Friday, November 26, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 226 "Tomorrow"


The one thing that became more realistic to me today than every before, is "Tomorrow" is not promised. I don't care what you have been told, nothing you can do will ultimately prepare you for the realization that "Tomorrow" is just an idea, until it actually comes. I think most of us, put off til "Tomorrow" those things we can do today. But that is indeed inappropriate and a bit lazy if you ask me. There is no time like the present, and more importantly, "Tomorrow" is not guaranteed, so it would behoove of you to get it done today.

There are some very promising things that come with "Tomorrow." If you are having the most horrible day, or its seems like it won't ever be over, when "Tomorrow" becomes your today, that lets you know that what was today is now a part of your past. I thank GOD for my "Tomorrow" but I am most appreciative of my today. Also, "Tomorrow," if you are fortunate enough to see it, gives you another opportunity to pursue goals, complete tasks, and bring your dreams to the realization phase. There isn't a thing wrong with "Tomorrow" but it is the distant cousin of today. What you do at this very moment will determine if your "Tomorrow" even exists.


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