Thursday, November 18, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 218 "I"


There is one pronoun that "I" absolutely cannot stand: "I." "I" wish "I" could use something else to refer to myself. Perhaps, "I" will create something soon. "I" just think there is something selfish about people who say "I" too often. "I" this and "I" that annoys the heck out of me. "I" personally don't give two cents and a half, if all you have to talk about is "I." If you are one of those people, in my mind you don't matter much to me. "I" find it most difficult to talk about myself at any time, so "I" am most annoyed by people who say "I" or talk about themselves all the time. Personally, "I" try to avoid these people at all cost.

No one wants to be around anyone who doesn't make them feel like they matter because all that person can muster up the energy to talk about is "I," "I," "I." While "I" know sometimes we aren't readily recognized for our many accomplishments, hard work, or service there is no need to remind us all of what you have done. "I" know "I" don't enjoy the "I" did this, "I" did that statements. Yes, "I" am well aware you did it, but give me or someone else a chance to acknowledge it. "I" want to take a moment to offer a wake up call to you "I" people out there. Your just not that important. Cheerlead in your own competition; pat yourself on your own back; buy yourself your own trophies. Whatever you do, keep your "I" statements to yourself before "I" end up "O"wing "U" a swift kick in your "A."

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