Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Shock Value: Entry 230 "Flaws"


Usually, every now and again, I try to self-reflect. Today, I want to talk to you all about "Flaws." "Flaws" are those things that help define us as imperfect people. "Flaws" remind us that we are indeed human and no matter how much we aim for perfection there will ultimately be some things we will be incapable of doing. I think all of us should be more honest with ourselves regarding our "Flaws," and not just the ones on the outside that everyone can see. I mean those "Flaws" that you internalize and don't share with anyone in this world. The more we recognize those imperfections about ourselves, the better son, daughter, sibling, friend, and lover we will be.

I have never wanted to be perfect, because I knew that no matter what I do, unfortunately it would never be perfect. Ultimately, there will always be "Flaws" present. There will always be "Flaws" in my personality, "Flaws" in my character, "Flaws" in my judgement, and "Flaws" in my leadership style. I know no one is perfect, but I do aim to be as close as possible to perfection. One of the things that has aided me with this pursuit is my ability to readily identify and accept my "Flaws." I have realized also, that what I see as "Flaws" other people don't see them as such at all. So, I don't always identify things immediately as "Flaws" anymore.

"Flaws" are as natural as child birth. Embrace them as you do your gifts and youthful looks. As long as you know what your "Flaws" are there is no chance that others should make you feel bad for not being what they thought you should be or for not being perfect. Honestly, I have learned to love my "Flaws." I mean why not love them, ain't like you can just get rid of them over night. Our "Flaws" are a part of who we are, they help define us, and make us beautiful, yet uniquely "Flawed" individuals.

~"Flawed" from birth...

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