The only problem is, some of us don't know when or how to put a stop to "The Bad" and we let it control us. Hence, the high rate of violence and crime in our communities. "The Bad" has caused so much damage and is destroying us all. It has taking over some people and it isn't even safe to go outside anymore. "The Bad" has to be stopped or it will lead us all to our graves, before our time. "The Bad" is working hard to destroy "The Good" forever, but it WON'T WIN.

"The Indifferent"
"The Indifferent" in us is that part of us that doesn't really care either way about some things. When we are "Indifferent" we normally don't have a "dog in the fight," so we could really care less about the outcome. "The Indifferent" in us all is okay at times, but at other times it could be problematic. For example, sometimes you need to have an opinion, speak up or make a decision. Being "Indifferent" could cause someone else to be hurt. If someone is talking to you about their situation, and because you can't truly relate you don't actually try to give them the best advice, your being "Indifferent" could cause them to make a decision that could destroy their marriage, life, or family. I am not a fan of "The Indifferent" side of myself or the "Indifferent" side of most people. I think it is imperative that we all be as informed as possible and make decisions on things and speak up and speak out about other things. "The Indifferent" can be pointless. It like not voting; you aren't being counted or considered. It's like you don't have thoughts or an opinion. "The Indifferent" may be okay sometimes, especially when you are attempting to avoid drama, but other times, you need to choose a side. "The Indifferent" renders us all irrelevant if we don't make ourselves relevant.

Some of us operate in one of the three aforementioned sides more often than others. My personal preference is "The Good." But at times, especially in my own private time I enjoy, "The Bad." Don't we all? However, I really don't do "The Indifferent" much at all. Sometimes, I have to, but it is not my personal favorite. I ask today, which one are you mostly? If you don't know, explore within yourself, try to find out. You might just surprise yourself.

~Mr. "Goody" one shoe; I can't find the other one.....

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